VeeLow (@veelow)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @veelow


    Yes, I did. (Sorry for this long delay.)

    They don’t solve the case where I am notified of my own activity, when I reply to a replier to my initial topic.

    They still fire: a new nunber 1 appears in the bubble.

    But your code does erase the text–I get a blank space where the content would appear, and if I click through the text is also invisible–in my list of notifications they appear as blank entries…



    This doesn’t help me, sadly….

    Kineta, would you have any insight into my different but related problem?

    Here’s what I want to stop happening: when I’ve created a threaded topic, and go in among the various discussants to reply to their replies to me topic, I get notifications of my replies to their replies–I get notifications of my OWN activity.



    I have all kinds of issues with notifications in a threaded forum context. I post a topic; six people reply; I reply to three of them. At the end of that process, I am promptly told have “3 new replies.” (Unnamed).

    There are other bugs as well.

    FWIW, I’ve had these issues for close to a year, during which I worked with different themes using the BP/bbp combo; it’s definitely not the newest update.



    Keep up the good fight! I’m the guy who led @robkk to start the ticket six months ago….


    “If someone replies to a post inside a threaded topic and that post was made by the person who created the original topic, then they will get TWO notifications. One will say it’s from the name of the person who replied (good so far) and the second will say it’s from the name of the person getting the notification (and/or OP author).”

    My problem is even more basic: when I post threaded topics, and get a bunch of replies, if I then jump in and reply inside, say, 3 times to 3 different people, notifications tells me I have “3 new replies.”

    Which I do, in a way–but my short-term memory’s not THAT bad 🙂



    Wow….it’s worse than I thought!

    I am using this setup to teach a college class. Notifications are important to me because they let students know that the forums, which I use for discussion, are alive, that they’re out there responding to each other–which encourages activity. But it’s turning out that this unreliability is just causing frustration.

    Is there any way I could turn off all FORUM-RELATED notifications?



    And if you have reply threading enabled, you will be notified of any replies threading to your reply.

    thanks! Since you’re testing, I do have threading enabled: so maybe, my reply (to somebody else’s reply to my posted topic) is being treated just as a “normal” reply?



    Rob–Re. the image you post, that’s not quite right.

    I’m actually getting the incorrect notification elsewhere: in my theme (2014) it appears at far right of the menu bar on the home page, in the colored bubble. Not necessary to click through to the user profile page.

    I can’t replicate it right now, though. If I knew what default behavior was supposed to be, I could probably figure out what’s causing it…



    [deleted duplicate info] Whoops! Henry beat me to it….



    OK, so we both have the same understanding–good.

    But they sent me over here…so now I gotta go back over there!

    Thanks @robkk



    I’m not using any plugins of that sort.

    Subscriptions might be the issue: I have subscribed to FORUMS, but not to any individual topics.

    Does a forum subscription automatically subscribe one to each topic within that forum? Or do the two features interact in some other way?

    Also, am I using terms the wrong way? I had believed that
    “notifications”=buddypress=mouseover-able numbers in balloons



    I’m in the same boat as ChecMark: starter-theme appears to do literally nothing to my bbpress forum.

    I note that instructions upthread are ambiguous: one guys says you need to put it into root of theme, not child theme; another guy says put it in child theme. I tried it in both, using twenty fourteen and a child; I also tried it in a basic twenty-thirteen. Nothing. I can see the folder, and move it around with File Manager, but no matter where I put it, it seems completely without effect!

    I’m a rank beginner, obviously. What could be wrong?

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