nishant2hit (@nishant2hit)

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • @nishant2hit


    Hi there, I am using insert_php plugin with bbpress. I have already added [insert_php] as a shortcode to whitelisted shortcode list under ‘bbPress2 shortcode whitelist’s settings. But, I am still getting [insert_php] as text in replies. Please help me understand if I am missing something here?



    Thanks Robin for looking into this. I have disabled dashboard for non-admin users and that works well for me as of now. So, no issues there.
    My next query may be a bit out of bbpress’s scope (i hope i am not being too much of a pest here). Is there a way to allow forum moderator to edit a table (say tablepress table)? I am editing it as an admin but would like moderator of individual forums to be able to do so.
    Thanks a ton and feel free to ignore if out of bbpress’s scope or guide me to start a new topic if the query is out of scope of current topic.



    I have disabled dashboard for non-admin users. so, for now, that does the trick. Thanks Robin for your help on this.



    However, the moderator is able to view all topics and replies from dashboard. He can edit the same. In dashboard, is there a way to hide topics and replies from forums for which moderator’s group is not set to.



    Thanks Robin for such a quick turnaround, really appreciated. It seems to be working as desired.



    Hi Robin and team,
    I am using bbp Private groups plugin with bbpress. This has been of great help for many. However, I am having this strange issue with moderator type of forum user.
    Moderator user though assigned to a single private group is able to view forum topics and create topic that belong to a different group.
    Below are two users I created in the system. Both belong to same private group:

    Name Private Group(s) Wordpress & bbPress Roles
    —————– ——————– ————————–
    nishant.moderator Group1 GroupA Subscriber/Moderator
    nishant.participant Group1 GroupA Subscriber/Participant

    I have created two forums. Below is a snapshot of Management information tab of bb private groups:
    Group1 Group name : GroupA
    No. users in this group : 2
    Forums in this group :
    No. forums that have this group set : 1
    Group2 Group name : GroupB
    No. users in this group : 0
    Forums in this group :
    No. forums that have this group set : 1

    nishant.moderator is able to view topics and add topic for ForumB as well which should not be allowed ideally.

    Please help me with this issue.


Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)