Forum Replies Created
Different access levels to different forums is not within the core product or my private groups plugin. I’m am struggling without some bespoke coding to think how you would achieve this.
In reply to: Newby a little lostNo that (apart from the fact that you did forum 2 twice!) is exactly what I expected to see.
Now categories are areas where you group forums together, but categories have no topics inside them, they are just a “header” if you like.
Forums have topics, and forums can also have sub forums again with topics.
So I think for what you want, you should just have several forums (like forum 3) with no parents, then they will list straight away in your forum tab, and stop that extra click that you wanted rid of.
Come back if that is not clear
In reply to: Newby a little lostok, I think you basically have forums and categories a bit mixed.
Forums tend to belong to categories, rather than as you have, so I would get rid of the forum called “forums”
Then change the ‘Category test’ category to have no parent
Then set up a forum called forum 1, and put it’s parent as ‘category test’
Then set up a forum called forum 2, and put it’s parent as ‘category test’
Then set up a forum called forum 3, and put it’s parent as ‘none’You should now be able to click the menu and see category test with 2 forums belonging to it, and a 3rd forum that exists in it’s own right.
Do you intent to have more than one forum, or just one forum with all topics in that?
In reply to: Newby a little lostNo, it is part of forum rules that we don’t get involved in access to individual sites.
But if you come back with the info, then I’ll try to help further
In reply to: Freshness bbpressok, I think your best bet is to start a fresh topic called something like “conversion from phpbb issues” and repeat the text of your first post.
I would then hope that Stephen Edgar who is the conversion expert will pick this up.
He’ll probably not spot this post as it now is quite long
In reply to: Freshness bbpressok, though I suspect you have already done so, can you run ALL of the forum repair tools – although only one at a time !
The come back and let us know if that fixed or not
In reply to: Templating Issuegreat – glad you’re fixed !
In reply to: Freshness bbpressok so installation should show 9 months 4 weeks the post in General installation, not 4 years 5 months which belongs to prerequisites.
Is this a conversion from another forum, or if not, when did this problem start to occur?
In reply to: Templating Issueok, the simplest way would be as follows
In you theme create a directory called bbpress
ie wp-content/your-theme-name/bbpress
The copy the following file into this
so you end up with a file
bbpress will now sue this file instead of the default one, so then edit this file to change line 68 from
<span class="bbp-topic-freshness-author"><?php bbp_author_link( array( 'post_id' => bbp_get_forum_last_active_id(), 'size' => 14 ) ); ?></span>
<span class="bbp-topic-freshness-author"><?php //bbp_author_link( array( 'post_id' => bbp_get_forum_last_active_id(), 'size' => 14 ) ); ?></span>
If your theme is a child theme, then that will be fine. If it is a main theme, then just keep a note of this change, as you may have to repeat it on a theme update.
In reply to: Freshness bbpresscan you post a url to your site, with an example of where this is happening?
In reply to: Change Breadcrumb url linkIn reply to: "Breadcrumb" trail Forums link not working@demonboy reading through the thread above, I’m not sure what you think the issue is – it is unclear to me that a consistent issue is being stated in the threads above.
Can you just restate what the behaviour you either want or don’t want by saying what happens now and what exactly you would like to happen.
In reply to: Templating IssueDo you want the username removed or repositioned?
In reply to: bbpress sidebar@nenno what theme and other plugins are you using?
In reply to: Public setting not workiningUsually this is a theme or plugin conflict.
Try just bbpress on a twentytwelve theme, and if that works add theme and plugins until you find the conflict.
In reply to: Per Forum Permissions by Groupok, I’ll get to work on it next week
In reply to: Per Forum Permissions by Groupyes, that’s what I am saying – it does take a minute or two to think about, – in effect it’s what you have at the moment, as the plugin ignores any group setting for moderators. The extra code would just allow a limitation for those who would like to limit moderators, whilst saving running unnecessary code for keymaster and moderators without forum restrictions.
Anyway I’ll take a look at it, in the meantime you currently have a workable solution with the code mod to move.php.
In reply to: Moving bbPress Edit profile formsok, but what exactly do you mean by “the content” – can you post a utl to the page that you want to be a buddypress page?
In reply to: Per Forum Permissions by Groupok, so the planned logic would be
if you don’t set a moderator to any group, then they will see all forums and moderate in all.
if you set a moderator to a group, they would only be able to moderate that groupFor your setup, you would then set up forums a, b & c to be set to say group 1 users.
So that would stop all users at participant or spectator level without group 1 permission from accessing – in you case all participant or spectator users, you just give no-one access to that.
The you would just set your moderators to moderate but with no group role, so they would be able to access all forums, creating forums for just the moderators.
That work for you?
In reply to: Moving bbPress Edit profile formsmy wife would be delighted if I had a six pack, but suspect that’s not what you are talking about !
ok, so if I understand you correctly, you are trying to have the links that are
topics started
replies created
editand place them on a buddypress page?
Is that correct?
In reply to: bbpress sidebar@fumbling – just had another look – are you now fixed?
great – glad you’re fixed !
persistence will pay off – bet it’s something really simple 🙂
In reply to: Per Forum Permissions by Group@trymedo – great really pleased !
When you get a moment can you just try without my plugin. I just want to confirm that it is my ‘double sort’ that is causing your issue. If it is, then I’ll probably just add a keymaster and moderator check to ignore the ‘get col’ part so that it doesn’t do that if not needed. It would then mean that the server isn’t having to check every post for these groups, so would speed response for large forums such as yours. Then the code within the move.php could be re-instated, and I wouldn’t need to spend time working out what it does !
At the moment keymasters & moderators can see all posts and forums, although I suspect that someone will want a moderator to only see and moderate a sub group of forums. I plan therefore to do the check to say if ‘keymaster’ or if ‘moderator without a group set’ then skip the for the ‘get_col’ filters, which would speed sorts for large forums such as yours and get round the issue of the double sort. Moderators with a group set would still go into the double sort, so would fall foul of the double sort if that’s how you would want them set. Give me feedback on this please, so I can work on what I should do !
In reply to: Per Forum Permissions by Groupyes that’s on my list together with a bunch of other code wrangling ! It always a balance between whether you release something because it’s good enough and whether you make it perfect, then release only to find that it still needs changing !
Given limited time to work on these things, if I got it how I think it will eventually look, it would be another 3-4 months before I released version 1.
But please keep feedback coming !