Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Experiencing an installation problem
Could be you have a problem on your functions file – have you amended it in any way?
if not, can you post back the lines 10 either side of the line it is quoting as the problem
In reply to: Experiencing an installation problempossible conflict with other plugins or your theme
Try deactivating all plugins except bbPress and then add buddypress back and restest. if ok, the add other plugins back one at a time to see which is causing the conflict.
If no joy, then switch to default theme (eg twentytwelve) and see if it still is still there
Come back and let us know how you got on
In reply to: How do you put the "My Profile" link on the menu?OK FINAL ANSWER
Have finally got it working in the menu (and corrected the error in the post above!) !
so for menu have
// Filter wp_nav_menu() to add profile link add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'my_nav_menu_profile_link' ); function my_nav_menu_profile_link($menu) { if (!is_user_logged_in()) return $menu; else $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $user=$current_user->user_login ; $profilelink = '<li><a href="' . $user . '/edit">My Profile/Edit Profile</a></li>'; $menu = $menu . $profilelink; return $menu; }
For on the forum page have
//action to add "amend profile" to top of forums pages function rw_edit_profile () { if (is_user_logged_in()) { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $user=$current_user->user_login ; $user_link = '<br><a href="' . $user . '/edit">My Profile/Edit Profile</a>'; echo $user_link ; } } add_action('bbp_template_before_forums_loop','rw_edit_profile') ;
In reply to: Is it worth it?I’m sure there are plenty of highly active bbPress sites, with 20% of the world’s websites being wordpress they’re bound to be. That these people don’t come to the attention of a support site – and that this site only gets 20 queries a day – is surely testimony to how good the software is !!!
In reply to: Is it worth it?This seems to be more a general question about the state of the internet.
It depend on what you want from a forum and your site.
If your site is all about generating money from say advertising rather than providing information, entertainment and/or a service, then unless you generate interest and content, the answer is no.
If you want to add value for your users, then a forum does require effort from moderators, and effort to set up, but is worth it.
Only you can really answer that question.
In reply to: Notice report with bbpressWe could do with a bit more information than just the error!
Have you just installed, or is this an existing bbpress site that has gone wrong?
What were you doing at the time?
Have you added any plugins or done any upgrades recently?
Does it work at all?
Does you site work but bbpress not?
What versions of bbpress and WordPress are you on?
what theme?
what plugins are you using?In reply to: How do you put the "My Profile" link on the menu?OK, so if we move outside the menu bar, you could have it after the breadcrumbs on the forum page
Add this to your functions file
//action to add "amend profile" to top of forums pages function rw_edit_profile () { if (is_user_logged_in()) { $user = get_userdata( $user_id ); $name = esc_attr( $user_name ); $user_link = '<br><a href="' . $user . '/edit">My Profile/Edit Profile</a>'; echo $user_link ; } } add_action('bbp_template_before_forums_loop','rw_edit_profile') ;
But if you want to go the admin bar route, then the admin bar doesn’t show to not logged in users,
just change each of your users to “show toolbar” in dashboard>user>editIn reply to: Topic Content Missing, but Replies Show?!In reply to: How do you put the "My Profile" link on the menu?To edit what details the user can see/edit within the profile page then the template is
found the subscription/edit bit
In reply to: How do you put the "My Profile" link on the menu?ahh..if you are saving in ‘text’ view, try changing to ‘visual’ or if you are in visual view try going to text. Sometimes the editor does funny things to stuff it sees as code. Once you have fixed it, try and not edit anything on the page, or if you do check whether it has changed the code, and change the code back as last thing.
It’s an annoying bug in the wordpress editor where it get’s over-keen to ensure that code doesn’t screw up how it stores, but I’d prefer it to do that than muck up the database !
In reply to: ERROR: Are you sure you wanted to do that?@donutz – thanks for sharing that, I’ll add it to the codex when I get a moment !
In reply to: css problem..take out the word div !
.bbp-search-form { display:none !important; }
In reply to: Experiencing an installation problemFirst thought is to de-activate, delete and re-install the plugin.
Come back if that doesn’t work
In reply to: Change of date for freshnessGreat, glad to hear you’re fixed, and have just added the code to one of my forums. One of those moments when you see something and think “that looks better”!.
In reply to: Forum Index Scrunchedwithout spending time looking at defkon’s solution, I could say.
However if you get the page template working, then copying that to a bbpress.php will ensure that bbpress uses it, and you can revert the page.php back to how it was, so it shouldn’t have any implications elsewhere on your site
In reply to: Change of date for freshnessso the answer is
function short_freshness_time( $output) { $output = preg_replace( '/, .*[^ago]/', ' ', $output ); return $output; } add_filter( 'bbp_get_time_since', 'short_freshness_time' ); add_filter('bp_core_time_since', 'short_freshness_time');
Drop this into your functions file
In reply to: Few issues with BBpress installationThink it’s as simple as
so try
<div class="breadcrumbs"> if(function_exists('bcn_display') && is_bbpress()) { bcn_display(); }</div>
Haven’t checked the syntax, I’ll let you do that
In reply to: Change of date for freshnessGive me a day or two, and I’ll come back with a more detailed response.
In reply to: Change of date for freshnessYes, it’s doable, but I’ve not yet delved into how to do it !
Great – glad you’re sorted
In reply to: bbPress and my WordPress themeyes, you can customise for bbpress only – I’m actually adding this to the documentation as I write this, as it’s not obviously there !
In reply to: bbPress and my WordPress themeyes, no problem.
Make a copy of your theme page template that is full width, rename it bbpress.php and put in into your theme directory. bbPress will then use this for all it’s layout.
In reply to: WP_Query post type topic helpFor bbPress specific functions, you’ll generally find the functions in template-tags.php files
is in forums
In reply to: Topic Content Missing, but Replies Show?!ok, suggest you start by running a forum repair – probably not the cause, but would eliminate
dashboard>tools>forums>repair – run one at a time
Then I’d be looking at a conflict in plugins. Disable all plugins except bbpress and see if you still have the issue. If it goes away, re-enable plugins one at a time to work out which is causing the conflict. If that doesn’t work, switch to a default theme (say tewentytwelve) and see if that fixes it.
I thought that’s what it did in default mode.
If you are using shortcodes, then you have options
[bbp-topic-form] – Display the ‘New Topic’ form where you can choose from a drop down menu the forum that this topic is to be associated with.
[bbp-topic-form forum_id=$forum_id] – Display the ‘New Topic Form’ for a specific forum ID.Otherwise come back with a url where this isn’t happening