nedsferatu (@nedsferatu)

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  • @nedsferatu




    Looks great awesome work! Thanks for your help with this, it makes managing bbpress so much easier.

    In reply to: Pagination bug?



    I have the same issue, have you found a resolution? thanks!

    In reply to: Navigation error



    I have the same issue, have you found a resolution? thanks!



    I’m really enjoying using this plugin thanks for the fix! However I do notice that it is not recognizing my local version in the column which will make upgrading harder. I did some searching around for a fix for this but the ones that i did find were old and don’t work anymore. Is this another case of including a missing function? thanks for the help!



    I wrote up a quick outline of the screencast that may be helpful:

    I found that I would forget some of the non-intuitive steps but not want to re-watch the whole screencast.



    A note on the installer. I did an integrated install where wp and bb were in separate subdomains using separate db’s. I got it to work but in the advanced section of the cookie integration in the separate user database sections the field for user db password does not display. I made the following change in the install.php file and it worked:







    instead of the original:



    $bb_install->input_text(‘user_bbdb_password’, ‘password’);




    after that I was able to complete the install and the integration no proble. Hope this is helpful!

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