Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @robin-w


    Once you have imported the forums, do a forum repair

    Dashboard>tools>forums>repair forums.

    This will join it all up again.

    Only run one at a time, and I’d run each one to ensure it all links up again



    Really a wordpress not a bbPress question, and quite a techy area

    This is the code that I use to add a location to user details, which should help get you started.

    //this function adds the updated town and county info to the database
    function bbp_edit_user_tc( $user_id ) {
    	$town = ( $_POST['town'] ) ;
    	$county = ($_POST['county'] ) ;
    	// Update town user meta
    	if ( !empty( $town ) )
    		update_user_meta( $user_id, 'town', $town);
    	// Delete town user meta
    		delete_user_meta( $user_id, 'town' );
    	//Update county user meta
    	if ( !empty( $county ) )
    		update_user_meta( $user_id, 'county', $county);
    	// Delete county user meta
    		delete_user_meta( $user_id, 'county' );
    add_action( 'personal_options_update',         'bbp_edit_user_tc' );
    add_action( 'edit_user_profile_update',        'bbp_edit_user_tc' );
    In reply to: Forum display



    If you want someone to do it for you, go to

    where someone will do anything from a minor change through to a full time job !

    In reply to: Forum display



    It would take a long time to go through what you would need to do – Basically it is all to do with styling and functions.

    The basics are covered in the documentation in the codex and some of the step by step stuff and layout will help you.

    In reply to: LABELS



    umm, Now I’m a bit confused.

    The filter only affects the bbp breadcrumb, so that fact that your theme doesn’t have breadcrumbs is irrelevant.

    If you just add that code to your themes functions, it will be used by bbPress as it loads and not display.

    I presume that’s where you put the previous code to change to blogs? If not try that code again!

    Whilst you can add it to a default theme such as twenty eleven, keep a note of it, as any theme upgrade will overwrite it. you should consider a child theme to let you make changes without affecting the core code and themes see for some info on child themes

    In reply to: LABELS



    In your functions file in your theme (as with the last filter)


    where %yourthemename% is the name of your theme 🙂



    hmmm…my version works perfectly, one email per topic or reply.

    bbPress uses WordPress to email, and the line in bbress notify is
    `@wp_mail($email, $subject, $body, $headers);
    Maybe that something within your wordpress/host setup is causing the issue (I suspect from yoru comments you already think this might be the case).

    I’d suggest you do a test. in Dashboard>settings>discussion enable “email me whenever anyone posts a comment” and then post a comment to a blog (not bbPress). If you get more than one email, then it is not a bbPress problem, and try posting it to for help.

    In reply to: LABELS



    code to remove it is

    function bm_bbp_no_breadcrumb ($param) { return true;
    add_filter ('bbp_no_breadcrumb', 'bm_bbp_no_breadcrumb');



    Functions in bbpress are held in the template-tag files

    so for instance
    bbp_reply_admin_links is held in bbpress/includes/replies/template-tags.php

    bbp_topic_admin_links is held in bbpress/includes/topics/template-tags.php

    bbp_list_forums is held in bbpress/includes/forums/template-tags.php

    open these up and you’ll see what argumens they use, and how to filter – from your post I am presuming you know how to create filters.



    you could try the following plugin that I use

    bbpress notify

    It lets you set who receives

    once installed go to dashboard>settings>forums and you’ll see options.

    These are set at WP-roles, so you would probably have your moderators as editors. If you a code person, I’m sure you could mod the plugin to look for bbpress moderators.

    In reply to: Topic & Reply count



    Great, I am presuming that you’re all working now !

    In reply to: LABELS



    sorry should have put the actual code in the post !

    //function to change name forums in breadcrumb to Blogs 
    function mycustom_breadcrumb_options() {
        $args['root_text']    = 'Blogs';
    	return $args;
    add_filter('bbp_before_get_breadcrumb_parse_args', 'mycustom_breadcrumb_options') ;
    In reply to: LABELS



    Ok, try adding this to your functions file.

    And come back and let me know if it worked !

    In reply to: Topic & Reply count



    No problem !

    Item 2 on the attached

    Layout and functionality – Examples you can use

    In reply to: admin bar



    Ok, I had misunderstood.

    The site you link to has these in their nav menu, they’ve just moved the nav menu to the top of the screen.

    Most WP sites only give admin toolbar visibility to authors and above, as the backend is clearly different from their theme.

    They then use sidebars to handle register, profile and login or use nav menus for these.

    If you wanted to use the standard admin toolbar, then you’d not get a login, as the toolbar doesn’t show unless you are logged in, so it becomes self defeating !

    If you want a login at the top right of your screen, you can use the php code in your theme’s header.php (or indeed anywhere you want to show it). You could add a background to make it look like a button


    <?php add_modal_login_button( $login_text = 'Login', $logout_text = 'Logout', $logout_url = '', $show_admin = false ) ; ?>

    “in the code i pasted to the function.php, there is a note on the top saying it uses a plugin named “WordPress menu admin” i didnt seem to find it do you know what plugin he is using i dont want to download somthin wrong and mess this up.” – I didn’t see this, can you point me to which bit of code you are talking about.



    Glad you’re fixed !

    In reply to: admin bar



    oops, sorry thought I’d posted the link



    so is the forum page and actual page, or just a link?

    In reply to: admin bar



    Ok, I’ve worked out an easy(-ish) way to do this.

    a) Install the plugin WP Modal Login.
    Dashboard>plugins>add new>search “wp modal login” install and activate
    b) Settings
    Dashboard>settings>wp modal login
    you can play with the settings, but primarily you need to select a theme (later on you can play with the css to get it looking nice!)
    c) Then follow the post a couple up from the last in this link which has all the steps to add it to the menu
    On step 4 – Whilst you can check all the options as he suggests, what you actually need to ensure are checked are “links” on the first line and Description under the “show advanced menu options”
    On step 5 – what you are creating is a new link, sop click “links” on the left hand side, and a dropdown with the url and link text will appear. Populate these two as he suggests and then add to the menu. Then look at the bottom right, and you’ll see this added as a custom item. Open this, and you’ll see the Description box, which is where you drop the shortcode.

    As I said, you can play with the css to get this looking how you want.

    Give it a go ! (I’m about to!)

    In reply to: LABELS



    That should have worked.

    Try resetting your permalinks

    go into

    Dashboard>settings>permalinks and just click save

    If that doesn’t do it, can you come back and tell me what you breadcrumb for forums comes out as





    It’s picking up

    some background from
    .reply a {
    background-color: #8A8A8A;
    border-color: #FFFFFF;

    from what looks line 57 possibly jscript related?, but something I think your theme is doing.



    Ok, Glad you at least know what the problem is !

    In reply to: admin bar



    Yes that is really quite good looking, I’d like to copy that also !

    The inloggen is in the menu, so it is a call from menu item.

    The site is using wordpress twentytwelve, but I don’t know whether it’s a plugin or they have coded it for themselves.

    I have contacted the site to see if they’d tell us how they did it. If I get a reply I’ll let you know !

    Maybe another support person on here knows how to code this – it’s actually a wordpress rather than bbPress solution.



    I presume this is a private forum, in which case as I’m not logged in, I can’t see the forums, so can’t help 🙂



    Which version of bbPress are you one, whilst I have your lines of code, my line 1766 of this file is in a different place than yours, and your line 1723 is my line 1700, suggesting you have extra stuff.

    Might be worth you downloading a fresh version of the plugin to your pc, and cracking open this file to see if it’s the same.

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