I jused the Login with Ajax Plugin, that works now.
However I think such a trivial function should be there out of the box…
Thanks for your help.
Uhm well regarding your hint I found this
Register on Multisite
Seems somewhat odd to me. bbpress claims to be from the developers of WordPress and to be multisite compatible but so far it seems not to be possible to use the registration properly without creating a custom wp-signup.php or using a third party plugin?
Did I get that right?
Any hint what I could check?
sorry for my late reply.
Yes it is a multisite (network) installation. Currently I am only using one site but I prepared this for future sites to be added.
My active plugins:
Akismet Anti-Spam
Contact Form
GRAND Fla Gallery
Honeypot for Contact Form 7
Network Privacy
Slider Revolution
The EVents Calendar
Wordpress Importer
Wordpress MU Domain Mapping (notsure if Im even using this or if it is a leftover…)
Wordpress, Themes and Addons are all on the latest version.
Kind regards,