deadlyhifi (@tomdebruin)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @tomdebruin


    Of course. Thank you.



    the bbPress community in a bit of a transition period while it gets rereleased as a WordPress plugin.

    But, yes you can put advertising on your site using OpenX – it would require editing your forum’s theme files by placing the code generated in OpenX in the spots you want them to appear.

    Any web developer/designer should be able to do quite easily.



    the bbPress community in a bit of a transition period while it gets rereleased as a WordPress plugin.

    But, yes you can put advertising on your site using OpenX – it would require editing your forum’s theme files by placing the code generated in OpenX in the spots you want them to appear.

    Any web developer/designer should be able to do quite easily.



    Has your .htaccess file updated when you updated your permalink settings?



    Has your .htaccess file updated when you updated your permalink settings?



    I’m running v1 so not sure if this works in 0.9 – but you follow the same pattern as WordPress.

    In your forum theme’s functions file deregister then register your new scrip.


    wp_register_script('jquery', '', false, '1.4.2', true);

    See for more details



    I’m running v1 so not sure if this works in 0.9 – but you follow the same pattern as WordPress.

    In your forum theme’s functions file deregister then register your new scrip.


    wp_register_script('jquery', '', false, '1.4.2', true);

    See for more details



    The plugin is Add bbPress Default Role. It’s three lines of code so you may be better just writing it into your functions.php file.



    This is entirely possible. You’ll need to do the integration thing to get the common cookies for login, etc. There are plenty of posts on how to do that so do a search and a read and have an experiment with that.

    You’ll need to consider that both WP and bbP have a registration screen and user account page. As you want to allow blog creation I presume you’ll want to let WP handle the registrations, but you’ll need an element of the bbP user screen for forum activity history.

    If you have registration though WP you’ll need to make sure that bb_capabilities is set in the wp_usermeta table when they register. There is a plugin for that.

    Facebook connect will be a WP plugin so affects the WP signup process, as long as the bb_capabilities, as mentioned above, are set it doesn’t matter how their account was created – standard WP registration or otherwise.

    I hope that makes sense. Start by getting the integration working, then remove the bbP signup page. Provide links to the user’s forum history/favourites page, and make sure bb_capabilities is set when registering through WP.

    Good luck.

    In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born



    Can we focus on the positives:

    bbPress was laying there dormant – it now has a future. This future isn’t going to suit everyone but that’s life.

    I’m not at all surprised bbPress will become dependant on WordPress. People have wanted an easy to integrate solution for a long time. The majority of support posts on this forum tend to be about integration (if they’re not CSS based!). bbPress as a plugin will satisfy those needs.

    Yes, there will be certain users that get burned, but there are ways around it.

    People are falling into 3 groups:

    1. Need a forum that works with WordPress
    2. Need a standalone forum, but some WordPress integration is ideal (sign in/users)
    3. Needs a standalone forum.

    1. Satisfied customers
    2. Satisfied customers – this will be easier than it’s ever been. I know, I’ve spent hours and hours theming bbP, making sure cookies work, and all the other hoops I’ve had to jump through.
    3. Either run WP and don’t use it (just let it sit there, but really, how many sites don’t have some kind of blog associated with them?), and if it’s really not ideal or you’re completely against it there are plenty of standalone forum softwares out there.

    At least we know what is happening and people can make informed decisions about which way to go with their site.

    The decision has been made so accept it and use all this energy and knowledge to contribute to the project and make a great product.

    _ck_, you know I always appreciate your efforts towards plugins and your extensive knowledge on bbPress, so why not use it to participate and keep the new bbP plugin streamlined – as much as it can be considering your comments on WP3.0 performance.

    In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born



    Thanks Pete, that puts me at ease. Good luck with the project. Shout if you need anything.

    In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born



    At the end of the day, however many versions of bbPress are around, I want/need something that works and has an active community behind it. I have a bbPress forum running on 1.0.1 with 1.5 million+ posts. The lack of communication has been a concern for some time. I sent an email off to Matt asking for some clarification a while ago and heard nothing … but I’m glad to see something is happening.

    How this will affect me and all that data I have accumulated remains to be seen. I wish there would be an announcement to put me at ease or at least give me an idea of the tasks ahead.

    @kjg – I’ll be at the Manchester WordCamp at the weekend, it would be good to meet up, put a face to name and all that.


    Participant has an updated Approve User Registration plugin that works for v1.0

    In reply to: BuddyBar in bbPress



    There’s a plugin to get the buddybar into bbP –

    I updated it to work with buddypress 1.2

    It requires deep integration.



    I was having this problem on my forum so I took out the display name feature.


    And delete 'display_name' => array(1, __('Display name as')),

    In reply to: username function



    oh yeah. Doh! Cheers, Ben L.



    Glad I could help out.

    Be aware that this is ‘core hack’. If/when an upgrade comes out that will be overwritten.



    Try putting quotes around your address.

    i.e. sprintf($message, $user->user_login, $pass, "")



    Have you looked at bb-includes/


    function bb_send_pass( $user, $pass ) {
    if ( !$user = bb_get_user( $user ) )
    return false;

    $message = __("Your username is: %1$s nYour password is: %2$s nYou can now log in: %3$s nnEnjoy!");

    return bb_mail(
    bb_get_user_email( $user->ID ),
    bb_get_option('name') . ': ' . __('Password'),
    sprintf($message, $user->user_login, $pass, bb_get_uri(null, null, BB_URI_CONTEXT_TEXT))

    have you tried changing the bb_get_uri(null, null, BB_URI_CONTEXT_TEXT) to your web address?

    In reply to: username function



    Have a look at bb-includes/ you’ll see the functions function get_post_author( $post_id = 0 ) and function post_author_link( $post_id = 0 ).

    You’ll need to recreate those in a plugin or in your functions file to use $user->user_login instead of $user->display_name.

    Have a look at profile.php in your theme to see how it is generated there. But remember that on post.php you’ll have to pass in the ID of the post to get the username otherwise you’ll be fetching details on the logged in user rather post author.

    I hope that helps, good luck.

    An easier way would be to take away the ability to allow change of display name. Then it will default to username anyway. Have a look at topic/help-with-basic-command-to-add-new-profile-fields if that’s the avenue you want to take. If you do, don’t forget to set everyones ‘nicename’ back to what their username is.



    Usernames can have a space in them because there is also a user_nicename set. This is all lowercase and any spaces are replaced with underscores. If you look at the link to your member page here you’ll see it ending in ‘james-blacker’.

    I presume you’re wanting a link to the profile page when you click on a username.

    To do that you need to something along the lines of

    <a href="<?php user_profile_link(get_post_author_id()); ?>"><?php post_author(); ?></a>



    Presumably if I changed (or removed) the spelling of the codes in the names (not that I will), it would break and any info people had put in previously would be lost.

    Only if you changed the name of the value. i.e.

    'first_name' => array(0, __('What do they call you?')),

    should be fine, as long as the first_name stays intact.

    And I’ve increased the number parameter at the end of your add_action(‘extra_profile_info’, ‘add_descriptions’,15); – even I could work out that was important.

    That number is the priority that the function should get in relation to everything else that’s loading on the page. Read about that here:

    My code, btw, was at point got from this forum somewhere, so I can’t take credit for it. But it shows that anything in the file is easily replaced or manipulated.



    What you are saying, basically, is instead of using the built in profile form use mine. So you need to replicate it then add anything, or take out anything you want.

    I’ve done that on my site so people can put in a visible email field for others to contact them, and added an explanation for the signup page.

    function extra_profile_keys() {
    return apply_filters(
    'extra_profile_keys', array(
    'first_name' => array(0, __('First name')),
    'last_name' => array(0, __('Last name')),
    'display_name' => array(1, __('Display name as')),
    'user_email' => array(1, __('Email'), 'email'),
    'user_url' => array(0, __('Website'), 'url'),
    'from' => array(0, __('Location')),
    'occ' => array(0, __('Occupation'), 'role'),
    'interest' => array(0, __('Interests')),
    'visible_email' => array(0, __('Visible Email')),
    ) );

    function add_descriptions() {
    echo '<fieldset><legend>'.__("Visible Email").'</legend>';
    echo '<p>'.__("<span style="font-size: 1.2em;">Visible Email allows you to place an email address so others can contact you. This is visible to ALL!</span><br/>e.g. <span style="font-weight: bold;">meATexampleDOTcom</span>").'</p>';
    echo '</fieldset>';

    // hooks
    add_filter('get_profile_info_keys', 'extra_profile_keys');
    add_action('extra_profile_info', 'add_descriptions',10);

    What I haven’t figured out is how to create checkboxes and other form elements instead of just fields.

    In reply to: Documentation Team



    I volunteered for the documentation team. The problem has been that I’ve been really busy so haven’t had much chance to devote time to it. One thing I did do was document all the template tags (, and there have been some changes to some of the other documentation pages by others.

    There hasn’t been any talk among the documentation teams as far as I am aware, and there haven’t been any announcements of IRC meetups. So, I’m not really sure what is happening at the moment.



    Thanks, I will have a look into it. I’m going to be using buddypress soon and therefore registration will be handled via wordpress so don’t want to spend too much time banging my head against a wall.

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