Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @robin-w


    try resaving permalinks.

    Then in Dashboard>tools>forums run the repairs one at a time



    The display name is currently a user choice. You could disable that by some code, but you would need to decide what to display instead eg username, email etc. But this is now completely opposite to your starting point to “allow users to choose a name and avatar before posting on a forum”.

    Perhaps it would be easier if you described what it is that you would like to achieve and why in both profile and in the topic/reply display, rather than specific queries without any explanation.

    I will try and assist you further



    Can’t say as I’ve heard of this but not personally seen it.

    are you using askimet or another spam filter?




    What I’d suggest you do is look in the main theme for a 404.php, and edit this to give a login link.

    (If it doesn’t have a 404.php, then copy a page.php or index.php file across to your child theme and rename it 404.php. Look for the “loop” part of the code, and put the stuff in there instead)

    You could then edit this file to have a link to your login and some different text.

    So for instance if the 404.php files says “oops sorry this link appears to be broken”

    you could amend this to :

    This page cannot display. This maybe because you are not logged in. To login click here

    or however your users login on.

    They will probably go to the home page once logged in, so having the relevant posts in say the sidebar (eg latest topics widget) will let them quickly navigate to the post.

    If any of the above not clear, please do come back.



    ok, I was not suggesting you switched theme permanently, rather confirm that on a default theme it works, so you know it is a theme issue, so raise with themeforest



    Sorry, but that’s not how bbPress works. it links the name with a user-id and the a user-id with a post.



    great, presume you’re fixed !



    The forums list display comes under the template


    There are many hooks in this

    Line 44 does the sub forum display

    In reply to: Thread Display



    Don’t think bbPress is designed to work that way.



    In profile they should be able to pick a display name.

    Not sure why you would want a different avatar on the profile page from that which displays on the topic/reply? Therefore I’d doubt that someone has written such a plugin.



    I use bbpress notify, but it would depend on quite who you want to inform and when



    Ok, I’d go into

    Dashboard>forums>replies and look for his reply – it should be near the top, and see what it’s status is. You could delete it or publish it, and that should free him up.



    Spam, or is there a real question here?

    If so, can you explain what exactly what help you need related to bbPress.



    “I needed to add the form, topic and forum manually [bbp-topic-index] [bbp-topic-form][bbp-forum-index] and have not found a manual solution for the login ([bbp-topic-login] didn’t work..))”

    See the documentation for set up details including login in sidebar

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – Part 1


    Layout and functionality – Examples you can use

    for setting up menu and modal logins

    As for your 404 error, I presume that the urls are correct, for instance

    works with bbpress deactivated, but not when it is activated?

    I’d check first whether there is a plugin conflict, and then a theme conflict viz ;

    Check other plugins

    Check that no other plugins are affecting this.

    Turn off all other plugins, and see if that fixes the problem. If the problem is resolved, add back one at a time to see which is causing the conflict.

    Check themes

    If plugins are not the cause, then it may be a theme issue. Switch to a default theme, such as twentytwelve, and test.

    If it is Themeforest, I’d raise it with them, as it is a paid theme, and with over 1 million bbpress downloads they should have seen it, or know what to do. I have seen some comments that some themeforest themes do not support bbPress, but don’t know about this one.



    Ok, so

    1. Can you tell me what wordpress theme you’re using or post the url.
    2. If I said “copy, rename and edit this xx.php file” would you be terrified ?

    In reply to: Creating a new forum



    “It is working now, though I don’t know why.”

    It’s a computer – if we understood them we’d need brains the size of planets !

    Glad you’re fixed !

    In reply to: Forum Question



    ok, so create the forum as ‘private’ – you see a visibility setting on the forum page when you create it.

    Then drop this code into your (child)themes functions file.

    //code to add tutor role 
    function add_tutor_role( $bbp_roles )
    	/* Add a role called Tutor */
    	$bbp_roles['bbp_tutor'] = array(
    		'name' => 'Tutor',
    		'capabilities' => custom_capabilities( 'bbp_tutor' )
    	return $bbp_roles;
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_dynamic_roles', 'add_tutor_role', 1 );
    function tutor_role_caps_filter( $caps, $role )
    	/* Only filter for roles we are interested in! */
    	if( $role == 'bbp_tutor' )
    		$caps = custom_capabilities( $role );
    	return $caps;
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_caps_for_role', 'tutor_role_caps_filter', 10, 2 );
    function custom_capabilities( $role )
    	switch ( $role )
    		/* Capabilities for 'tutor' role */
    		case 'bbp_tutor':
    			return array(
    				// Primary caps
    				'spectate'              => true,
    				'participate'           => false,
    				'moderate'              => false,
    				'throttle'              => false,
    				'view_trash'            => false,
    				// Forum caps
    				'publish_forums'        => false,
    				'edit_forums'           => false,
    				'edit_others_forums'    => false,
    				'delete_forums'         => false,
    				'delete_others_forums'  => false,
    				'read_private_forums'   => true,
    				'read_hidden_forums'    => false,
    				// Topic caps
    				'publish_topics'        => false,
    				'edit_topics'           => false,
    				'edit_others_topics'    => false,
    				'delete_topics'         => false,
    				'delete_others_topics'  => false,
    				'read_private_topics'   => true,
    				// Reply caps
    				'publish_replies'       => false,
    				'edit_replies'          => false,
    				'edit_others_replies'   => false,
    				'delete_replies'        => false,
    				'delete_others_replies' => false,
    				'read_private_replies'  => true,
    				// Topic tag caps
    				'manage_topic_tags'     => false,
    				'edit_topic_tags'       => false,
    				'delete_topic_tags'     => false,
    				'assign_topic_tags'     => false,
    		default :
    			return $role;

    The set any tutors up with the tutor role in dashboard>users> user and at the bottom of the set up you’ll see forum role.

    If any of that’s not clear or beyond your knowledge, do come back, and I’ll help further



    If some are getting and one is not, I’d strongly suspect that it is going into the junk mail of the recipient.

    They should be able to add your sites email address to their safe email addresses and the try again !



    try a forum repair

    Dashboard>tools>forums>repair forums and run one at a time

    All the entries are in the posts table, they are custom posts, so you can’t break then out individually.



    Great, glad you’re fixed, and I learnt some more about how bbpress works along the way, so was a good challenge !

    In reply to: TwitchTV Integration



    hmmm… not sure you’re going to achieve this without some major coding and probably wordpress rather than bbpress related for sign in part.

    maybe try

    You can post a ‘project’ on there and someone will offer to do it for you



    Just one user, or all?

    I’d check the email address in users is absolutely correct.



    suggest you start with the usual…

    Check other plugins

    Check that no other plugins are affecting this.

    Turn off all other plugins, and see if that fixes the problem. If the problem is resolved, add back one at a time to see which is causing the conflict.

    Check themes

    If plugins are not the cause, then it may be a theme issue. Switch to a default theme, such as twentytwelve, and test.

    In reply to: Buddypress child theme



    So you’re fixed, yes ?

    In reply to: Forum Question



    ok, I’ll do some code tomorrow and come back !

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