tbronson (@tbronson)

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  • @tbronson



    I’m trying to manually reactivate plugins that I deactivated, because I can’t reach the backend via browser, login and click Admin and it just takes me back to the public home page.

    Can’t find in database. Is there a config file where plugins are set?




    Avatar Upload does upload, I installed it a couple of days later, but it didn’t work right off (can’t remember what was going on) and I haven’t had time to sort that out. So that’s where this is stalled for now…!



    So I guess that’s how it works for the moment, unless one were to carry out some complicated core changes to bbPress?



    Cool. Despite its name, I thought I’d read that Avatar Upload didn’t actually, uh, upload. But that makes sense. I’ll check it out and post back! Thanks!!

    In reply to: file attachments….



    You Guys can have such a limited sense of humor… :)

    Sorry, I started a new topic for this, which I should’ve done from the beginning…

    (fel64: I simply want to allow forum users to have the option of uploading images and then displaying those images in a post.)

    In reply to: file attachments….



    Thanks for ImageShack, that looks quick. I don’t need the whole file attachment bit (I realize I’m a little off-topic for this thread, but it’s kinda close).

    The red flags make sense if you’re developing software… :)

    I also found this “Asynchronous image file upload without AJAX” PHP script that looks like it might work for, um, what I want right away. I’ll give it a try and see what happens…

    Thanks again!



    I’m using K2 for bbPress. I’ve moved things around a bit, but I don’t think I deleted anything.

    I just tried with Kakumei and it’s the same behavior.

    I also tried it with different posts in different forums, and multiple stuck posts. It’s consistent: stick to front and the topic remains counted in the counts column, but does not display in the individual forum topic list.

    In reply to: file attachments….



    > A major problem right now is lack of per-post metadata. Even if that were present, this would not be a trivial task.

    I think I get it. There’s not enough stuff in the core to associate an upload with a post, especially if it were to be moved around, deleted, whatever…? Something like that? Anyhow, the core would have to be modified to do this?

    Hmmm… How about a simple PHP file uploader script, running completely outside, with the upload form presented along with post form? Then, if the uploaded image URL could be displayed, it could be copied and pasted into the post, or into the input box from the Allow Images plugin. Sounds a bit convoluted, but if you really want to let people upload images, would that work? At least, for now…?

    In reply to: file attachments….



    Yes, I need an image uploader/file attachment thingie as well.

    It’s the usual: I’d write one…if I could.

    Is there something inherent in the current (0.8.3) bbPress set-up (plugin API, or whatever) that makes creating an uploader particularly difficult? It seems to me that anyone with Some Skills could whip one up in…minutes?!




    Thanks, chrishajer, this…

    <?php tag_heat_map( 8, 16, ‘pt’, 100); ?>

    …worked, putting the parameters in the template tag, although I don’t know why, ’cause the default values seemed to be changed in the function in template-functions.php. But, I don’t care why, either, since it works!



    Me, too, deactivating the “Use Display Name” plugin fixes it. But I don’t want to display the username, so for now I’m sticking to logging in as Superadmin when I want to manage tags and whatever else.



    It seems to be a user thing. I’d been posting from a user that’d been established in WordPress. I updated it to Key Master in bbPress, so it should have all powers. But I found that, apart from tags, I couldn’t delete a post either, same no permission message (same as noted by Jolaedana above). So I logged out and logged in as Superadmin, the default account from bbPress installation, and voila, I can do everything, add tags, delete posts.

    That doesn’t solve the problem. I haven’t tested to see what happens with other users, both already registered from WP and registered through bbPress. But it’s a workaround for me, and a…clue. :)



    Oh, also, I can’t delete the one tag that it allows me to post. I click the X, the red fading delete highlight comes up, but the tag doesn’t go away and still works.



    Just confirming. I just created a new post, saved it with no tags, then added one tag, which worked, after which, I couldn’t add a second… Haven’t looked into it further, or tried the fresh install, yet…



    Thanks for the help. Both problems are solved!

    1) To remove the user title display, I added the display:none property to the style.css file.

    2) To change the Key Master title, I added custom title. Since mine is likely the only Key Master account, that’s good enough for now.

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