Robkk (@robkk)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @robkk




    i just checked on my side with the latest raindrops theme ,

    i checked to see if all of the quicktag buttons worked
    they did.

    i checked if some of the bbcodes from gdbbpress and bbpress2 bbcode didnt just process the bbcode out well
    they did.

    i didnt run bbpress2 bbcode with bbpress direct quotes while gdbbpress tools activated at the same time, because i mean they do the same thing.

    if you feel like the quicktags toolbar is really causing the problem and you have some error logs to post or images of error logs or any other info you can get while debugging is on, make a new topic with all the information in it.



    Perhaps it is related to the toolbar in bbPress?

    what do you mean??

    the toolbar just puts out basic html, i dont have an idea why it would be causing the problem.

    if you think adding a bbcode plugin will make that bbpress quicktags toolbar use the bbcode instead that wont happen you need some custom functions.

    and just in case you didnt know to use the bbcode you have to manually write something like this

    [youtube] [/youtube]

    In reply to: User Porfile Page



    ask the plugin author about changing users username they used to login.

    other than that i guess just allow your users to change their username they used to login for a short time.



    i dont know what your issue is really, try to explain a little more.



    @pilxy i can see on my mobile device but not really on desktop

    and you should just revert any changes you made that involves this issue ,and just wait until your theme author updates the theme.

    like i said the main problem is that the div class that they used for the reply link in the comments section is just .reply and to make sure it doesnt have conflicts with bbPress it should be just like .comment-reply or any other class besides .reply .

    And when they use .reply a they could have just used .comment-reply-link since thats the a class

    there is some css that needs to be fixed that uses .reply , in the style.css and some in the rtl.css

    and there is also probably some css in the mobile stylesheet

    there is a function that uses .reply a and .reply a:hover in the custom-styles.php file.

    all these things and probably more if i missed something need to be changed



    @pilxy your were suppose to contact your theme author instead of doing the changes yourself, let them make the changes.

    and i just checked your it looked fine on my end, do you still have the problem?

    In reply to: Split page?





    ok on this you have to contact your theme author and tell them to change this in your theme in its next update.

    in file style.css on line 1475 change .reply a {

    to a.comment-reply-link {

    in the file custom-styles.php in parabola/includes/custom-styles.php
    on line 212 and 213 change

    .reply a { to a.comment-reply-link {

    and .reply a:hover { to a.comment-reply-link:hover {

    they should also change the .reply div class to something else maybe like .comment-reply

    because bbPress has a .reply for all of its replies




    alright ill fool with it later and im sure ill get it by 10pm-11pm in Central Time today.

    right now im busy with family




    you need to change this css code to make sure its only shows in the comments/replies content.

    im not so sure on how to do this one.

    contact your theme author

    i just checked and they use bbPress for their support forums.

    im sure they would help more than i can right now.



    whatever thats in your css that starts with

    .reply a

    is causing the problem.

    In reply to: Quicktags out of line



    I’ve also noticed my ‘Submit’ button is way further down the page and out of line with the ‘Tags’ input box, any ideas here too?

    thats normal , you can see it is aligned on because thats something custom. uses this css …i guess you can go off of it as an example.
    but it causes an issue on smaller device sizes this will make it collide with the tags input.
    you will need additional media query css to make it look better on smaller devices.

    #bbpress-forums .bbp-reply-form fieldset.bbp-form button {
    float: right;
    margin-top: -120px;

    I can’t also seem to make the quicktags bar the correct width, always seems to over-run the width despite me trying lots of different styles etc.

    you can fiddle with the padding but the below css will not make it over-run.

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-the-content-wrapper div.quicktags-toolbar {
    padding: 5px 0;
    min-height: 30px;
    width: 100%;
    float: left;

    I’ve still not found how to deal with the strange ‘e’ character,

    i asked if you edited any templates , i didnt really get an answer but if you did,

    it could be an edited reply-form.php and a topic-form.php .

    so if you already copied these files to your child theme, check them out and see if you left a stray character somewhere.

    other than that i guess make a bbpress.php if you havent sometimes if users dont it adds some additional stuff that are only suppose to be on blog posts.

    more info about creating a bbpress.php



    easy way i think would be to just install this and choose the dark color.

    you can also use this below css and copy it where ever you can put custom css

    jetpack css module
    custom css plugin
    you can find the exact css in bbpress.css and just replace it with the one im posting.

    you can of course change inherit to and other color like black or its hex #000 for example.

    if im missing something please reply back

    /* header and footer that says AUTHOR , POSTS , VOICES, TOPICS , FORUMS */
    #bbpress-forums li.bbp-header, 
    #bbpress-forums li.bbp-footer {
    background: inherit!important;
    border-top: 1px solid #eee;
    font-weight: bold;
    padding: 8px;
    text-align: center;
    /* this is the background of the forums and topics that display the title, the freshness stats and so on. */
    #bbpress-forums li.bbp-body, 
    #bbpress-forums li.bbp-body ul.topic {
    border-top: 1px solid #eee;
    overflow: hidden;
    padding: 8px;
    background: inherit;
    /* this is the header that shows the post date and post ID */
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-forum-header, 
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-header, 
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-header {
    background-color: inherit;
    /* try to make these two different types of dark shades if you care about having an AB color pattern of replies/topics/forums. */
    #bbpress-forums div.odd, 
    #bbpress-forums ul.odd {
    background-color: inherit;
    #bbpress-forums div.even, 
    #bbpress-forums ul.even {
    background-color: inherit;



    Why would some one pay for support on a non working plugin lol

    its works for other users

    I dont have caching but with all plugins deactivated other then the ones needed for forums its not working

    again im just trying to bring up possible conflicts that might be causing the issue.

    or just give up on having bbCode.

    well i guess you just tell your users that your site has oembed and it can be used in the forums as long as you have Auto-embed Links checked in the forum settings.

    and that any youtube/vimeo video link will automatically embed
    imgur/flickr will automatically embed and so on.

    images from other sources can use the img button in the quicktags toolbar

    and options like bold/italicize/link/block-quote can be used from the quicktags toolbar.

    we have been using block-quote button back and forth so to replace quotes you can do that too.

    list of available oembed providers

    more on forum settings



    @bsilverop thanks , ya need anymore help or find something awkward in your bbpress section of your site please feel free to make a new topic



    I wonder if I said I wanted to go pro I bet he would reply

    probably , the guy does have a separate support forum just for premium plugin users

    he might just be busy and more concentrated over there more since the plugin provides income for him.

    I manually did the quote and it put it in the lower area of the post.

    you probably have to contact your theme author, on how to fix that.

    it might be you have float:left; or clear:left; in the css and that might be causing the issue.
    switching both to none should fix it.

    I don’t see anything with this new plugin either… 🙁 Not even a quote either.

    It’s working in IE not firefox. grrrrrrrrrrr I don’t know why it worked in raindrops when I installed it and now it wont and I cant find any plugins messing with it.

    i tested the plugin in the latest firefox and chrome , not IE though.

    it could be a cache system/plugin or a minify plugin minifying the direct quotes plugins javascript wrong but im just guessing right now.

    i would say contact as much people as you can to help solve the issue.

    hosting support
    plugin support
    theme support




    yeah its looking pretty good now.

    as of you editing your theme being safe or not, contact your theme author they would know more about it than me.

    In reply to: Quicktags out of line



    im not sure about the e

    have you been editing templates??

    did your theme come with bbpress templates already in it??

    but i did find this other little bug that shows the little checkbox thats right by Notify me of follow-up replies via email thats all awkward and what not.

    #bbpress-forums fieldset.bbp-form input {
    margin: 0 0 8px;
    width: auto;



    the issue now is that your theme already has some !important statements.

    your original blockquote css is

    blockquote {
    font-style: italic !important;
    width: 200px !important;
    float: left !important;
    clear: left;

    since float:left has !important on the end

    and the new css for float:none !important

    my new statement doesnt do anything.

    posting the code into your child themes css stylesheet should fix it.

    since the child themes stylesheet code overwrites the parent themes stylesheet.

    so put it into your child themes stylesheet and see if it works.




    hopefully you are putting it into your child themes stylesheet
    or in a plugin like jetpacks custom css

    it doesnt have to be in the bbpress.css file, because the code is in your themes stylesheet.

    since it didnt work try this.

    blockquote {
    font-style: italic !important;
    width: 200px;
    float: none !important;
    clear: none !important;
    padding-bottom: 15px;





    try this , put it anywhere you can put custom css

    blockquote {
    font-style: italic !important;
    width: 200px !important;
    padding-bottom: 15px;
    In reply to: Quicktags out of line



    try this anywhere where you can put custom css

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-the-content-wrapper input {
    font-size: 12px;
    padding: 5px;
    margin: 0 2px 0 0;
    line-height: 1em;
    width: auto;



    I’ve been trying to move my old forum to vannila

    go here

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