Rich Pedley (@rich-pedley)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @rich-pedley


    Captcha’s are a waste of time as so many of them have been hacked/cracked. Plus regular people hate them.

    I’ve found that the following system worked well:


    My update to an old plugin (not yet redone for bbPress) which restricts the number of links, and characters that people can post (until they have x posts).

    Plus user orientated report & hide spam – ie, if a post gets x reports it is hidden and marked for moderators to review.

    So even if spam gets through, users can quickly help mop things up. but I don’t worry about people signing up at all.



    Yes. It’s fairly, just look at the way the bbp-twentyten is created, and you can virtually cut’n’paste the whole lot. However a few teaks here and there may be necessary.



    There’s a widget.



    I’d say it would be unlikely on for quite some time, but I could be wrong.



    K, will raise a trac ticket then ;)



    Is anyone else having issues with logins when bbPress is activated?



    To join the forum you have to be a member of WordPress (subscriber), so yes. But having the templates mean that they can be skewed to a forum login, and possibly appear on the forum page ala the current bbPress.



    The positioning of the avatars is already in WordPress comments, so that is not new. but they are not in the ‘form’, which is why I paid them little attention.

    Circular images made from existing gravatars would be ok, but just rounding the corners may make them more appealing. But making them circular could completely miss the main part of the image, mine isn’t central and it would actually lose it’s appearance if made circular.



    You are forgetting Guest posting.



    Did I miss something then? looks fairly ordinary to me.



    I don’t test with IIS… We could always put a call out on the hackers list if needed.



    I test on windows, to some extent, with EasyPHP.



    Most certainly agree Gautam, you are accomplishing a lot for your young age, your future prospects should be very good indeed!



    @Mark – test again ;)



    @Mark – test again ;)



    32… sounds like phpBB

    While I don’t has access to a demo, either locally or online that’s fully up-to-date it makes it hard to comment on some of the newer stuff committed, after my PC decided it didn’t want to be a PC anymore! is kept fairly update and when you register you get access to almost everything to show what’s available etc. however, there are a few bugs because it is running 3.0.4, when 3.1 is released I’ll be updating then (I don’t want it on the nightlies).

    I’ve mentioned theming to my other ‘alf, but no point in starting until things have settled down. But with all these different files, I think it is even more important that action/filters be included from the off for plugin developers to hook into!



    32… sounds like phpBB

    While I don’t has access to a demo, either locally or online that’s fully up-to-date it makes it hard to comment on some of the newer stuff committed, after my PC decided it didn’t want to be a PC anymore! is kept fairly update and when you register you get access to almost everything to show what’s available etc. however, there are a few bugs because it is running 3.0.4, when 3.1 is released I’ll be updating then (I don’t want it on the nightlies).

    I’ve mentioned theming to my other ‘alf, but no point in starting until things have settled down. But with all these different files, I think it is even more important that action/filters be included from the off for plugin developers to hook into!

    In reply to: Forum Moderation



    blergh, does the akismet version here weight registered users then?

    In reply to: Forum Moderation



    blergh, does the akismet version here weight registered users then?

    In reply to: Forum Moderation



    bumpage due to recent spam



    echoes my thoughts ;)



    If you’re sure it’s a bug post on Trac.

    If you have weird things happening straight after upgrading, I’d suggest posting here first. Because upgrades aren’t smooth yet.



    I usually do, though sometimes if I’m unsure I prefer to get a bit of feedback first ;)



    Had to resave permalinks as well.

    I’m noticing more issues as well.


    function _wp_get_user_contactmethods() in /public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-includes/bbp-user-template.php on line 721

    when trying to edit a users profile in the front end.

    incoming trac ticket.



    bleh, the one time I didn’t.

    brain bug then ;)

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