Forum Replies Created
In reply to: bbpress sends no notification email
dashboard>settings>forums>Forum Features and then Subscriptions
In reply to: bbpress sends no notification emailso have you enabled subscriptions in dashboard>settings>forums?
and are you subscribed to the forum(s)?
In reply to: bbpress, 3 requests, and please fix the bugsorry, I’m not sure if you are using a translation, but I do not understand what you wish to achieve.
by comments do you mean replies?
if so how can you have them set to ‘100’ in question 1 and at the same time to ‘unlimited’ in question 2?
In reply to: Dedicated Moderator ID changedok, but it is over 2 month since I looked at this, and I have no memory of what I did or what I wrote. If you can’t make the effort to test promptly free stuff other people write for you, then my enthusiasm to get re-engaged with this is very low 🙁
In reply to: How to disable the logged-in user informationyes, but beyond free help
so I would fix it like this in this order
for all these, by default worpdress/bbpress will usually display 20 items per page. if you look at the top right of the edit topics/replies/users page, you will see a dropdown box labelled ‘screen options’ – you can then set the no. items a page – so set this to say 50 or 100 to be able to do the process more quickly.
If you haven’t already marked the replies as spam then do 1.a if you have marked them as spam then do 1.b
dashboard>replies>all replies you will see a box to the left of each reply. Tick those you want to mark as spam – you can use the box left of the ‘replies’ title to select all of them.Then click the ‘bulk actions’ top left under the replies heading and select spam and click apply.
This will move the spam replies to the spam folder.
Once you have all the replies as spam, then click the ‘spam’ link where it says
All (xxx) | Mine (xx) | Published (xx) | Drafts etc…. |Spam (xx)
then delete using the same method select all the spam replies (box to the left of the replies list heading) and use the bulk actions to ‘move to trash/bin’ all the spam replies.
1.c then you can leave them there in spam, or delete them permanently by selecting the ‘trash’ or ‘bin’ option in
All (xxx) | Mine (xx) | Published (xx) | Drafts etc…. |Spam (xx)
2. Repeat this process for topics
3. USERS (the bit I think you want to really know about)
In dashboard>users>edit users – you can use the same method to bulk select you spam users, and then using bulk actions choose ‘delete’ and ‘apply’ (as you did for topics and replies). When you do so, it will ask who you want to assign any content to. It normally (from memory) defaults to the first user in the list. If you have deleted all content in 1 and 2 above, then there will be nothing to assign, but if you have spam entries they will get assigned to whoever you say – that can for instance be to assign to ‘admin’
However I have seen sites where admins who use this method create a user called ‘spam user’ with a dummy email address who they assign content to. The logic of this is that if you have missed marking as spam and/or deleting a topic or reply it shows the user as ‘spam user’, rather than making ‘admin’ look like they are spamming their own site 🙂
The explanation above has probably taken longer to type than it should you to do this once you understand 🙂 🙂
In reply to: Instructions?a category is just a bunch of forums, so if you create a ‘forum’ as a category then it has no topics or replies of it’s own, but has forums belonging to it
forums can also have sub forums, but will have topics/replies of it’s own.
in dashboard>forums>all forums>edit forum> and edit a forum
if you look on the right hand side you will see forum attributes and under that ‘parent’ where you set the parent to make a forum a sub forum – by setting it’s parent to the category or forum you want it to belong to.
In reply to: Upload images/files to another server with FTPbbpress doesn’t have an upload facility, so must be another bbpress related plugin that is doing this?
In reply to: Trouble regaining Keymaster status – help!add this plugin
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>bug fixes
and if there is no keymaster, it will say so and let you set one.
once done, you can decativate and delete the plugin, or have a look at the useful features 🙂
In reply to: How to disable the logged-in user informationso leaves it where on the forum?
or what remaining issues do you have?but I still won’t be able to tell you which is better 🙂
you will when I get back from holiday
you’re asking whether a 4×4 is better than a sports car – it all depends in what you want it to do !!
In reply to: Private groups forumeverything impacts performance – the weight of your car’s headlights affects the performance of your car, but you balance the ability to drive at night against losing a tiny tiny bit of speed.
This plugin does 2 quick db lookups when displaying forums/topics/replies – you’ll not see anything that is measurable
In reply to: Date format🙂
In reply to: Private groups forumessentially yes,
users belong to groups and forums belong to groups. so this plugin looks at every time a display of forum/topic/reply is about to happen, and checks that the user is allowed to see the forum/topic/reply because the user is a member of the group that the forum belongs to.
In reply to: Private groups forumnit knowing what your ‘ecommerce theme profiles’ does code wise, I cannot guarantee, but suspect it should be ok, this plugin affects what is displayed, not how it looks
In reply to: Date formattry this one
I also have a version of the one above that I might publish when I get back from holiday
In reply to: Forum archive seems to be the WP archive🙂 🙂 we’ve all been there 🙂
In reply to: Forum archive seems to be the WP archivehave a look at item 3 method 2
In reply to: How to disable the logged-in user informationuntested (as I am on holiday without test server access), but try
add_filter ('bbp_get_reply_author_link' , 'rew_return_null' ) ; add_filter ('bbp_get_topic_author_link' , 'rew_return_null' ) ; add_filter ('bbp_get_author_link' , 'rew_return_null' ) ; function rew_return_null () { return ; }
Put this in your child theme’s function file –
ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php
where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme
or use
In reply to: Subscribe to all forums button🙂
In reply to: Elementor and BBpress theme builder🙂
In reply to: Elementor and BBpress theme buildersorry I’m just a bbpress user who helps out here and I have limited time to try stuff.
you could look at item 3 method 2