pimarts (@pimarts)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @pimarts


    I only get that in a specific case, I don’t know if it’s related:

    How do you make a "Private" forum visible to some WordPress classes?

    JJJ? Any ideas?



    BuddyPress is not compatible with the bbPress plugin yet. (You can BuddyPress and bbPress perfectly alongside eachother though, just disable the forum components of BuddyPress).

    A new version of BuddyPress is coming out soon (JJJ said so, that’s why they’re working on buddypress.org this week) and I think that one will be compatible with the plugin.



    BuddyPress is not compatible with the bbPress plugin yet. (You can BuddyPress and bbPress perfectly alongside eachother though, just disable the forum components of BuddyPress).

    A new version of BuddyPress is coming out soon (JJJ said so, that’s why they’re working on buddypress.org this week) and I think that one will be compatible with the plugin.



    I didn’t test these myself, but in the bbp-core-shortcodes.php file (of RC1 from the trac) it states the following shortcodes:




    So those might work.



    Aside from the spam replies, nobody else with this problem? :)



    I run a combination of bbPress & Buddypress and this worked for me, I did put the following code in functions.php:

    function disable_all_widgets( $sidebars_widgets ) {

    if (is_bbpress()) {

    $sidebars_widgets = array(false);


    unregister_sidebar( 'bp_core_widgets' );


    return $sidebars_widgets;


    add_filter( ‘sidebars_widgets’, ‘disable_all_widgets’, 1, 1);

    This removed all widgets aside from the user login, but that’s quite handy to be present at the forum pages. I put that on top of the forums with CSS.



    @ dobralog: If you followed the link in Andre’s post you’ll have the latest version. Any changes made go (more or less) directly into trac.



    Deadlines are pretty much there to miss them ;) It’s done when it’s done. Just be glad when it doesn’t take as long as Duke Nukem Forever did :)

    When it’s done you will not be able to miss the news about that, no worries.



    This topic should give you all the info you need:




    If you already have installed WordPress, you’re probably better off using the plugin that you can easily install from the admin pages of your site.

    Go to Plugins / Add New and search for bbPress.

    As for uploading something, use a FTP client like Filezilla.



    I think WanGuard is the only one that works with the plugin, didn’t test it though, but it claims it does.

    Aside from that none of them will work, because the plugin is totally different on the inside.

    As for restricting users, try the Members plugin by Justin Tadlock. That seems to work pretty well, although I have a problem with that one too (just posted about it in a different topic).



    Different approach, new account, let’s hope my posts don’t automatically get flagged as spam this time.

    Ok, I’m running Version 2.0-rc-1.

    Amongst my forums I have a forum that I have set to:

    Status: Open

    Visibility: Hidden.

    Admins can see and use it just fine.

    Editors can only see it though, when I go to the forum page (as an Editor) /forums/forum/<forum-name>/ I get a “Page Not Found. The page you were looking for was not found.” Other forums / topics work just fine.

    I’m running the members plugin mentioned above (the new one) and I have given editors the following caps (amongst other stuff):

    read_hidden_forums (added this myself, just to be sure, because it was not in the list)

    read_hidden_topics (added this myself, just to be sure, because it was not in the list)

    read_hidden_replies (added this myself, just to be sure, because it was not in the list)




    I also tried making a new role with those caps, but that doesn’t help either.

    I’m probably overlooking something, anyone who can help?

    Take care,


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