Robkk (@robkk)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @robkk


    I think this feature is in the premium plugin GD bbPress Toolbox. It shows some icon before the topic title that you participated in.

    Unread post plugins could also be a good alternative too.




    Spaces in front of the @mention? Are you sure you are entering the right username of the user?




    What forum groups plugin are you using?

    If you are not using BuddyPress groups like @casiepa thought, go to the plugin your using, plugin support forum.

    In reply to: Securing bbPress



    Yes, but I think to an extent. If you have the forums as private and not public. And you may need to noindex the posts as well since you aaid your posts are in public search results.

    In reply to: BBPress slowness save



    I think there is a plan to turn Forums/Categories to taxonomies which I think would help with this.

    Around how many forums/categories do you have so I can keep track this and possibly suggest a recommended limit for users?



    I think group moderators are not the same as bbPress forum moderators that you can choose to get notifications in the bbPress notify plugin.



    Here I just added a bbpress-functions.php file to a twentysixteen child theme. I edited out the conditional causing the issues with groups. You can test this on my test site as well.

    You would have to remove the file later if the trac tickets patch I linked to is committed and you are using version 2.6 of bbPress, so that you can have the file enqueued on the pages where it is needed.

    I think this will do it for you.

    After you are done testing I will start nuking my test site.



    Alright I was asking if there could be sending bbPress subscriptions issues and hopefully I could help with that, but only if you already set up sending mail on localhost.

    There isn’t much I can help on sending emails through WAMP as the last time I tried a few years back it was a pain to do so and fix some issues I was facing. See if this can help you though.



    Ok. I found the problem: Buddypress.

    The functionality of reply.js works for bbpress, but does not work if the topic is in a forum that is within a Buddypress group.

    Just tested on your site, as well as my test site. And yes that BuddyPress is related to this issue.

    May not specifically be BuddyPress and their code. I think there are tickets with bbPress’ BuddyPress extend code that might have issues with some conditionals in a bbPress post that is in a group.

    Will look through bbPress trac for some possibly related tickets.

    Edit: Found the ticket.

    It is pretty easy to workaround this issue as well, since all you have to do is enqueue the javascript with a different conditional or enqueue it sitewide, but doing it sitewide might cause another issue somewhere.

    Will do some testing and get back.



    Just changed my site to a twenty sixteen child theme, still see no problem.

    Yeah, that’s what I want. But I’m completely lost now. No idea why this doesn’t work for me.

    Are you sure there’s nothing else I need to do? Just copy the reply.js file into a folder called js under my child theme? And that’s it? I can’t understand why it wouldn’t work even when I created a brand-new subdomain, and did no other modifications: just installed wordpress, added bbpress, created bare child theme and added reply.js. What else could be interfering with this function!?

    Yeah that’s it. I am lost how you are getting issues for this still. There shouldn’t be an issue with this and default themes.

    Only issue I have ever come across regarding issues with threaded replies is while using the Divi theme, some custom scripts in the theme has issues with it for some reason.

    I also tested a topic without a forum like what you have on your test site for the heck of it, and I still have not run into issues.

    Here is my custom twenty sixteen child theme that you can use and test yourself.



    Yeah sure test it out on this site that I will probably delete later.

    Using terrible free hosting because I am cheap and don’t want to link to my actual live dev environment.

    username – testuser2016
    pass – duckduckduckduckgoose

    Reply to this topic. Login through the meta widget.

    In reply to: Securing bbPress



    Contact Robin about this in his plugin support forum for his private groups plugin.



    This sounds CSS related, but unfortunately I have to login to see these items on your site.

    If you want to, create a subscriber/participant account and send the details to my email listed here.

    After I take a look and see if I can fix the issue with css, and after posting the solution on these forums, I will tell you to delete the account later.



    The blue notice is quite handy since it offers a way to approve pending post on the frontend of your forum. If you want users to approve posts on the frontend, I wouldn’t remove that.

    I can also tell you exactly how to add text under the title. This requires some editing file, chlld theme, creating template knowledge. So if you are good at doing any of those following things I could help out on that.



    Huh, this works for me on my end fine. Maybe it doesn’t work on all themes?

    I guess you can confirm that you did download the gist file I linked to and added that to your child themes js folder.

    If you have ever set up a localhost test server on your cpu like WAMP, you can try what I said above in a default theme to see if there is another possible issue.



    Is the edit link showing up for participants for the allotted time you set the edit link to appear in your forum settings in Settings > Forums.

    Does this only happen for edit links in reply posts, and not topic posts??

    Do you have guest(anonymous) users posting to your site?

    Or is it nothing right after submit?



    It works fine for me, remember to use a topic tags id instead of a name.

    [bbp-single-tag id=$tag_id] – Display a list of all topics associated with a specific tag. eg. [bbp-single-tag id=64]

    To find a topic tags id, you can go to Topics > Topic Tags in the WordPress backend, then edit a topic tag and look at the url. You should see something like this. You can also hover over each edit link and look at the bottom left and see the same url appear. You will see tag_ID=(number).…

    To make it easier to find an ID of a post, tag, user, you can also install the Reveal IDs plugins to add a column to tables that show the ID.



    I saw you also posted in the BuddyPress forums. If by any chance you are also using BuddyPress, you can activate the groups feature which works with bbPress to have group forums. BuddyPress is a really handy tool to use for great LMS sites.

    Bundle bbPress+BuddyPress up with this plugin and you would have to do less work that you would have to with Robins plugin. This plugin sets up a course to a group, and forums to each group you create automatically.

    You might want to check out BuddyBoss and their other products as well, because I think they are working on other plugins/themes for bbPress+BuddyPress and Sensei.





    For tags that are still there in already submitted posts, copy the text, then edit the post, paste over all of the text in html editor, then resubmit.

    If the post still shows tags, take a screenshot of the post so I can see what html tags are present. You would have to add more unrestricted html tags for users, which in itself might need a different trac ticket.



    Are you using the visual editor?? I’m just wondering if this issue is only caused for users with the copying a sites text into the visual editor.

    If you are, I might as well create a trac ticket for bbPress to use a paste plugin from tinymce.



    It could be a somewhat common CSS related issue where buttons have white text color in a theme.

    Try this custom css to see if it fixes it. Place the custom css in a custom css plugin or in a child themes style.css file.

    This is just an example and you might need additional css if the button background color changes on hover to something dark as well.

    #bbpress-forums .wp-editor-container .button {
      color: black;



    I personally do not need login info, because I think I know exactly what you are talking about. I am not sure who redacted your info, but know that it was to protect your site from untrusted users.

    What you are looking for is already part of bbPress, its just that the js code that it uses doesn’t quite work for all browsers, and only in IE.

    To fix the issue, you can create or copy the existing reply.js file in a folder called js that should be in the root of your child theme that consists of the new code that is in a trac ticket that fixes this issue.

    This guide will help with what you would need to do with the js file.

    Basically you create a folder called js in your child theme. And just place the new reply.js file.

    Here is the code for the file. You can also just download the file.



    There are a few guides in the codex that might help.

    Are there any specific things you want to know how to customize??

    Customize is such a broad term, and relating to bbPress it can go from creating code snippets, installing plugins, to styling, to adjusting the bbPress theme to your needs in a child theme, or just creating a custom theme/theme package all together.



    Did you subscribe to the other topics?? You have to subscribe to be able to get subscription emails.

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