Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Topics not showing up




    Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.


    If plugins don’t pinpoint the problem, switch to a default theme such as twentytwelve, and see if this fixes.



    How do you mean?



    New bbpress installation?
    Old installation with new problem?

    Have you other plugins?



    Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.


    If plugins don’t pinpoint the problem, switch to a default theme such as twentytwelve, and see if this fixes.



    As I think you have guessed as you posted a while ago on the Emphaino wordpress support site, this is a theme issue.

    I can only suggest you try a basic bbpress page to see if this will display sufficiently well to fit in with your theme.

    So create a file called bbpress.php and into this drop the following code

    get_header(); ?>
    		<div id="container">
    			<div id="content" role="main">
    			/* Run the loop to output the page.
    			 * If you want to overload this in a child theme then include a file
    			 * called loop-page.php and that will be used instead.
    			get_template_part( 'loop', 'page' );
    			</div><!-- #content -->
    		</div><!-- #container -->
    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    Then save this file in the root of your theme.

    bbpress will then use this file instead of your theme’s page file for the display of bbpress pages.

    Give it a go, and if it fixes the problem come back and let us know. If it doesn’t then you will need to do some styling, and that will take some research to fix !



    Without using code for 21K users, I can get it to 42 quick actions – or the same action 42 times !

    NOW be careful make sure you know who you want to be different – eg administrators, as if you bulk change and then log out without changing back, then you may lose admin access – and then you’ll need to use phpmyadmin using nasty sql stuff to correct this.

    So start by making a list of users with admin, or other wordpress roles you’ll want to be different – write these names onto a post it note and stick this to your screen so you won’t forget !!!!

    Then go into

    Dashboard>users>all users

    At the top right of the page you see ‘screen options’ click this and typically you’ll see a part that says

    20 users apply

    Change this to 999 users and click the apply box.

    This will then display 999 users at a time, so you can bulk change 999 in one go.

    Then next to the ‘username’ heading you’ll see a tick box which is the ‘select all’ option, click this and it will select all 999 of page 1 users

    Above this you’ll see a ‘bulk actions’ and then the bits we want to the right of that – the ability to change the wordpress and forum roles.

    So having ticked to select all the 999 users displayed on page 1, click the ‘change role to’ and select the subscriber role, and then the change box, and hey presto all 999 are now subscribers.

    Tick the ‘select all’ again, and select the bbpress participant role, and change that.

    so now all page 1 users are correctly set.

    Now select page 2 on the right just below the bulk change forum role and repeat !

    So for each page (21 or 22 of them) you do

    Select page
    click ‘the select all’ box,
    click forum to ‘subscriber’ and click change
    click ‘the select all’ box,
    click role to ‘particpant’ and click change
    select next page

    THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHANGE THE ADMINS BACK BEFORE LOGGING OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Probably taken me longer to type these instructions than for you to execute them !

    Mod Note: I edited your post Robin 😉 Cheers, Stephen

    In reply to: User Roles not showing



    Hi, sorry you didn’t get answered the first time

    bbpress roles are separate to wordpress roles, and confusingly don’t appear as part of the user creation.


    go into

    Dashboard>users>set up new user

    set up your user for wordpress, and click confirm/save or whatever it says.

    It will come back with a screen saying ‘user created – edit user’ click the edit part and go back into the user (you can also do this anytime by just editing the user through ‘all users’)

    At the bottom of this screen you will now see forum role, and here you set their forum level.

    Click save, and you user will now have the appropriate forum level access.

    I know you’ll be screaming by now – I’m just a volunteer so don’t blame me that this is how it works !

    If you go back up to the worpress roles, you also see in the wordpress role dropdown that you can set “no role for this site” – so you can have a user who has say participant role for the forums but no role for the wordpress bit. I use this in conjunction with the ‘restrict content’ plugin to have a membership site where club members have access through the wordpress subscriber role to members only pages (and access to the forums through the participant role), whilst letting non-members access and contribute to the forums by having no wordpress role, but just a bbpress participant role.

    Come back if any of that isn’t clear !



    You’re welcome !



    Great, glad you’re fixed !





    Given this is the second forum you’ve tried, I’d bet that your issues are theme rather than forum related !

    can you give a url, or tell us what theme you’re using?



    the front page layout is achieved by ‘topics’ to the url eg


    add this url to your menu (links), and you have a latest topics page

    and the display is the content, not in a sidebar as a widget.

    Not sure if you wanted it in a sidebar that would be very populated.



    suggest you start with looking at


    This changes bbpress to go to buddypress profile, and should give you all the code you need.

    In reply to: text buttons



    Great, glad you’re fixed



    so where do you want them to go if they are either not logged in, or are looking at someone else’s profile page? (as that’ll determine where you might start!)



    Actually just looked, yes you can do this within the backend by a simple edit

    so you’d create the topic first (dashboard>topics>new topic) with your username, and copy/paste the text in.

    Then go into dashboard>topics>all topics. Select the topic you created above, and you can change the author ID and date in there. For author, you’ll need to have set up your users first.

    To find a userid from name, just go into

    Dashboard>users>all users

    Hover over the edit button of the user concerned, and you’ll see…./user_id=112



    ok, so then to answer your orig question – “Can I easily change the dates and authors of messages on bbpress?” for 40, yes IF you have access to phpmyadmin and are comfortable in doing a few simple (and safe) edits within it.

    If that sounds ok, come back and I’ll tell you what you need to change

    In reply to: Private



    ‘Would you happen to know if i can assign/connect such a “private” Group to a Membership Level of my S2 Members WordPress Plugin?’

    Offhand no, I haven’t played with the s2 plugin to know what it does or how it works !

    I suspect that total automation would be hard given that you’d presumably need to link a course or courses to a forum or forums, and then link memebers to a group within bbpress representing that.

    Load the plugin and have a look, it’ll take you probably about 10 minutes to configure and 1/2 hour to work out how you might want to use it. Then come back and let me know what you are trying to do.

    Don’t promise to link, but if it’s easy!

    In reply to: Freshness for Category



    Chill, we’ll hopefully work it out.

    you might (should) want to create a test site. Whilst that may seem daunting, it is quite easy to do, and once done a great way to test stuff without risking the live site.


    Couple of questons when you are ready

    1. The page you are linking to – this is just a members page, not a link to the forum pages?
    2. What is your forum slug called (go into dashboard>settings>forums and look for forum slug.



    Please don’t apologise for inexperience, we’re were all there once !

    Just double checked it and the code is fine.

    Probably an issue with you either not copying across fully, or a paste error.

    Delete the code, copy across again and retry

    if it still fails, come back with the bit of code that is on the line it falls at (and the line before please!)

    and I’ll look further

    In reply to: Theme/Page Template



    strongly suspect this is a theme issue. Since this is a paid theme from themeforest, suggest you contact their support for help, and come back and let us know what they suggested.

    In reply to: Private



    My plugin will allow you to create 8 groups that can have one or more forums made private for them.

    bbp Private Groups

    The 8 restriction is simply because this is a new plugin, and I haven’t written infinite groups yet.

    How many courses are you planning?



    I did a flat file, details below that might help you

    Documented import from snitz access database

    In reply to: Freshness for Category



    ok, I presume that bbpress is deactivated on the live site at the moment.

    I suspect that bbpress is using the wrong page template probably the one that the page “what the hinge” is using.

    Given that this is a paid theme from themeforest, so may have very complicated page templates, can you look and see what page templates are available that bbpress might be using


    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – Part 1

    and come back



    add the following to your functions file, and the sub forum descriptions will display

    //This function adds descriptions to the sub forums
    function custom_list_forums( $args = '' ) {
    	// Define used variables
    	$output = $sub_forums = $topic_count = $reply_count = $counts = '';
    	$i = 0;
    	$count = array();
    	// Parse arguments against default values
    	$r = bbp_parse_args( $args, array(
    		'before'            => '<ul class="bbp-forums-list">',
    		'after'             => '</ul>',
    		'link_before'       => '<li class="bbp-forum">',
    		'link_after'        => '</li>',
    		'count_before'      => ' (',
    		'count_after'       => ')',
    		'count_sep'         => ', ',
    		'separator'         => ', ',
    		'forum_id'          => '',
    		'show_topic_count'  => true,
    		'show_reply_count'  => true,
    	), 'list_forums' );
    	// Loop through forums and create a list
    	$sub_forums = bbp_forum_get_subforums( $r['forum_id'] );
    	if ( !empty( $sub_forums ) ) {
    		// Total count (for separator)
    		$total_subs = count( $sub_forums );
    		foreach ( $sub_forums as $sub_forum ) {
    			$i++; // Separator count
    			// Get forum details
    			$count     = array();
    			$show_sep  = $total_subs > $i ? $r['separator'] : '';
    			$permalink = bbp_get_forum_permalink( $sub_forum->ID );
    			$title     = bbp_get_forum_title( $sub_forum->ID );
    			$content = bbp_get_forum_content($sub_forum->ID) ;
    			// Show topic count
    			if ( !empty( $r['show_topic_count'] ) && !bbp_is_forum_category( $sub_forum->ID ) ) {
    				$count['topic'] = bbp_get_forum_topic_count( $sub_forum->ID );
    			// Show reply count
    			if ( !empty( $r['show_reply_count'] ) && !bbp_is_forum_category( $sub_forum->ID ) ) {
    				$count['reply'] = bbp_get_forum_reply_count( $sub_forum->ID );
    			// Counts to show
    			if ( !empty( $count ) ) {
    				$counts = $r['count_before'] . implode( $r['count_sep'], $count ) . $r['count_after'];
    			// Build this sub forums link
    			$output .= $r['before'].$r['link_before'] . '<a href="' . esc_url( $permalink ) . '" class="bbp-forum-link">' . $title . $counts . '</a>' . $show_sep . $r['link_after'].'<div class="bbp-forum-content">'.$content.'</div>'.$r['after'];
    		// Output the list
    		return $output ;
    add_filter('bbp_list_forums', 'custom_list_forums' );




    I would expect it to look like the second by default. If you take out the starter theme does it revert to that?

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