Null (@null)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @null


    Darn and you did this out of the blue? Respect!

    Thanks going to try it, will report back later!



    Thanks for the big reply. I think I’ll wait untill you release your usertrack plugin and hook into that. Then I can simply use somthing like: select username where location = frontpage and put it in a foreach or something (assuming your plugin keeps a record of where people are)

    Solves all my problems.

    Thanks again



    Yeah about that plugin of yours, hurry up with it, many people want that one :):)

    I can also test it if you like on my board

    But back on topic: lets say I want to use bb_location since I ONLY want to track users on the frontpage. Is this possible without extending the users table?

    If a user goes to another page or leaves the bb_location will change. Thats not a problem since I only want the people from the frontpage.

    And how would you update this? At page load or something? Perhaps I should request this in the plugin section since I have no idea how to make a clean plugin of this…



    This is the problem: $bb->query_vars, what is the proper bb code?

    In reply to: TalkPress suggestions



    We will not be able to download talkpress and do some hosting on our own? We can do that with wordpressMU, so why not with talkpress?



    Shouldn’t be too hard to copy, perhaps I” take a look at it IF I can take a brake from WoW this weekend :P.

    I’ll make a green version (bbPress like) too then…

    btw I love you theme, can we download it somewhere?

    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?



    I want to make a suggestion _ck_ (then I don’t have to make it).

    Put the (basic) smilies in a folder in the image folder, but also let people allow to put a smilie folder in de template’s folder.

    Now let the plugin first check in the template folder if there is a smiley folder there, if so, use these smilies. If not, use the basic smilies from the basic map. This way we can use (custome)smilies suitable for the theme. (so if you theme is green, you can make some green smilies that fit your template.

    Get the idea?



    Ok (just asking this cause i am working on a plugin myself), but how about the next step. I have this to create a table if it doens’t excist:

    bb_register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'bbmenu_install_check');

    function bbmenu_install_check() {
    global $bbdb;

    $installed = $bbdb->get_results("show tables like ".$bbdb->prefix."bbmenu");

    if ( !$installed ) :
    $bbdb->query(" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <code>&quot;.$bbdb->prefix.&quot;bbmenu</code> (
    <code>item_id</code> INT(3) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    <code>item</code> varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    <code>set</code> varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    <code>page</code> varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    <code>location</code> varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    <code>order</code> int(9) NOT NULL default '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (<code>item_id</code>)

    But I also want to put some data in it:

    "INSERT INTO$bbdb->menu` VALUES

    (DEFAULT, ‘Forums’, ‘active’, ‘index.php’, ‘front-page’, 0),

    (DEFAULT, ‘Search’, ‘active’, ‘search.php’, ‘search-page’, 1),

    (DEFAULT, ‘Statistics’, ‘inactive’, ‘statistics.php’, ‘stats-page’, 0);”;`

    How to do this in the same query?



    So why not use:

    $bbdb->privatemessages or doesn’t this work anymore?




    The installation file contains:


    What does this prefix. do? Or where does it stand for? Is prefix the bb_ in the database? I believe not since $bbdb doest this already, so what is it?




    There is nothing “wrong”with left aligned, but it reads better/nicer. Especially when having a wide screen monitor. Matter of taste :)



    Well I would center the whole forum instead (its now on the left part of the screen) and I would darken up some things (like the zebra stiping and mouse over). Also I would make all hyperlinks that dark green like you have for the forum title (upper left: your

    Also remember that not all screens are the same. Some people have it too bright, others too dark, so don’t use too light colors :)

    Just my 2 cents, looks great



    I say wait till _ck_ releases his plugin. It’s more extended.

    Let’s all spam _ck_ so he will release the thing already :P:P:P:P

    (yeah also waiting for the release :))

    In reply to: How to get poster name



    Try: get_topic_author() or something. There was a wiki where you could find the correct “tag” @ but that one seems to be down at the moment…

    In reply to: Check out our new skin



    I like it, it’s something different then the normal reskinning jobs :)

    And screw IE6, it’s absolete anyway :P

    Will this theme be realeased for download anytime soon?



    Check your config file (the php one) and re upload it

    In reply to: Work in progress



    In THEORY you could use the forum database table for the blog. A blog would be a new topic in which people could reply. Adding a filter would seperate the blog-forums from the normal forum.

    This way, the database doesn’t have to be extended, a simple filter would do… plus it would be easier to code as a plugin

    Well in theory

    Just filter it:

    blog name = forum name

    blog topic = forum topic

    blog reply = forum reply

    blog is filtered from the forum and only topic owner can add/edit here.

    To make it more simple, when a user makes a blog a forum called “userblogs” (must be unique so a series of numbers could be added) is created and filtered (hidden). Then when loading a profile page it checks the forum “userblogs” where topic starter = profilename and it shows the “blogs” of that profile name…

    Hope you understand what I mean, goodluck


    In reply to: Work in progress



    I kinda like the blog idea, it’s something totaly new for a forum and personalises the profile page a lot. Are the blogs saved in a hidden forum or is the database extended? (profile table). And can people reply?




    Can this be done with entire templates too? Perhaps in topic.php or something (cant try this at the moment)



    Hmm never mind, I think upgrading to 0.9 didn’t went flawless. I also see no gravatars…


    Fixed all problems by re-uploading the template folder!



    I cant seem to find in my profile where or how my gravatar looks like. Gravatar option is activated after the upgrade (no rating selected).

    My e-mail = my gravatar adres, but it doesn’t display. Also, not all users e-mail is their gravatar adres. An extra e-mail field just for gravatar is requied. Perhaps with an option: use normal e-mail adres for gravatar.

    In reply to: Plugin: Summon user



    Is it possible to make it so that (when using the online plugin) you can summon a online person directly? So you summon a user who is online, he will recieve a pop-up (or something) . When he presses the link or button in the pop-up, he will go directly to the topic. Ofcourse the pop-up should heave 2 buttons. 1 to accept the summon and 1 to decline it. The summoner will recieve a pop-up when the summon is declined.

    That would be so cool :)

    In reply to: Restrict New Topic


    Put this code in a Plugin. The group "Member" will be affected.

    function restrict_bb_got_roles() {
    global $bb_roles;


    add_action('bb_got_roles', 'restrict_bb_got_roles');

    What happens If you use this? Do only members + higher be able to post here and all can reply and read?



    Like with hotmail?

    After 60 days of no-inlog your account is set to inactive. After 1 year it will be deleted?



    [7] Private messaging. This can be done with bbpress.

    Yes, there is a plugin for this

    [8] Groups. Can this be done?

    Not yet (put it on trac as request). There is a way with an plugin I believe. Make a new group (e.g. like moderators) and put your people in it.

    [9] AND THE BIGGEST OF ALL – Can “friends” be made for a member, where you click his/her profile and friends are listed?

    I was working on a plugin that does this, but I got stuck with it, so it’s back on the selve for now.

    Can’t help you with the other questions


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