Greg (@rebootnow)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @rebootnow


    Ok, now I’m just confused. With our custom theme I am seeing 50+ queries. I was previously ignorant of this because “get_num_queries()” apparently isn’t returning a result for the site overall.

    But on Kakumei, I still only see 19 queries overall.

    I can see what optimization needs to be done on the custom theme thanks to the “SAVEQUERIES” magic incantation, but I’d still love to know why you’re getting 56.

    Did you do the deep integration test on the standard themes?



    [EDIT] Scratch the below. It seems I was only counting the bbpress-related queries. I now see 51 queries (for a logged in user), which is a lot to pay for the convenience of calling wordpress functions. I look forward to hearing more about what you come up with during those two weeks.

    These stats are not consistent with my experience.

    I have a site with deep integration between bbPress 1.0.2 and WordPress MU 2.9 (BuddyPress). The number of queries for the front page is:

    18: logged out

    23: logged in

    I switched the theme back to Kakumei and this drops to:

    14: logged out

    19: logged in

    The deep integration here is requiring ‘wp-load.php’ from bb-config. How did you do the deep integration to get the results above?

    Or is WP3.0 doing something odd when integrated with bbP?

    Also, although 56 queries is really heavy for a standard deep integration, I wouldn’t be overly concerned about that number for a sophisticated site. And you really want to know what those queries are. Not all queries are created equal.



    I use WPSC with bbPress deep integration, but as mr_pelle suggested I exclude the forum URL from caching.



    Could this be a magic quotes issue?


    If this module is loaded you can sometimes end up escaping input twice with the result being extra slashes in your database.

    I’ve fixed a problem exactly like yours in the past by turning of magic quotes in php.ini, but I thought that these days bbPress handled the case when they were turned on.

    In reply to: Theming the ajax



    Ok, thanks Kevin. I’ll look into those options.



    I’m not particularly fond of your generalization about developer communication skills. That’s not my experience at all. It is just an ignorant stereotype.

    That said, devs are necessary but not sufficient. I agree a lead is essential. My point is that talking about forking the code without committed devs is ridiculous.

    Instead of complaining (justified though it may be) we need to identify the developers who are interested and capable of driving bbPress forward.



    This talk of forking is premature. Where is the developer hiding that will drive this?

    In fact, it would be good to get a sense for the real programmers that are hanging out here.

    Who currently has commit privileges for bbPress? Matt said there were a couple of people that he had granted these to.



    I am using WP+BBP+BP on a moderately sized site. 1000s of users, ~1M pageviews/month. Here’s my 2c…

    What are your needs?

    If what you need is a forum, use bbPress. Much less resource hungry and more flexible as a pure forum than the integrated forum in BuddyPress (itself also a fork of bbPress). You will be up and running a lot more quickly. But yes, the future is a little uncertain.

    If you need to build a social network (friends, groups, private messaging, activity) then use BuddyPress. Be prepared for a much bigger load on your server and more theme complexity. The resulting site will be quite sophisticated though.

    Note that you can start on bbPress and move to BuddyPress later. This will involve some work integrating databases later on, but it can be done quite easily if you know some SQL. This is what I would do in your situation – start out with the minimal subset of features to build your forum and take it from there.






    delayedinsanity, you beauty. As far as I can see, this is the problem. I switched to using wp-load.php and the status in the header is 202 without my hack. What’s more, it corrects this issue:

    Many thanks.

    So to sum it up. I was previously doing the following in bb-config.php for deep integration:


    But it broke RSS feeds and put 404 headers in my forum pages. The following seems to solve both issues:




    Have you tried using firebug to see the sequence of HTTP requests? That may shed some light.



    And it definitely is *deep* integration, right?

    If so, how do you do the deep integration – are you calling ‘wp-blog-header.php’ from ‘bb-config.php’?



    All of them. Any bbPress page.

    What versions of bbPress and WPMU are you running? Do you have BuddyPress installed?



    Hmmm. They say talking to oneself is one of the first signs of insanity…

    I just found a year old thread on this topic:

    So I have a couple of questions for anyone out there:

    1. Aside from the ugliness of a core hack, is there any reason my workaround is a bad idea?

    2. Has anyone produced a plugin that implements Beau’s idea in the thread above?

    Sounds like there are a lot of people with deep integration, so I find it really strange that this is still a problem in WPMU 2.8.4a / bbPress 1.0.2.



    Looks like WordPress is setting the 404 because it doesn’t recognize the bbPress page that is loading.

    When the global WP object is constructed, the function WP->handle_404 calls “status_header( 404 )”.

    As a workaround, I modified “handle_404” to lay off the 404 if “BB_PATH” is defined (i.e. when a bbPress page is loading). This seems to work ok.

    Here’s the new “handle_404” at around line 445 in “wp-includes/classes.php”.

    function handle_404() {
    global $wp_query;

    if ( !defined( 'BB_PATH' ) && (0 == count($wp_query->posts)) && !is_404() && !is_search() && ( $this->did_permalink || (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && (false === strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?'))) ) ) {

    // Don't 404 for these queries if they matched an object.
    if ( ( is_tag() || is_category() || is_author() ) && $wp_query->get_queried_object() ) {
    if ( !is_404() )
    status_header( 200 );
    status_header( 404 );
    } elseif ( !is_404() ) {
    status_header( 200 );



    Interesting… the BuddyPress forums ( have the same problem, but the forums are fine.

    I know that the BP forums and our site both use deep integration, so I tried removing that. Result: No more 404.

    So it appears that deep integration is part of this problem.

    I have bbPress 1.0.2, WPMU 2.8.4a and BuddyPress 1.0.3.



    Is your server set up to display php error messages? If not, then you may be hitting a fatal error, but not seeing the error message.



    No responses here, so I’m giving it one more try. Anyone else have this RSS conflict when doing deep integration with WPMU?

    In reply to: All RSS Feeds Broken?



    Removing deep integration with WPMU 2.4a fixes the issue and the top level feed works fine.

    I guess I should start a new topic on this issue, since it is different to the one covered in this thread.

    In reply to: All RSS Feeds Broken?



    @kawauso, that line in the error is the source on line 13: “<?xml version=”1.0″?><!– generator=”bbPress” –>”

    I should have looked at the source though. It seems that the xml has two headers. Could this be related to deep integration?

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!-- generator="WordPress/2.8.4" -->
    <rss version="0.92">
    <title>[SITENAME] » Page not found</title>
    <description>Just another [HOST] weblog</description>
    <lastBuildDate>Sun, 06 Sep 2009 14:07:54 +0000</lastBuildDate>


    <?xml version="1.0"?><!-- generator="bbPress" -->

    <rss version="2.0"

    <title>[SITENAME] Forum » Recent Posts</title>

    <link>http://[FORUM URL]b/</link>
    <description>[SITENAME] » Recent Posts</description>
    <pubDate>Mon, 07 Sep 2009 19:27:36 +0000</pubDate>


    In reply to: All RSS Feeds Broken?



    Not sure whether this is the same issue, but thought I’d post it here just in case. Before and after the above patch, I get exactly the same result. All of the RSS feeds display correctly, except the feed for all posts across the forums, that is, “<forum URL>/rss/”, which displays a blank page.

    This is true for Firefox and IE7. On the problem page, IE gives the message “feed code error”, with the following details:

    Invalid xml declaration.
    Line: 13 Character: 3

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    [update] One difference between before and after the patch is the IE error. *Before* the patch it says:

    Invalid xml declaration.
    Line: 13 Character: 3

    <?xml version="1.0"?><!-- generator="bbPress" -->

    One interesting thing: if I browse to “<forum URL>/rss.php” (note the php extension I added), then the top level feed displays fine.

    Here are the details of the pages I browsed and the results. All well, except for the top level feed.

    <forum URL>/rss/ [blank page] – this is the published feed

    <forum URL>/rss [blank page]

    <forum URL>/rss/topic/<topic name> [correct feed displays]

    <forum URL>/rss/forum/<forum name> [correct feed displays]

    <forum URL>/rss/forum/<forum name>/topics [correct feed displays]


    <forum URL>/rss.php [correct feed displays]



    Quick update: after upgrading from 0.8.3 to, upgrading from to 1.0.1 in a second step went smoothly. Except for:

    – The “New bbPress installation” email message still had “Please give me a name!” in the from field.

    – The first time I went to the upgraded forum it had “Please give me a name!” in the header where the name should be. After I logged in as keymaster this fixed itself.



    Sam, very interesting. Could you possibly quantify that a little more? I think it would be really helpful for folks who have growing forums and are thinking about how they will scale.

    A rough user count and the infrastructure investment (servers) for each bbPress installation, for example.



    Thanks Michael. Via that plugin I found this one:

    Don’t know why it didn’t come up in my original search. It’s a bit dated, but perhaps it will do the trick.

    In reply to: Am I a bozo?



    FWIW, I reposted a second time with one change (I removed a fake link I was using to illustrate my point) and now the post appears. So Ipstenu’s theory that this is an akismet problem appears to be correct.

    UPDATE: I see the same issue on the forum.

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