Type Historian (@type-historian)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @type-historian


    I updated to WP 5.1.1 and did Robin’s permalinks trick. Now it works—yippee!!!



    Thanks for your response. Sorry, your idea didn’t work—now only the header and top navigation bar display when clicking a topic in the main menu. Can someone help?

    Maybe I should revert to an earlier WP version?



    Thanks for the tip–I’ll give it a try and report back for those who have the same problem. I sure hope my backup plugin is not the problem!

    Thanks again, Anna

    P.S. The server error log is not helpful…

    In reply to: Widget Questions



    I *need* a plug-in for my bbPress-driven forums site that lists/links topics with the most recent replies [Hottest Topics]. For this purpose, I have tried both the “Recent Replies” widget and the “Recent Topics” widget configured to display/link “Topics with Recent Replies” selected from the drop-down menu.

    First I tried the Recent Replies widget. It worked perfectly for several months, successfully weathering upgrades of both WordPress and bbPress to the latest versions. Suddenly [outta Nowhere!], it broke the visitor experience: Content of the main navigation sidebar following the first “hot topic” disappeared, and a second [variable] sidebar disappeared completely.

    Even worse, admin access to replies went nuts [more below]. When I disabled the “Recent Replies” plug-in, the problem disappeared instantly.

    Next I tried some “third-party” plug-ins that either didn’t work or required coding beyond my experience.

    Then I tried the Recent Topics widget configured to list only “topics with recent replies.” This solution worked [with reservations, more below] for several weeks until July 1. Just as suddenly, this choice created some of the same problems experienced with the “Recent Replies” widget.

    So I’m trying the Recent Replies widget again.

    When I use it now, the visitor front-end works as it should.
    However, admin access to replies has the same problems as before:

    The dashboard link to this function is

    When I click it, this is what I see:

    Note that the “Filter” button has disappeared. By selecting June 2014 and clicking the “Apply” button instead, I can view all replies PUBLISHED last month.

    What I CANNOT view:

    ALL replies regardless of publication date or status
    Complete lists of replies published in months before June 2014
    Private replies including my own input in progress

    In terms prioritizing visitor experience vs admin control, it seems safer to use the Recent Topics widget configured to list “Topics With Recent Replies” selected from the drop-down menu. My complaint with this option is that it lists/links to brand-new topics with NO responses.

    Is there a way to tweak either the Recent Replies or Recent Topics With Replies plug-ins to do the job?

    Many thanks for your help, Anna

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