Robkk (@robkk)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @robkk


    also another thing about topics with no replies

    if you want you can feel free and try to find a solution to some of these topics.

    official bbpress support dont always have to find a solution to a topic, even volunteers.



    Hi Robin, so you don’t like feedback here? I seemed to have hit a sensitive nerve with you! I did try to make some positives as well as what I thought were honest concerns. I looked on the support forum and there were also other older threads with no replies, not just mine, If you can’t take feedback about what you do then I’m sorry to say you will never learn or grow. As for it been free, well I’m not going to go into a debate about that. But I believe there would be ways to make money out of this like here:

    bbpress is open source , i dont think the community is going to try to make money off of something thats open source, thats probably why there is no ads on this site too.

    that book was just written by some guy thats not really affiliated with bbpress. Its like if i myself made a book of all that i know from reading all the documentation. (i dont work for bbpress, i am a volunteer )

    topics with no replies, people are busy , there is like only 2 official people that check out this forum occasionly , robin and stephen

    jjj might check out the forums though but he also works on wordpress core i think i am not sure.

    Other than that the others are volunteers like myself , which i am helping out people because robin helped out me , idk i feel i got to repay them somehow haha

    Your own layout looks promising, I hope it goes well.

    im on the fence if i should put it on github or not, i feel like i dont want people jacking my forums style sometimes

    As for examples

    Just any thing that looks like a forum:

    bbpress looks like a forum ,its just a really simple one.

    which is great because not all people need extravagant features, but if they want they can add wordpress plugins, and also custom functions that you may find on this forum.

    if we compare features in bbpress compared to other forum software there is not much of a difference.

    All i can see that is different is shortcodes on bottom, which i showed a user how to do in a topic before. using bbpress forum statistics shortcode, and the do shortcode function.

    forum icons, which is possible there is a function somewhere if you search this forum.

    category and hierarchy layout , if you search the bbpress trac people have shared how to do this if users want that specific layout.

    ip boards topic sorting you can create something similar using bbpress views in simple html links.

    and the rest is just styling with css, in the documentation it explains… go to this



    but not too simple actually

    css is actually the easiest in my opinion

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – part 2



    Use CSS to make bbpress look like your theme



    posting this because why not

    If I understand it, it is supposed to be under other bbPress settings,

    settings for the plugin are in the discussion settings





    1./ Lack of Support – check out this topic, not one reply as I waited for several days. In the end I had to do it myself on hope and lucky for me I puled it off. I hope this improves.

    i saw this and had no idea what you were talking about, and i didnt have a correct answer, and since you solved it you could share so that people in the future that came across the same problem can find your topic and help themeselves in the future.

    2./ Lack of dedicated Styles and themes.

    phpbb inpsired forum theme by lynq

    envatos support forum theme-is actually a wordpress theme in whole on github, idk if copying templates will work because this relies on 5 other plugins also

    I might make a better mobile responsive forum theme in the future and post it on github

    here is how my theme kind of looks like , the bbpress theme i will post on github will be loosely based on this

    My Forum Layout (in progress)

    It was impossible to find anything like a normal forum from Invision, Vbulletin or PhpBB.

    what would you like specifically like other forums??



    For those who shared what plugins they have activated in their installations, following shows the top ten plugins which are either bbPress-specific or those with expressed support for bbPress.

    a) GD bbPress Attachments
    b) GD bbPress Tools
    c) bbPress Enable TinyMCE Visual Tab
    d) BuddyPress
    e) Buddy-bbPress Support Topic
    f) Custom private code
    g) bbPress – Private Replies
    h) bbPress Stay Checked
    i) bbPress Topics for Posts
    j) bbPress – Mark As Read

    2014 bbPress Survey Results

    i use three of these ten plugins



    From my experience this worked best

    But requires an account from a website

    only works for 2000 users only , to have more than that you would have to pay for a premium version of the service

    This didnt really work for me , and is also a free/premium service

    requires an account to their website also , and is limited on users that can use the social login feature.

    I tried this plugin before it was called super socializer

    and it didnt work at all on my site

    I havent really gotten into trying all the social login plugins on codecanyon.

    other than my opinion , do a google search try to find other peoples opinions on the best social login plugin , and make a very decisive decision on your plugin choice.



    No problem



    1) Permit forum users to reply to an email

    only plugin i know is

    which uses mandrill and postmark for sending emails

    2) Send new forum applications (registrations) to the moderator to either approve or disapprove

    that plugin user profiles made easy should work on bbpress.

    3) Permit forum users to post pictures e.g. .jpgs

    you can use the img button in the toolbar which will use a url of a picture then embed the picture in a post.

    you can use oembed which is already in wordpress core, where all you have to do is add a link to an image in a post then it will automatically embed. (imgur, flickr, are some examples that can do this.

    and yes bbpress attachments plugin



    you should be more specific next time so i could give you what you wanted

    copy loop-replies.php from your bbpress plugin to a child theme folder named bbpress, if you havent created one create one

    more information on this

    remove this entire code inside of your loop-replies.php in your child theme

    <li class="bbp-header">
    		<div class="bbp-reply-author"><?php  _e( 'Author',  'bbpress' ); ?></div><!-- .bbp-reply-author -->
    		<div class="bbp-reply-content">
    			<?php if ( !bbp_show_lead_topic() ) : ?>
    				<?php _e( 'Posts', 'bbpress' ); ?>
    				<?php bbp_topic_subscription_link(); ?>
    				<?php bbp_user_favorites_link(); ?>
    			<?php else : ?>
    				<?php _e( 'Replies', 'bbpress' ); ?>
    			<?php endif; ?>
    		</div><!-- .bbp-reply-content -->
    	</li><!-- .bbp-header -->

    if you want to keep the favorite and subscribe links just place this code anywhere where you want to put them

    <?php bbp_topic_subscription_link(); ?>

    <?php bbp_user_favorites_link(); ?>



    just use

    li.bbp-header {
    display: none;

    my topic that you posted on was about a plugin , and what it adds to a site.

    so if you just want to hide the li.bbp-header just use that code above.

    delete the other code with .post in it



    disregard last reply, i confused you with another user.

    Please do require a link to your website though.



    do you want to remove the “The SEO Test Laboratory” ??




    the li.bbp-header has nothing to do with page title.

    this code from my topic would not work on page title.



    the li.bbp-header has nothing to do with page title.

    this code from my topic would not work on page title.

    give me a link to your site??



    @ttmt place this code into loop-topics.php above the <li class="bbp-header">

    <a class="bbp-most-popular-button" href="">Most Popular</a>

    I think the second one would require PHP and i hate PHP , but i can tell you the second one is going to use scraps of this

    <a href="<?php bbp_user_replies_created_url(); ?>" title="<?php printf( esc_attr__( "%s's Replies Created", 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_displayed_user_field( 'display_name' ) ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Replies Created', 'bbpress' ); ?></a>

    and some of this , basically the wp-get-current-user and output a link

    Layout and functionality – Examples you can use




    well if you want the 14px avatars by started by and the freshness try this instead

    remove the code i gave you before and add this

    .avatar {
    width: auto;
    height: auto;
    margin: 0 0 1.5rem;
    border: 1px solid;
    border-radius: 50%;

    and then you can resize certain avatars by providing their class then .avatar then the css



    No, I am not using this plugin. I just implemented the bbpress forum and have not made a full switch to it.

    oh my bad , easy confusion when you said you replaced wordpress to a forum, i guess you ment user engagement.

    When you said, that this functionality will be implemented in the future, you meant bbpress topics for posts?

    yes , but the feature you suggest could be good for topics for posts, and going to Dashboard>replies

    Now, on the other hand, I have to click the forum, the subforum, the topic, and scroll down to the end, to be able to reply.

    Robin said go to Dashboard>replies , so you can see every reply and just click view to go straight to the reply, and make time a little faster , but yes a reply button would be great

    Because I would like to see a reply button on the Dashboard–>Replies section

    I would too , this is actually not a bad feature implemented in the core since it would be great for workflow for moderators in my opinion

    so suggest a feature in the trac

    should look at it



    @robin-w just helping out

    link to show a list of the most popular topics

    this is easy you can just create an html link to the (most poplular) view in bbpress

    <a class="bbp-most-popular-button" href="">Most Popular</a>

    ‘View my posts’ link so user could view a list of there posts

    this would require a link to replies created

    which i think you could if you edit some of this function

    <li class="<?php if ( bbp_is_single_user_replies() ) :?>current<?php endif; ?>">
    					<span class='bbp-user-replies-created-link'>
    						<a href="<?php bbp_user_replies_created_url(); ?>" title="<?php printf( esc_attr__( "%s's Replies Created", 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_displayed_user_field( 'display_name' ) ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Replies Created', 'bbpress' ); ?></a>



    @gogitossj34 this code is what your problem is, it changes the size of all avatars in your site.

    .avatar {
    width: 60px;
    height: 60px;
    margin: 0 0 1.5rem;
    border: 1px solid;
    border-radius: 50%;

    the distorted avatar image is because there is a function in your templates that is used to call the user avatar , and in the function it is proportioned to be at 14px X 14px. your css code stretches this out 14px avatar to be 60px X 60px causing a distorted avatar image.

    to remove the distorted image just add this to custom css

    .avatar-14 { display: none !important; }

    it should work

    i dont know what exactly is causing your double avatars though , i would guess that it is the “started by” avatar like how these forums have.

    But i am not for sure.

    If you want to keep the avatar next to freshness only tell me

    I’m not a programmer or such so I cannot understand what you’re saying

    im no programmer i had practice with trial and error, and all this is basically common sense



    looks fine now



    To make everything more organized, I decided to switch to forum instead of wordpress comments.

    so you are you using bbpress topics for posts plugin??

    well this functionality will be implemented on bbpress in the future

    so you could add a suggestion for a feature in the trac topic



    @peter-hamilton checked it and it looks better than before

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