Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Make topic only visible to author and mod.
if you change your forum to hidden, then only moderators and keymasters can see it.
But I sense you need more than that, can you tell us a bit more about what you are trying to achieve?
In reply to: Make topic only visible to author and mod.all topics in that forum, or just some within that forum?
In reply to: Changing The Fonts Colors lolHey no problem, do come back if you have more queries !
Great that your are fixed !
In reply to: Custom Code after first Post in Topicwhat shortcode are you trying to add?
html is easy just echo it in brackets eg
echo '<br>that was a break<div>a div</div></br>' ;
In reply to: plugin.php disabeldprobably a conflict
Check other plugins
Check that no other plugins are affecting this.
Turn off all other plugins apart from bbpress, and see if that fixes the problem. If the problem is resolved, add back one at a time to see which is causing the conflict.
Check themes
If plugins are not the cause, then it may be a theme issue. Switch to a default theme, such as twentytwelve, and test.
In reply to: Deleting sidebarThis is all set in your theme’s page templates.
You can copy one of these and rename it bbpress.php and put it into the root of your theme.
bbpress will then use that one, and you can delete the sidebar from the bbpress.php
come back if you need further help
In reply to: Custom Code after first Post in Topicnothing bad in doing that
as bbpress has different custom post types for topic and reply, you could also link to the action bbp_theme_after_reply_content action and put a topic condition on
something likefunction display_after_topic() { if( get_post_type() == 'topic') { $text="hello mother" ; echo $text; } else { return ; } } add_action ('bbp_theme_after_reply_content', 'display_after_topic') ;
In reply to: Moderator Unable To Post To Forum: iPhone iPadI suspect this is not related, but always worth checking
Do you have a forums page with shortcode.
If not another poster did the following with success for a twentyfourteen theme.
So let me restate what you found to work:
1. When creating a menu item for forums, do NOT use the automatically available permalink that ends in “/forums/”
2. Instead, create a page that has the shortcode [bbp-forum-index] in the body. There could also then be other content or links in the body.
3. Make sure the page you created does NOT have a permalink that ends in “/forums/”. In my case I had a page Title of “Forums”, but I changed the permalink to end with “/allforums/”.I suspect that this will not fix for you, but give it a try anyway !
In reply to: No toolbar availableTerry, thanks from posting that – sometimes (in fact more than sometimes!) it is a small but vital bit that’s missing !
Glad you’re now fixed !
In reply to: Per Forum Permissions by GroupI am writing a bbpress specific solution at the moment – hope to publish in the new few weeks
In reply to: Changing The Fonts Colors lolok, add this in
#bbpress-forums .status-closed, #bbpress-forums .status-closed a {
color: #000000;
}and then come back with any others
In reply to: Changing The Fonts Colors lolyes, it was an untested change, but now I know you can do it, I’ll change it later today to catch the other ones
In reply to: Changing The Fonts Colors lolok, you have several routes to go
If you think you will be making other changes, then it may be worth you reading this
but if you just want to get this going then download this plugin
and then put this code into it
#bbpress-forums .bbp-topic-content p,
#bbpress-forums .bbp-reply-content p {
color: blue !important ;
}a:link {
color: blue !important ;
}Obviously you can change the blue to whatever, or use hex codes to get any shade you like
Come back if that doesn’t work, and I’ll try to help further
In reply to: Redirecting to BBPress profile via functions.phpsome of the code in here might help you
In reply to: Getting forum page name from pluginok if it proves an issue, you could use
if ( is_singular( array('forum', 'topic', 'reply') ) ) { // conditional content/code }
In reply to: bbPress Login Widgetgreat, glad you’re fixed
In reply to: Changing The Fonts Colors lolyes they are on your site.
If I gave you the code and said for you to add this to your style.css would you know what I was asking?
If so I’ll cut some for you to use
If not, come back and I’ll try and help further
In reply to: Edit Menus Problemanother one that you can spend hours trying to solve !
In reply to: bbPress Login Widgetyou can edit the profile page to prevent them changing it
In your theme create a bbpress folder
where %yourtheme% is the name of your theme
then navigate to
and copy this file to the bbpress folder you created above
bbpress will now use this one instead of the default.
edit this new file and take out lines 33 to 45
ie take out the following
<div> <label for="nickname"><?php _e( 'Nickname', 'bbpress' ); ?></label> <input type="text" name="nickname" id="nickname" value="<?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'nickname', 'edit' ); ?>" class="regular-text" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" /> </div> <div> <label for="display_name"><?php _e( 'Display Name', 'bbpress' ) ?></label> <?php bbp_edit_user_display_name(); ?> </div> <?php do_action( 'bbp_user_edit_after_name' ); ?>
This will remove the ability to set a nickname and to change the display name.
In reply to: Edit Menus Problemyes !
When they go into
they will see a ‘screen options’ button dropdown on the top right, if they click that they will get a list of things they can see on this screen, and they need to check the ‘forums’ one.
In reply to: Can I unpublish forumI suspect that you can still see it as either you’re a keymaster, moderator or wp-admin.
Private forums are only visible to logged in users
Hidden forums are only viewable by keymasters, moderators or adminsso you want to reset your forum to hidden, and you will still see them, but users won’t unless you give them privileges.
In reply to: Getting forum page name from pluginis_bbpress()
should do it I think.
Otherwise bbpress has custom post types of forum, topic and reply.
You should also consider disabling or modifying the bbpress search function, as otherwise searches will go forum wide, giving a backdoor.
Good luck !
glad we got there !
In reply to: Forum visibility and readabilityHey, thanks it looks really good !
In reply to: vs PhPBBIf you want it to look like PhPBB then the following links should help
I have created a bbPress starter theme with a phpBB look and feel