Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Searching Problem
link to an example on your site please
In reply to: Bbpress redundant H1 tagsorry your site is blocked as a trojan by my security.
In reply to: Headers displaying incorrectlyFSE themes are relatively new.
Have you tried not having the bbpress.php but keeping the FSE theme fix in style pack?
Great – glad you are fixed
In reply to: Image from menu does not appearsgreat – glad you are fixed 🙂
In reply to: Image from menu does not appearsI think it is the same as in this thread
so follow the suggestions in my response there
In reply to: Topic not showing: Conflict with The Events CalendarIt just displays slighty differently, there is a fresh heading between after the topic and before the replies.
In reply to: toolbar & buttons not showing in my firefoxin snippet type the snippet is php not javascript.
In reply to: Click on Forum name sends view to Page of my Postsok, can your try
dashboard>settings>permalinks and just click save – this resets the permalinks and may help
then come back
In reply to: Click on Forum name sends view to Page of my Postshmm, the link for the python brags forum goes to
I would expect it to go to
but even entering this in the browser also redirects to the first link.
are the forums in some sub area?
In reply to: Topic not showing: Conflict with The Events Calendar🙂 great – glad you are fixed
In reply to: Topic not showing: Conflict with The Events Calendarthanks, by comparing settings on my working site with yours, I found the culprit
Dashboard>events>settings>general you had ‘Include events in main blog loop’ ticked. No idea what this does, but unticking it seems to fix the issue.
If you need it ticked….
I reckon (but not certain) it is something to do with how event calendar is reacting with a WordPress function called WP_Query.
When listing a topic, bbpress sets the 2 custom post types ‘topic’ and ‘reply’ so that it can list the topic first and then fires WP_Query to get the list for the display. I think events calendar is catching that query and filtering for an event required process, the effect of which is to strip the ‘topic’, so only the replies get listed.
You can fix this by using this code
add_filter ('bbp_show_lead_topic', 'rew_true') ; function rew_true () { return true ; }
This does alter a bit how the topic page looks. I could build a topic display page to overcome this, but beyond free help I’m afraid.
In reply to: Participant accessing forum archive results in errorthat’s great – thanks
so on my test site, I hid a forum and logged in as a participant, and the index shows fine.
so we need to work out what the difference between your site and my test site is.
so initially let’s eliminate outside factors such as a theme or plugin issue
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Then come back
The core issue here seems to be that Jetpack (which is mandatory for sites and available as a plugin for other sites) sets a reply class css with an absolute position.
Setting this to relative and taking out the margins fixes this.
In reply to: How do I make a donation to bbPress?There is no donation link for bbpress that I know of.
In reply to: Topic not showing: Conflict with The Events Calendarok, just tried twenty twentyone php 8.1, wp 6.1.1 with bbpress and the events calendar, and topics show ok on my test site.
(by the way 5 will give blank pages, these are FSE themes and are a pain in the xxxx)
contact me via with access details
sorry for the delay, too many demands on my time, but I’ve added a new reply button in bbp style pack version 5.1.5 just released
go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>topic/reply display item 25.
In reply to: Participant accessing forum archive results in errorcan you print the exact error you are having.
The one above I remember as fixed
great – thanks for posting back – much appreciated and maybe will help someone else
In reply to: Customizing bbp User Profile Pagesyes private groups is one of mine 🙂 along with bbp style pack and a few others.
contact me via and I’ll take a look
I’m not a bbpress developer, just a guy sat in his kitchen who tries to help others.
what theme are you using?
what elementor block are you using to do the forum index?
on 2. previous advice applies
it could be a theme or plugin issue
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Then come back