Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @robin-w


    so which theme?



    suspect it is theme related.

    Can we have a link to a live example?

    In reply to: Several questions



    no problem.

    on no. 3 there is a bbpress profile and a wordpress profile. Other plugins may also add their own profile pages.

    If it is not the bbpress profile page you want it to go to, then do come back, I can probably give you some code.

    In reply to: Several questions



    on 3. it normally will go to


    where %username is the username !

    what do you want it to go to?

    In reply to: Several questions



    on no. 4

    So style pack got rid of the home – yes ? that shows that it is doing something.

    So you have a page with a permalink of forum? yes?
    With presumably the [bbp-forum-index] shirtcode in it – yes ?

    and you have set the breadcrumb root to …com/forum. As a test can you try setting this to

    and see if it takes you to facebook

    This will tell us if style pack is executing the link, but something else in your site is redirecting.

    In reply to: Forum default



    no problem, have a good weekend

    In reply to: Forum default



    because I am feeling in a good mood, I did a bit of searching.

    There is a way, but you have to edit a bbpress file.

    so go to


    and remove line 445 which says

    'show_none' => esc_html__( '— No forum —', 'bbpress' ),

    and save it back

    You will need to do this again if bbpress issues an update, but those are few and far between.

    In reply to: Several questions



    bbpress is free software and has no dedicated support. The bbpress authors rarely visit the support site, and there is no way to contact them directly. That is the nature of free open software – you write it and put it out there, but with no warranty and no obligation to support.

    In reply to: Forum default



    the car/train analogy was you using the backend for frontend tasks 🙂 The backend is designed for admins not users.

    Any code can be changed, but I’m just a guy sat in his kitchen trying to help others and only so much I can do, and spending several hours working out how to achieve this is beyond my current resources – sorry.



    this topic talks about buddypress, but the principal is the same, and not knowing the structure of salient, it might be sidebar.php that you need to use



    hmmm.. looks like you need a bbpress template in your theme.

    so first you need to create a child theme – the ‘salient’ theme docs should tell you how to do this.

    Then in your salient theme copy the ‘left-sidebar-page.php’ file you created into the child theme, and then rename it ‘bbpress.php’

    That should mean that all bbpress pages use this template.

    In reply to: Problem adding table



    Ok, I tried to look, but cannot see any obvious fix for this, I’m not sure how the code is working that sends this – sorry I’m not able to help further.

    In reply to: Forum default



    this does feel like you have abandoned the car, and are now trying to get a train to go along a road, and I’m not sure you’ll ever achieve that.

    In reply to: Several questions



    I would say that I am not a bbpress author, I just started using bbpress and got interested in improving how it looks and works.

    I will try and find time to look at your other questions, but I do this in my spare time 🙂



    it can be combinations, so yes, I want to eliminate that.

    Given that at the moment I have the problem as :

    On registration:

    worpdress has no role
    bbpress has participant role

    so you need subscriber role to be set

    then I am struggling to see how bbpress is ‘unsetting’ the subscriber role.



    ok, let’s try the standard fault finding :


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error, starting with wpforms, and then style pack.

    Then come back

    In reply to: Several questions



    1. suspect this is something learndash is doing – as a test confirm by deactivating learndash and see if they show.

    2. The IP adrress only shows for keymasters, ordinary users won’t see it.



    is the salient theme topic you refer to visible to anyone and if so do you have a link?



    Now I have to edit the file

    ok so you have already put :

    function rkk_widgets_init() {
        register_sidebar( array(
            'name' => __( 'bbPress Sidebar', 'rkk' ),
            'id' => 'bbp-sidebar',
            'description' => __( 'A sidebar that only appears on bbPress pages', 'rkk' ),
            'before_widget' => '<aside id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',
            'after_widget' => '</aside>',
            'before_title' => '<h3 class="widget-title">',
            'after_title' => '</h3>',
        ) );
    add_action( 'widgets_init', 'rkk_widgets_init' );

    into your child theme functions file – yes ?

    and then did this

    I chose the left-sidebar-page.php of my theme, copied it into my child theme and replaced <?php get_sidebar(); ?> with <?php dynamic_sidebar( ‘bbp-sidebar’); ?>. Because I read this in another topic of a theme salient user.

    which replaces the second part of 26, as you have chosen the left-sidebar rather than just sidebar

    yes ?

    so what exactly are you stuck on?



    Without specific access to your site, this will let you set where breadcrumbs go :

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Breadcrumbs

    In reply to: Problem adding table



    if you posted a reply, I didn’t get it



    bbpress works with smtp as far as I know, so it may be that the sending address is not liked by something in the email system.

    If you are using the professional version, then enable logs to see if messages are leaving the site.

    If you are not using the professional version of SMTP, install the ‘check and log email’ plugin which does much the same.

    finally, try changing the sending email address using

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Subscription Emails

    and change the sending email to a real one.

    In reply to: Problem adding table



    I would need a link to a live example to see what is being downloaded to the browser



    Not sure this is achievable. The backend is meant for management. That you couldn’t get ACF to work is driving you down a path for which bbpress was never intended.

    I think that to see the topic and replies on the backend needs the ability to ‘edit_others_topics’ or the ability to ‘moderate’ – maybe both.



    Can you ask this question in wp forms support, as this is a paid plugin I have no access to it to see what it is doing.

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