Uncle Jimmy (@uncle-jimmy)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Say hi to Robkk



    I gets all the love haha

    lol! And worthy you are too! Congrats Mr.! You’re a RockStar in my book too! Everyone here is!

    I LOVE that Tag!



    Whaaahooo! ;)~

    Thanks @robkk..for the question!..and Thanks @themeton for the answer!



    There is a bug right now that is being looked over.

    This is what I’m get’n..


    lol!..Clear to see what’s wrong with that picture..

    ..Curious to know what the bug is/was..could happen to any of our sites too I suppose.

    I’ve seen this kind of thing before on Mintees.com Profiles, click a User website link and get this same sort of thing, inconsistant though, I think it’s user error in that case.

    This is something different.

    In reply to: CSS..?




    Here’s how it’s looking so far; http://christianitees.infinigrafix.com/forum/

    I still haven’t figured out how to place the post count into an icon font. I did it with css for now. Know any good tutorials for that?

    Sorry about that last Reply, the option to Edit it again wasn’t available.. ? I would like to clean it up, I didn’t realize certain tags wouldn’t work.

    In reply to: CSS..?




    First off, thank you! for pointing me to files Rob, that’s always my first battle. And thanks for giving me the clues to the solutions.

    I got notified right when you replied, on Sunday no less! And was SO excited! Thanks for responding on your personal time.

    Now I’m just trying to sort out your recommendations..lol! Seeing what files to work on helps me focus my learning curve.

    The avatar on the left (in the Edited View of above image) is going to hook back to the authors Buddypress Profile. Seeing that the file is structured in an unordered list helps me understand what’s happening with the php a little better.

    I have too much to learn! lol!, I wish there was a forum where services could be traded. :o)

    Here is how I sorted it out;

    This article provided a snippet example that showed me the correct statement to put into a <li></li> right above the top li in loop-single-topic.php, I only had to add the class="bbp-topic-author-link" to the li, and then tell it to float-left/padding-0,10 in the child-theme/bbPress/css and voila! Wooohoooooo!!! Sorry, I get excited when things go right! lol!

    I commented out the Forum Titles – Voices/Freshness in loop-topics.php like this

    <!-- 			<li class="bbp-topic-voice-count"><?php _e( 'Voices', 'bbpress' ); ?></li>
    			<li class="bbp-topic-reply-count"><?php bbp_show_lead_topic() ? _e( 'Replies', 'bbpress' ) : _e( 'Posts', 'bbpress' ); ?></li>

    ..and then move the reply count over & under Freshness, (again, with css)

    I’ll be back, I like to keep a record in my Topics here, cause I know!, I’ll forget! lol!

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