Forum Replies Created
In reply to: 1970 issue
db table bb_topics -> row topic_time is datetime and picks time from server ? check if server time is correct .. maybe
did you add the topic manually?
In reply to: Permalink broken when in admin mode!for rss ? ok..
the remove_filter “plugin” works
Thank you very much
In reply to: Permalink broken when in admin mode!No, not the replies .. only topic/number .. same as you ..
In reply to: Create a blank pageaha .. thank you wery much!
In reply to: Permalink broken when in admin mode!yes .. i have the same .. replies=number .. but only multiviews in my htaccess. Why the replies in the url ?
In reply to: bbSyncit was a test plugin .. i tried to understand the db relationships, and i did .. now i know now how to update a post tag .. so there is nothing usable?
In reply to: Plugin: Enhanced RegistrationApplause
In reply to: bbSyncive just updated the file .. my tag array seems dissapear ?
Edit: fixed..
In reply to: bbSyncShould i continue working on this wp plugin ? or is it just crap/unnecessary ?
In reply to: bbSyncfel.. cant get any results .. i know the sql string works ( tried in phpmyadmin)
global $wpdb;
if ($taglist = $wpdb->get_results($chk_sql))
Edit: nevermind.. was a is_numeric that break the function somehow
In reply to: bbSyncWhat db stuff exists? $bbdb->get_col($sql) .. get_row ? get_array ?
In reply to: Plugin: Enhanced Registrationok .. activated manually with the code .. worked, act_code is gone.
Keep up the good work
In reply to: bbSyncthat was just a test if i understand the relationships between the tables. I can probably write a own plugin that updataes the tags bb_tags etc. but thats not a good solution
In reply to: Plugin: Enhanced RegistrationGreat! .. im gonna try it right now
Update 1: No mail yet. Dont know if i have set that up correct. Can see this in phpmyadmin, in wp_users..
ID : 2
user_login : xxxxxxx
user_pass : 63db6f94498b383aa4eebb38b9d41505
user_nicename :
user_email :
user_url :
user_registered : 2007-11-26 08:21:45
user_activation_key :
user_status : 0
display_name :
user_activation_key shouldnt be empty ?
Update 2: in wp_usermeta..
umeta_id : 12
user_id : 2
meta_key : act_code
meta_value : 12345678 (eight numbers & letters value)
dammit! this is a winxp test server with wamp.. dont think mail() works here
In reply to: bbSyncYess .. i did it..
Wrote some lines that gets a posts TAGS .. how do i proceed ?
// Fetch a WP posts tags by Kent
$db_type = 'mysql';
$db_host = 'localhost';
$db_name = 'xxxxx';
$db_user = 'xxxxx';
$db_pass = 'xxxxx';
// Just picked one, for testing.
$post_id = "6";
@mysql_connect($db_host,$db_user,$db_pass) or die ("Couldnt connect to database!");
@mysql_select_db($db_name) or die ("Couldnt select the requested MySQL table!");
$fetch_post_tags = mysql_query("
wp_posts.ID AS POID,
wp_term_relationships.object_id AS RELID,
wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id AS TAXID,
wp_term_taxonomy.taxonomy AS TAXONO,
wp_term_taxonomy.term_id AS TAX_TERID,
wp_terms.term_id AS TERID, AS HOT_TAG_NAME
(wp_posts.ID = wp_term_relationships.object_id AND wp_posts.ID = '$post_id')
(wp_term_taxonomy.taxonomy = 'post_tag' AND wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = wp_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id)
(wp_term_taxonomy.term_id = wp_terms.term_id)
") or die ("Cant fetch data!");
if (mysql_num_rows($fetch_post_tags) > 0)
$rowid = 1;
echo "<table border="1">";
echo "<caption>WP posts tags</caption>";
echo "<tr style="background-color: #DDEAD5;">";
echo "<th scope="col">Post ID</th><th scope="col">Tag</th></tr>";
while ($blog = mysql_fetch_array($fetch_post_tags))
if ($rowid == 1)
echo "<tr><th scope="row">" . $blog['POID'] . "</th>";
echo "<tr><th scope="row"> </th>";
echo "<td>" . $blog['HOT_TAG_NAME'] . "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "Found nothing!";
?>Please dont kill me.. im no pro coder..
In reply to: bbSyncobject_id in wp_terms_relationship is that ex. the post id ?
In reply to: bbSyncfel: ok.. to bad .. im trying figure out the relationships in the DB , seems complex. Why isnt there a wp_tags table?
Will you implement it? or should i try do some coding myself?
In reply to: bbSyncIf i submit a post in wp with tags .. the tags are missing in bbpress. They dont get synced?
In reply to: bbSynchmm ok
think ill wait and get back to that page later then..
In reply to: bbSynchmm.. posts gets n´s all over them…
projects. Please check back later for for more news regarding this.
nCode test
n n< ?php n// Testing.. n if (function()) n { etc...[code='php']
n< ?php
n// Testing..
if (function())
etc…In reply to: How to Write BBPress Plugins.omg sry ..
add_profile_tab(__(‘Name’), ‘edit_profile’, ‘moderate’, ‘this-file-was-missing.php’);
So many ppl in this forum .. i can’t breathe
In reply to: Is there an Approve Registration plugin?is somebody working on this plugin ?
In reply to: How to Write BBPress i doing it right?
function ed08_tab_add()
add_profile_tab(__('ED 08'), 'ed08', 'moderate', 'ed08-template.php');
add_action('bb_profile_menu', 'ed08_tab_add');In reply to: How to Write BBPress Plugins.cant get new profile tab/page link to work..
In reply to: How to Write BBPress Plugins.What does these?
add_profile_tab(__('Name on tab'), 'whats this?', 'And this?', 'file.php');
if i call it once in my plugin it will remain until i deactivate it ?
Add settings?
bb_update_option('my_options', $options);
Delete settings?
Show notice on admin page?
bb_admin_notice(__('Settings Saved'));