Rich Pedley (@rich-pedley)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @rich-pedley


    this seems precisely what stick topics are for, IMO.



    would be far better to start a new thread.



    not that i found, but if you do find a solution – let me know!



    Updated to 0.9.1

    profile page: can’t use anything but text or checkbox, so I used 2 checkboxes, but would have preferred select, or radio. (yes you can add a single radio button, but a single one is of no use!)

    utilised the query, thanks.

    decided that if number of deleted posts is greater than number of valid posts then they should be checked. Though it might be better to add in a bit of math there.. thoughts? validposts / 4 perhaps.

    also if spam posts are greater than 1 they get checked as well.

    But that part may actually be redundant because they are being checked anyway at that point, or do I have the flow wrong?

    Once they hit the required number of posts they the always trust flag is set.

    Commented the code, which is a first for me…

    and hopefully it still works.

    1 question – is there an uninstall hook to clear things from the database? I wouldn’t want to do it on deactivation – hate plugins that lose settings because of that.



    menu generator.. no, ability to add yes.



    [edit: thanks for the feedback ;)]

    Yeah, the option settings is a pain, they finally added that into WordPress, so I’m hoping it’ll be added into bbPress as well at some point. I copied the form from akismet, thought that way I’d get it right first time ;)

    And yes I did use that, nice starting point – hadn’t realised what was being passed to the trusted (must have missed that part). So yeah that’s trivial enough to add in.

    One reason I didn’t add in the trusted was that I totally missed it after intending to put it in! This was due to my not being able to add a user profile field in the form of a select. So I’ll re visit that and see if I can utilise radio buttons instead.

    Wasn’t sure what post_status were… so is it:

    0 for standard posts, 1 for deleted and 2 for spam ?

    I’ll work on it …

    I’ve released a few WordPress plugins (and have loads of small unreleased ones), I’m not saying I’m good, but have experience. Plus it is why I have moved back to bbPress after years of using other forums, I should be able to code plugins for it!



    Looking back at WordPress it look like it may not have been added into bbPress as yet. Ahh well one page for one setting is bit OTT but looks like I’ll have to stay with that for now.



    create a forum/board for each region.



    sounds like a simple image map to me. So yes it is possible.



    aye looks like several instances.



    have any of them changed since the 1.0.2 release?



    sorry, I’m at a loss then. The only think I could suggest would be to try downloading the files again in case one of them was incorrect.



    Check the usermeta table for user_id of 1

    You should hopefully see a meta_key of bb_capabilities

    and then the meta_value will be something like:


    Not sure its even possible to manually change a password any more.



    strange then, because it worked for me no issues.

    I don’t know if it makes any difference, but do you have the wp-includes/backpress directory along with the alpha version?

    In reply to: New Topic



    I’m using the alpha release, for me the link is id=

    and it is different for each board, hardcoding it isn’t really the way to go.



    delayed email perhaps, and of course check your spam bin…

    1 is the standard for whoever set the forum up, check the user table and compare. Is row ID 1 also you? and do you still have full admin(keymaster) rights?

    In reply to: Avatar size



    probably in post.php within your theme look for:


    I change mine to this:


    In reply to: Modlook tag



    hey thanks, I’ll get around to it at some point…

    Looking at that might be worth saving the ‘trusted status’ in the user meta table – which I think would mean the data is already cached (well hopefully).

    Probably only need 2 states – 1 for trusted, and 1 for never trust. If the value isn’t set then they haven’t been trusted.

    then I’d just need to add a setting to the akismet admin page for number of posts to make. And a quick setting on the user admin page.

    Should be doable.



    that function is actually in which is in the bb-includes sub directory. Have you got that file?

    In reply to: Search help



    gave up and used my own function to replace the generated form and added it to a functions.php



    check the users table, are the email addresses stored correctly?

    Which version of bbPress are you using?

    In reply to: New Topic



    not possible.

    But you could wrap the call to it in a <span> or similar and then add the class to that.



    just had a similar problem.. was easy to fix when I realised the font color hadn’t been set. So it was working, just wasn’t visible…



    thanks for the tip – hadn’t noticed! I’ll remember to upload it when I go live.

    Have managed to transfer the majority of things from fluxbb/punbb forum, just missing a few things which I think I can live without.

    In reply to: Search help



    forgot to mention – using bbPress 1.1-alpha

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