Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Hi thanks




    In reply to: Hi thanks



    Great – glad to hear – I know the forum authors get little praise and many “suggestions for improvements” – so thanks for letting them know that it works for you.

    I think it’s a great plugin !



    Suspect that you ID bit isn’t working, hence you’re getting zeros

    I use a count code to put a total count after the avatar using

    function display_counts () 
    		$post_count = bbp_get_user_post_count( bbp_get_reply_author_id( $reply_id )) ;
    		echo "<br>Total posts : " ;
    		echo $post_count ;
    		echo "</br>" ;
    add_action ('bbp_theme_after_reply_author_details', 'display_counts') ;

    and that works fine.

    If you doing this for the topic, then $reply_id might be worth having a go at, depends on whether the widget is doing this for the topic, or the last reply !

    Otherwise you might need to actually specify an ID (the codex talks about needing to do this if outside the loop, and your widget would not be displayed within the loop eg as in


    where you have set $ID as the topic user probably in the loop bit.

    Don’t know, but worth having a further play

    In reply to: Forum Link Is Too Long



    You can remove the first “forums” by dashboard>settings>forums>forum root slug

    and unchecking “forum prefix”

    Is your “darth-forums” a category or a single forum?



    Ok, so this is a commercial developers plugins.

    Sorry, but I have no idea is they are still functioning.

    Suggest you post in their support forum and see if you get a reply !



    Your theme has a full width page option viz:

    Full Width Post

    you can create a page which is full width, and just put this shortcode onto it :


    Then your forum will display full width.



    Can you clarify or post a link to the contact form that deosn’t work



    Den – Thanks for the feedback- on review the guide was both unclear and on one point wrong !

    I have amended and updated the guide to make it both clearer and correct in step 5.

    Please continue to provide feedback – this helps others who come after you !



    If you don’t put a forum description it is not shown !

    Can you show us an example of what you want to see a description, and where you want to not see it ?



    If you fixed this – can you post for others who might find this topic at a later date



    If I understand you correctly – the breadcrumb is showing


    Presume you want something else other than shop?

    The problem is that the shop page is your home page – ie if you just have – the shop page is where you land

    In essence you need to change where your wordpress site starts from (probably in your theme), and then the forum will go there.

    In reply to: Happy New Year 2014



    Loads of people work hard on bbPress – and can I share my thanks to all those that have answered my questions over the last year !



    If you want to create pages specifically to do things, then you can use shortcodes, the list of them is here

    so if you created a page and form instance put in the shortcode


    you would have a page with a login.

    Above the shortcode you could put some rules, or tell people how to register etc.

    In reply to: Edit Replies



    Try refreshing your permalinks – may or may not help !

    go into Dashboard>settings>permalinks and click save.

    Come back if that doesn’t work



    The file that displays this is loop-single-forum


    You can save a version to your theme – see

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – part 3

    item 3 for how to do this

    If you amend the current line 31


    <?php bbp_list_forums(); ?>


    <?php bbp_list_forums(array (
    		'show_topic_count'    => false,
            'show_reply_count'    => false,
    		'separator' => '',
    		));  ?>

    It will stop it displaying the numbers in brackets after each topic.

    To display these against the items will need some code at line 42 – beyond my immediate knowledge as to what you’d put there to get it to match the list




    If you want to put some rules at the top of your main forum display page, then create a normal wordpress page, type your rules in the content and then at the end put


    Put that page in your menu, and it will show the rules before showing the forum list



    WPD – This is quite simple.

    When you create a forum, on right hand side under forum attributes there is an option to make it a forum OR a category. Create it as a category, and then add forums to this category by making the forums and then making the parents of these the category forum you have just created.



    Have you got a page associated with the forum?

    If not try creating a page called “forums” with a sidebar.

    This should work.

    If not try adding the following shortcode to that page


    You can also use a plugin called bbPress WP tweaks to add a specific forum sidebar



    Suggest you disable all your plugins and try again. If this works -it is a plugin conflict, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the problem.

    Otherwise come back and we’ll help further



    the awpc plugin needs updating go to their support forum and search for bpress

    In reply to: Forum Page



    yes, if you google ‘Wishlist member & bbpress’ – there’s a whole bunch of posts



    googled ‘thesis theme & bbpress’ and got several hits saying that bbpress doesn’t function with thesis, and a link to a plugin that might fix it – worth a try or some more googling !

    Integrating bbPress to Thesis framework

    In reply to: Cannot create Topics



    hmm, suspect that the category no base might be the issue, but you’ve said you’ve tried it with it disabled.

    In reply to: Cannot create Topics



    what theme are you using – try switching to a default one eg twentytwelve and see if the issue is theme related.

    Has topics stopped working, or has never worked, or is this a new install?



    ok, plan b

    upload the “widget logic” plugin

    This lets you set widgets to appear in certain conditions

    Once uploaded, using your normal sidebar, you can set when a widget appears

    You’ll see a new box appear when you add/edit each widget saying “widget logic”. if you want it to appear on a forum page type

    If you want the widget to appear on other pages, but not obn the forum page type

    so you login widget would have the logic

    and appear only on forum pages

    If you didn’t want search on the forum page, you’d put

    on that widget and it will not appear

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