Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @robin-w



    go into dashboard>forums>all forums and then edit for the forum you want. Now go look at the url address bar at the top of your browser and it will look like

    so 2922 would be the forum number

    In reply to: Remove Breadcrumbs



    great – glad you’re fixed !



    Need to work out why those lines are there, they seem to do a sort and then the next lines do as well. I’ll look next week !

    In reply to: bbpress sidebar



    Have you set up using

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – Part 1

    if so did you use bbPress WP tweaks?



    there has to be a reason, and if one site works but the other doesn’t it can only be

    database difference
    file difference
    corrupt file
    server difference

    basically if all that’s the same it should work.



    great – glad you’re fixed !



    I think you need to eliminate conflicts for instance maybe the access plugin is conflicting



    Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.


    If plugins don’t pinpoint the problem, switch to a default theme such as twentytwelve, and see if this fixes.



    Just taken a good look at form_reply_move.php and that calls a function that uses the bbp_has_topics with a ‘post__not_in’ parameter. My function uses a ‘post__in’ parameter, and wp-Query can’t handle both in one query, hense why it falls over.

    I’m already in trouble with my wife for still typing this, but try copying

    wp-content/bbpress/templates/default/bbpress/form_reply_move.php to a folder called bbpress within the root of your theme – ie wp-content/your-theme-name/bbpress/form_reply_move.php

    this will create a copy that is used instead of the default



    line 45

    <?php if ( bbp_has_topics( array( 'show_stickies' => false, 'post_parent' => bbp_get_reply_forum_id( bbp_get_reply_id() ), 'post__not_in' => array( bbp_get_reply_topic_id( bbp_get_reply_id() ) ) ) ) ) : ?>


    <?php //if ( bbp_has_topics( array( 'show_stickies' => false, 'post_parent' => bbp_get_reply_forum_id( bbp_get_reply_id() ), 'post__not_in' => array( bbp_get_reply_topic_id( bbp_get_reply_id() ) ) ) ) ) : ?>

    and line 63


    <?php endif; ?>


    <?php //endif; ?>

    This just takes that argument out and see how it runs then

    If that works, then I can play with what is needed – think I know, but am out of the door….now !!!



    go back into editing your user, and right near the bottom you’ll see a setting for the forum – check that this is correct for your users.

    If they are automatically being registered, then it should set to participant.

    If you are manually setting them up, then you need to go back into edit each time and set this level up.

    In reply to: Newby a little lost



    please don’t apologise, I was writing quickly, and should have phrased it better. I’m just trying to work your hierarchy out !

    As far as I can see your menu correctly takes you to a page you have set up called forum which has [bbp-forum-index]


    This then links to a ‘forum’ you have set up either as a forum or as a category or a page, but not sure which, so it is this flow from one to another that I am trying to figure.

    if you can help by listing this eg

    menu goes to page with [bbp-forum-index] which takes you to a forum called ‘forum’ which is set up as a category etc. etc.




    ok, so if it’s a memory thing then it’s filtering ok when you just have forums set up, as it filters to the displayed forum first, so has less of a list.

    The Topics.php is only used by two areas as far as I can remember. The first is if you simply do

    which lists all forum topics. I created the function to specifically sort out peoples ability to enter that url and get all topics listed, and so bypass whether they could see a forum.

    The second is the one you have discovered (and I didn’t realise was used there) and seems to be generating a memory issue.

    You could confirm this by typing your url with /topics after and it should fall over there as well.

    If this is the issue, then I’ll look closer at whether I can improve the code, or maybe Stephen has a solution !



    your post crossed. so yes the function is working




    on you’re

    ‘$post_ids=$wpdb->get_col(“select ID from $wpdb->posts where post_type = ‘topic'”) ;’

    this function is used lots of times in the plugin for instance forum-filters.php line 37

    $post_ids=$wpdb->get_col(“select ID from $wpdb->posts where post_type = ‘forum'”) ;

    and is the core of what makes the plugin work. If get_col didn’t work, then the whole plugin wouldn’t as the start of working out who can see what is the list that this/these lines create.

    I’d therefore suspect that this function in the particular instance of moving a topic is producing a ‘nil’ return, and without any topics in the resultant filtered list, then the display isn’t switched on.



    What do you want to happen?

    The ‘cheating’ message sometimes comes about if you have multiple windows open with different access levels.

    Setting to ‘no role’ prevents the admin user accessing these areas.

    It’s quite probable that if you shut down all windows, and the go in again, you’ll not see these areas, which of course ot what the setting should do.

    Come back if that’s not clear !

    In reply to: Newby a little lost



    yes, you should be able to just have the index.

    Check out

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – Part 1

    and if that doesn’t directly help, come back with how you are set up – ie what does menu take you to, what is in that link/post/page/category etc.



    @netweb šŸ™‚



    @netweb – thanks for adding to this thread, and apologies if I was breaking rules – fully appreciate the reasons they are there šŸ™‚

    I think the errors in pg_get_author_link are related to testing for settings that may not have been set, I’ll take a look.

    – As Stephen suggest try it with a core theme and play with the plugins. Come back with your results !



    ok, I’ve just tried both roles on my site, and they are fine.

    What theme and what other plugins do you have? and can I see a url? you can contact me via my site if you’d prefer that not to be public



    @rbbouman‘Iā€™m trying to understand.’ Wish I could tell you a confident answer ! I’ve worked with computers for over 30 years, and I still don’t understand them ! šŸ™‚

    But yes, I suspect that the old trick of “turn it off and turn it on again” has worked !



    @trymedo Can you tell me what forum role this happens with eg moderator, keymaster?



    Interesting set of results – just read through them

    Thanks to those who contributed and compiled !



    New version 1.6 available from wp-plugins

    or my site

    bbp Private Groups

    This version fixes the [bbp-topic-form] shortcode so that it only displays allowed forums (previously it showed all forums, but only allowed posting in authorised).

    – love, wealth and happiness should now abound ! šŸ™‚



    Great – glad you’re fixed, and thanks for posting the latest code needed ! šŸ™‚



    sorry bbpress is now only a wrodpress plugin !



    maybe this thread will help

    Blank page problem with Academica theme

    come back if not !

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