sneakym (@sneakym)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: bbSync



    Hey fel, I dont know how to use this php file. I put it in my-plugins, now what?

    In reply to: bbSync



    fel! Sucess! That got it to work! The only problem now is that the Reply link is not pointing correctly to the topic, it is pointing to the post’s permalink…

    Oh well, I will wait for bbsync to do the rest!

    In reply to: bbSync



    I am blind thats why I called you the master. I will fix it as soon as I can! Now go study!

    In reply to: header



    I feel like I am the only person that cant get this right….Can you tell me how you did it driz?

    In reply to: bbSync



    Sorry fel but that piece of code isnt in there. This is what it looks like


    function felblogtotopicid( $felpostID ) {

    global $table_prefix, $wpdb;

    $posts_table = $table_prefix . “bbpress_post_posts”;

    $topic_id = $wpdb->get_var(“SELECT topic_id FROM $posts_table WHERE post_id = $felpostID LIMIT 1;”);

    return $topic_id;


    global $post, $wpdb;

    if( $forumtopic = felblogtotopicid( $post->ID ) ) {

    $bbprefix = get_option( ‘wpbb_bbprefix’ );

    $replies = $wpdb->get_results( ‘

    SELECT poster_id, post_text, post_time

    FROM ‘ . $bbprefix . ‘posts

    WHERE topic_id = ‘ . $forumtopic


    I think it has something to do with ‘$table_prefix, $wpdb;’ and ‘$posts_table = $table_prefix . “bbpress_post_posts”;’. My table prefix is not wpdb (where wpdb = database name) it is just wp. Plus that ‘.’ in there is throwing it off as well as the error reads:

    [Table ‘databasename.posts’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT poster_id, post_text, post_time FROM posts WHERE topic_id = 6

    “.posts” That ‘.’ is getting into the code and appending itself to the db name…

    I think…

    You are the master though….



    This happened to me as well during one of my many installs of BBpress. Make sure that you installed it from the correct directory from the start. For instance, mine was sitename/wp/bb and I installed it from sitename/bb. It worked, but it looked like that. Also, if you selected true in the permalinks section in your config, make sure you have the htaccess file in there. That should remedy the redirect problem…

    Hope this helps….

    In reply to: bbSync



    hey fel! Thanks for the reply! I was actually trying this hack now. I am very close but I am getting an error whereby it is looking for my posts in “dbname.posts”. That database doesnt exist, the database is simply wp_posts, not databasename.posts.

    Here is the error:

    [Table ‘databasename.posts’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT poster_id, post_text, post_time FROM posts WHERE topic_id = 6

    I took out the database name out but i am sure you get the point!

    In reply to: bbSync



    Hey fel just wanted to give you an update that may or may not help you. BBpress-Post works 1oo% fine for me. All of my wp posts go right into BB and when I click on “leave a comment/discuss in fourm” I go straight to the topic in BB. All I would need is for those comments to come back into wp so that you can view them without going into BB and for the avatars to be supported/viewable in wp which is what bbsync does and it is killing me that I cant get it to work!!!!

    Anyway, I thought this might help because it seems their code/config (use of three php files?) works fine on my end…thought you might able to adapt something in your next version based on this…

    thanks again fel!!!!

    In reply to: bbSync



    ^Thanks fel!



    Open up your wp-config.php in a text reader/php reader and make sure that all of the DB info in there is mirrored in your config.php.

    In reply to: bbSync



    Im beginning to believe that there is something inherrently wrong somewhere else that is preventing me from getting anything to work really….

    Ive tried numerous methods at trying to get bbsync and the header/footer integration to work and nothing works for me. All I get is a blank page with both bbsync and header/footer integration….

    I’m not a php wiz by any stretch of the imagination but I am good at following directions and I am picking up PHP as I go along, but nothing is working for me.

    Im at a loss…

    UPDATE: Thinking that the problem with bbsync may have been an incompatibility with another WP plugin, I deactivated all WP plugins except for bbsync, still, nothing…blank page on save/publish post.



    Funny, I never had the ‘;’. I went in and put that in, still no luck…blank page….

    This is getting increasingly frustrating. Nothing seeme to work on my end. I cant integrate these headers and I cant get fel’s bbsync to work…



    Yes I did all of that, but, that one require line breaks my entire forum and brings it to a white screen….I am positive that I am using the correct absolute path as well…

    just to make sure, the abs path should end with wp-blog-header.php correct?

    For instance, mine looks like this

    ‘<?php require_once(‘/var/www/vhosts/’) ?>’

    BAH for some reason this text is getting cut off when i post it! Altered for the point below.

    ‘<?php require_once(‘/var/www/vhosts/

    httpdocs/wp/wp-blog-header.php’) ?>’



    Thanks for the reply but I have followed those instructions to a T numerous times and nothing works, including downloading that template. This code

    <?php require_once(‘/absolute/path/to/WordPress Parent Directory/wp-blog-header.php’) ?>

    Breaks the forums completely. I only get a white page when going to the URL….

    In reply to: bbSync



    Man, I got all excited and did what you did starrett, didnt work for me…..same blank page upon save/publish post…



    Update: Adding this – <?php require_once(‘/absolute/path/to/WordPress Parent Directory/wp-blog-header.php’) ?> gives me the blank page when going back to my forum

    adding this – require_once( ‘/path/to/wordpress/config/file/wp-config.php’); puts this line of text on top of my forum and does nothing….

    I put both lines in the correct place in config.php with the correct absolute path and neither works…any thoughts?

    In reply to: bbSync



    Hey fel, finally got around to installing the verbose bbsync. This is what I get:

    “got opshuns”

    Thats it….Any ideas?

    Also, it still doesnt work for me. Nothing gets posted to BB. I am integrated, if I am live in WP I am live in BB by signing into wp and visa versa.



    Where is the plugin download or php file?

    In reply to: bbSync



    I did a thorough look through and I didnt find anything that matched what you referred to…Has anyone else had this problem/got bbsync working? I am sure that others can help out in this situation as well…

    I dont want to give up on this because this plugin honestly looks like a Godsend.

    In reply to: bbSync



    Sorry, I dont know where to find this “error message” where can I find that?

    In reply to: bbSync



    “it just needs the user tables to be integrated” – by this, do you mean this -> ?

    In reply to: bbSync



    Hey Fel, quick question, can you explain “WordPress and bbPress must be integrated.” To my knowledge my installs are integrated as I was able to get bbpress-post working. Is there another step that your plugin requires? Can you give me a step by step run down of what I should do in order to integrate WP and BB as you have?

    In reply to: bbSync



    Fix for the check boxes worked. I can see the options now in the post.

    with regards to the backing up of databases/error logs, it isnt that serious. The posts still post to WP and all, but, there is no post confirmation page, the page just goes blank. It seems like there is an interruption between the post being published and confirmed that is caused by bbsync. The interruption is probably somewhere in the code where the post is picked up by bbsync and sent to bb.

    WP 2.1.2 and 1.o BB.

    Thanks again!

    In reply to: bbSync



    Is there any documenatiom or a small readme for this plug? It seems like the answer to all my dreams but it isnt working for me. I get a white screen after i post, post saves to wp but there is no activity in bb. wp and bb are integrated and as a reference, bbpost worked fine when it was in use (which i deactivated and deleted from my server for bbsync).

    All of my options are correct, absolute path, etc…

    Also, the per post radio button wont stay checked. After I click submit, it unchecks itself.

    Thanks for your work on this fel64! If this what you are using on your site it looks amazing!

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