Robkk (@robkk)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @robkk


    this is kind of odd…

    i did find a way to see it on IE 11 , i changed the style of the bbp-form fieldset using the inspector tools in IE 11.

    here is some custom css that might help

    put it wherever you can put custom css

    child theme style sheet
    jetpack custom css module
    other custom css plugin

    fieldset.bbp-form {

    if that doesnt work add !important like this

    fieldset.bbp-form {



    maybe your wordpress upload size is 2mb , or a cdn/security solution is limiting the upload size of your site from other users ??

    dont know contact plugin author.



    if you really want the replies and topics to be on the products page.

    this would require custom development

    #1 outsourcing service for WordPress

    if you want bbpress/woocommerce integration

    i think there is some plugins that would help, cant think of them right at the moment.

    In reply to: Image click/resize



    search up wordpress oembed , maybe you have images that arent supported by oembed so you cant click them and go to the image source.

    also if you dont have auto-embed links checked in settings>forums oembed wont work at all.

    and im just going to say lightbox functionality would require custom development , if you want functionality like that.



    i see you got it fixed , nicely done.

    In reply to: Hi sorry i'm new here



    buddypress and bbpress are plugins for wordpress, so they need wordpress to work.

    bbpress does have an older standalone version of itself, it can work by itself.
    Using it with newer versions of wordpress might cause issues.


    About bbPress

    bbPress is forum software, made the WordPress way.

    Have you ever been frustrated with forum or bulletin board software that was slow, bloated, and always got your server hacked? bbPress is focused on ease of integration, ease of use, web standards, and speed.

    We’re keeping things as small and light as possible while still allowing for great add-on features through WordPress’s extensive plugin system. What does all that mean? bbPress is lean, mean, and ready to take on any job you throw at it.


    Now that bbPress is all grown up, we’re certain of a few things:

    Open Source, always and forever
    Less (code) is more
    Code is poetry
    Simplicity is a feature
    Speed & security are paramount to a great user experience
    Every line of code is written with these principles in mind, and if that sounds good to you get involved!


    About buddyPress

    BuddyPress is a powerful plugin that takes your powered site beyond the blog with social-network features like user profiles, activity streams, user groups, and more. Some fantastic uses might be:

    A campus wide social network for your university, school or college.
    An internal communication tool for your company.
    A niche social network for your interest topic.
    A focused social network for your new product.
    If you’re using BuddyPress in a unique or interesting way, be sure to let people know on the forums; we’re always interested!

    BuddyPress is not “all or nothing”

    BuddyPress comes with several components that integrate directly with your site, with each other, and even with other plugins (check out bbPress for support forums.) If you only want to use a few features, BuddyPress will automatically adapt, showing only the menu items, pages and buttons for the features you have enabled.

    This site is built on WordPress and BuddyPress (we believe in the software we build!). Please consider registering and becoming part of the BuddyPress community. By doing this you’ll be able to contribute to the documentation, ask questions in the forum as well as build your BuddyPress profile so other BuddyPress developers and contributors can keep in touch with you.



    its not a shortcode but i think you need one of these




    @blackjak231 i think you should make a widget, the forum list widget does list all the forums in links all you would have to do is alter how it is displayed.

    And also since it is a widget it should work on all pages in your site.

    In reply to: Picture



    i gave you the info you need,
    you have to do it yourself.

    and i don’t recommend giving away your admin username and password even if its support, just create a new admin user then remind yourself to delete it later.

    In reply to: Picture



    you can also add more padding for the space between the post and avatar

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-forum-content, #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-content, #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-content {
        margin-left: 150px;
        padding: 12px 12px 12px 20px !important;
        text-align: left;

    if you say that the reply author details are not as wide as avatar photo and such .

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-author, #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-author {
    width: 150px;

    and yeah if you need more help with styling bbpress id say look at these tutorials

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – part 2

    Functions files and child themes – explained !

    bbPress Styling Crib

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – part 3



    try this

    i think this should work now

    #bbpress-forums li.bbp-body .user-id-1,
    #bbpress-forums li.bbp-body .user-id-2 {
    In reply to: Picture



    if you want the user role text on top of the actual avatar, like inside the avatar photo your going to figure that out yourself.

    and the css i gave for adding more space between the avatar and post should work.

    In reply to: Picture



    try this the size => auto probably doesnt work or it just defaults to 80px

    in loop-single-reply.php in your bbpress folder in your child theme.


    <?php bbp_reply_author_link( array('show_role' => true, 'type' => 'role' ) ); ?>
    <?php bbp_reply_author_link( array( 'show_role' => false, 'type' => avatar , 'size' => auto ) ); ?>
    <?php bbp_reply_author_link( array( 'show_role' => false,'type' => 'name' ) ); ?>

    to this

    <?php bbp_reply_author_link( array('show_role' => true, 'type' => 'role' ) ); ?>
    <?php bbp_reply_author_link( array( 'show_role' => false, 'type' => avatar , 'size' => 100 ) ); ?>
    <?php bbp_reply_author_link( array( 'show_role' => false,'type' => 'name' ) ); ?>

    now to test it upload an avatar bigger than 100px in width

    In reply to: Picture



    you can post a link to the image.
    and if you use something like imgur/flickr it will automatically embed into the post.

    you can click the img button in the toolbar above the reply form and put the url into modal popup and then insert it into the reply form that way too.

    In reply to: Picture



    try this css code i forgot about min-width for a second.

    im setting a minimum width of the picture to be at least 100px just like this forum has.

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-author img.avatar {
    border: medium none;
    max-width: 150px!important;
    padding: 0px;
    margin: 12px auto 0px;
    float: none;
    max-height: 150px!important;
    In reply to: Picture



    you could try this.

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-author img.avatar {
    border: medium none;
    max-width: 150px!important;
    padding: 0px;
    margin: 12px auto 0px;
    float: none;
    max-height: 150px;

    and the other code wasnt suppose to increase the avatar images, it was just suppose to be for the space between the post and avatar.

    if you still cant get it , post a link to a forum post on your website.

    In reply to: Picture



    What enhanced photo??



    no problem

    In reply to: Picture



    you dont need to bump your topic up.

    and if you have more questions make a new topic.

    i already gave you css on how to change the reply author avatar here

    the space between the avatar and the post can be increased by adding this and changing 130px to what your max-width of image is , as i said the max-width of the image at the site you led me to has a max-width of 150px so my css for the post would be something close to.

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-forum-content, 
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-content, 
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-content {
    margin-left: 150px;
    padding: 12px 12px 12px 0;
    text-align: left;

    to rename roles you can use the code on this , download and upload as plugin or copy from add filter down and put it into your child themes functions.php



    The information i gave you is if you wanted to change your theme to another but still keep the way bbpress is styled.

    IF you wanted to just be able to change themes while bbpress stays the same throughout all of them this is not possible right now.

    where are you lost ?? i basically said its copying the bbpress files from one theme to another.

    i mentioned that you might need to copy some functions from function.php.

    Stargazer Colloquium child theme uses get_theme_mod (which is added to the customizer area to your theme) to add certain color to your bbpress theme.

    You can either delete that function and just added the colors manually to your bbpress.css or hook it up to your new theme which might be a tad more difficult.

    the local development area that i mentioned more can be mentioned is great if you want to test things out like transferring files into another theme.

    here if you use Windows Pc

    and here if you use Apple Mac

    steps umm i guess this.

    1. set up local development area

    2. download the files you have edited from your current theme on your website to your computer , ftp like filezilla is recommended.

    3. transfer those files to your local development area , into the other theme you want to use.

    4. start seeing if there is any issues. (the most likely is the get_theme_mod areas that add color) but that’s just color and you can add it to your bbpress.css.



    @arno8 yeah i worked on this for awhile i cant get it to show a color based on the user id of the reply author on the topic background.

    just so you know it should be something like this for topics.

    .type-topic .user-id-1,
    .type-topic .user-id-2,
    .type-topic .user-id-3 { 
    background: yellow; }



    see if its a plugin issue by deactivating each plugin one at a time and check to see if deactivating one helps the links work on bbpress.

    switch to a default theme like twenty twelve and see if that works.

    i have a feeling it could be that you havent made a bbpress.php file, if you havent make one.

    more info about bbpress.php here



    i think you alread implemented the login and register buttons you were talking about.

    i also recommend adding a border to the text input boxes of the register and login forms, because they seem invisible, and also for the submit buttons for each form.

    you can just use simple css to fix that.

    to edit the appearance of the forum you can copy bbpress.css into your child and edit that then changes you make will affect the look of your forum.

    you can also copy the templates in wp-content>plugins>bbpress>templates>default>bbpress

    i recommenced just copying the whole bbpress folder into your child theme.

    there is more in the documentation about this.

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – part 2

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – part 3

    Functions files and child themes – explained !

    Layout and functionality – Examples you can use

    looking through the rest of the bbpress documentation isnt a bad thing too.




    you would have to edit and copy files from one to the other.

    since its bbpress its mostly going to require copying the template files and bbpress.css , but i am not sure if your going to going to need a function for bbpress in the function.php in the theme or many more codes.

    This could be really risky if you dont know what you are doing.

    I recommend working on a local development area. WAMP for Windows , MAMP for Mac , LAMP for linux , and XAMP for all.

    Help on this is really minimal on my side. Its more something you have to do yourself.

    But if you do need help transferring i might come up with something.

    Other than that it might be an answer of i dont have the time to this kind of thing right now.



    @arno8 dont make duplicate threads

    BBpress topic and posts positioning

    the modified loop-forums.php should work so there might be a theme issue.

    contact your theme author since you have a premium theme and see if they can help.

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