Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Simplest possible user to user PM plugin
thanks, recommendations always welcome
In reply to: Assign specific moderators to specific forumsgreat – glad you are fixed !!
In reply to: Buddypress autocomplete breaks with TinyMCEprobably better in buddypress support
In reply to: Simplest possible user to user PM pluginI hadn’t seen that one – looks interesting! – let us know if it works for you, and I’ll add it to my list of useful plugins
In reply to: Assign specific moderators to specific forumssettings for that are in
dashboard>settings>forums and near the bottom
In reply to: Assign specific moderators to specific forumsok, but that’s not a default bbpress response, so have you a plugin doing this?
In reply to: Assign specific moderators to specific forumshow are you achieving ‘require that topics be approved before appearing in the forum.’ or is this still a wish ?
In reply to: Logged-in User’s Gravatar to show on where do you want to put this ?
In reply to: Logged-in User’s Gravatar to show on header.depends on what you mean by ‘solution’ 🙂
get_avatar( wp_get_current_user(), 32 );
In reply to: send all subscribers an email onceThis still works as far as I know
it it is not perfect, the code wold get you most of the way to what you want
In reply to: Forum page critical Errorwhat theme are you using ?
In reply to: Simplest possible user to user PM pluginWordpress is free software, as is bbpress 🙂
Some lunches are free, but yes you should add plugins with some thought.
In reply to: Simplest possible user to user PM pluginThere are tens of thousands of themes, and tens of thousands of plugins. It would be impossible to test every combination. I can’t say that bbpress has been tested with Avada !!
As long as both theme and plugin adhere to basic standards, then it is likely that they will work together.
The plugin is a subset of code from within buddypress, so if you have buddypress you don’t need the plugin.
In reply to: Simplest possible user to user PM pluginstill works as far as I know
In reply to: bbp_get_user_topic_count returns incorrect number🙂
In reply to: What happens when a user decides to unsubscribeok, so as above.
I’m thinking about your email
In reply to: WordPress/bbPress random redirectdo come back if you think I can help further, I know how frustrating these events are !
In reply to: WordPress/bbPress random redirectIs this a new issue on new site, or new issue on old site, and how often is it happening to how many users ?
ok, I don’t think this is bbpress, I can’t see anywhere in bbpress that it changes cookies, but as you’ll appreciate ‘random’ actions are always the hardest to debug, and I would not rule bbpress out, I’m just struggling to see where it might have the problem.
so to directly answer your question, no idea how you might debug without finding a way to reliabily recreate this.
In reply to: bbp_get_user_topic_count returns incorrect numberyes, this has been happening for a while (it happens on this site!) , and I’ve not got round to looking at why until you posted (I am a bbpress user who helps out here, not one of the bbpress authors).
I’ve just dug into the code and created a trac fix ticket for it
in the meantime, this code fixes the problem
add_filter ('bbp_bump_user_topic_count' , 'rew_new_topic_count', 10 , 4) ; function rew_new_topic_count ($user_topic_count, $user_id, $difference, $count) { //check if count is 2 and should be 1 by seeing if user topic count is empty!! if ($user_topic_count==2 && empty (bbp_get_user_topic_count( $user_id, true )) )$user_topic_count = 1 ; return $user_topic_count ; } add_filter ('bbp_bump_user_reply_count' , 'rew_new_reply_count', 10 , 4) ; function rew_new_reply_count ($user_reply_count, $user_id, $difference, $count) { //check if count is 2 and should be 1 by seeing if user topic count is empty!! if ($user_reply_count==2 && empty (bbp_get_user_reply_count( $user_id, true )) )$user_reply_count = 1 ; return $user_reply_count ; }
Put this in your child theme’s function file –
ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php
where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme
or use
In reply to: WordPress/bbPress random redirecthmmm….
by ‘renewal’ do you mean login ?
In reply to: Plug-in section has disappeared off my dashboard.great – glad you are fixed 🙂
In reply to: Forum page critical ErrorI would suspect this is a 404 error.
it could be a theme or plugin issue
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Then come back
In reply to: Logout error when bbPress plugin is activegreat – glad you are fixed !
In reply to: What happens when a user decides to unsubscribeunsubscribe vs cancel vs delete??
unsubscribe simply unsubscibes for new topics/replies, it does nothing to existing
In reply to: Plug-in section has disappeared off my dashboard.ok,I’d suggest you try your developer f you can – it is likely to be something they have done.
If they refuse to help further, then come back