mithrandir (@mithrandir786)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Reply Styling



    PS. to answer your original question, a plugin does not exist for this purpose, as what you are trying to achieve is a custom built solution. Any plugins that exist are for more general purpose and commonly used bbPress styling patterns.

    In reply to: Reply Styling



    This is not very difficult to achieve, and does not require any plugins. A similar look is possible with modifying the bbPress template files, and some custom CSS styling. Although it depends on your experience with HTML,CSS and a bit of knowledge about PHP and how WordPress templates work.

    To find the location of the bbPress template files navigate to:
    Here you will find various template files which serve various purposes.
    for eg. loop-topics.php is the template file for the topics ( like in the kleo theme ).

    You should not modify the original files.
    Instead create a folder named bbPress in your theme root folder (or child theme root folder)
    ie. ‘wp-content/themes/YOUR-THEME/bbpress/’
    Any changes you make in this newly created folder will be given priority over the originals.

    Copy any files you wish to modify from the original location into this folder.
    This way updates to bbPress wont overwrite any files you have modified and your changes wont be lost.

    The avatars you see, can be selected as an option in the WordPress dashboard.
    Navigate to Dashboard> Settings > Discussion –> Default Avatar
    Here you will have the option to choose from:

    • Mystery Person
    • Blank
    • Gravatar Logo
    • Identicon (Generated)
    • Wavatar (Generated)
    • MonsterID (Generated)
    • Retro (Generated)

    The (Generated) avatars are the ones to choose from.

    If you are willing to invest some time ( since without fluency in the aforementioned skills, it could take a little bit of trial and error), I could help you in achieving this.

    It is a little late in the night at the moment(in my country), ill post back tomorrow to get the gears rolling with some examples.



    I don’t want to change the colour using code as none of our participants would be able to do that

    The changes made in the CSS, are global and participants will not have to add any CSS code. Once the changes are applied they are visible to everyone across the website.



    Not sure why its not working, seems to work on my end.

    I believe the cause of the issue is the wordpress theme your website is using.
    The best solution would be to contact the authors of the theme WPZOOM, and im sure they can find a quick solution.

    If not, you could try adding the CSS once more, the following should work:

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-content p a, #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-content p a{
    	background: none;
    	color: black !important;
            position:relative !important;
     	display:inline-block !important;
            visibility: visible !important;

    In truth it is difficult to address any styling issues without being able to see the website, if you can not get in touch with the authors of the theme I could try my best to find a solution.



    Glad its all sorted out :), happy to help out. And thankyou, for sharing the solution, hopefully it could help someone else.



    Appears to be a css issue, are you using any plugins to modify the appearance of bbPress ?

    The following css should fix this

    .bbp-body .hentry p a{
    	color:#3f3f3f !important;

    you could change the color for the link to one of your preference by modifying the color property.

    If you are using wordpress version 4.7 and above, To add the css, in the WordPress dashboard navigate to:
    Appearance>customize>Additional css

    copy and paste the code and save changes.



    It is probably dues to akismet or spam blocking.

    There is a a limit of how many links can be placed in a post, I believe it is two links at max.
    This also applies to images so one link one image or two of each.

    Breaking the link apart into words and not as a valid url might work.



    To clarify the question, is the form for registration purposes?

    Why not use a membership plugin, If i understand correctly the plugin listed below might suit your needs.

    Ultimate Member – User Profile & Membership Plugin
    By Ultimate Member


    • Front-end user profiles
    • Front-end user registration
    • Front-end user login
    • Custom form fields
    • Conditional logic for form fields
    • Drag and drop form builder
    • User account page
    • Custom user roles
    • Member directories
    • User emails
    • Content restriction
    • Conditional nav menus
    • Show author posts & comments on user profiles
    • Developer friendly with dozens of actions and filters



    @robin-w, @johnjamesjacoby

    Thankyou very much for replying,

    I am currently working on a solution, That was my initial observation aswell, regarding hard coded values. Users will be able to opt-in or opt-out by submitting a checkbox input field. I was hoping I could post back soon, once I had accomplished a (not so embarrassing) solution.

    Thanking you again for your help, and for all your exceptionally amazing work with bbPress.



    Yes that would be the best solution, depending on their support for theme customization. I have extracted(just for testing purposes) the CSS from there live demo site for ‘discoverypro’, and can confirm it is the cause of the bbPress styling issues.

    Users names from under their profile pictures trail off the right side of the screens


    .bbp-body .bbp-topic-meta .bbp-author-name{

    when reading posts and replies within topics, all the users profile pics squash themselves all together at the top left hand-side of the screen.

    *I cannot recreate this issue as it is specific to your website, however if you could provide a link to your forums/website it would be possible to fix the issue.



    A quick google search listed the following plugins

    For converting topics to posts one at a time:

    Post Type Switcher
    By John James Jacoby

    For bulk converting topics to posts:

    Convert Post Types
    By Stephanie Leary

    However these plugins do not convert replies to comments. You will have the option to convert topics to posts, and separately convert replies to posts. They do not automatically sync replies as comments to the post. (I have not thoroughly tested the plugins and I could be mistaken)

    Warning: I do not recommend running these on a live site as there is a potential for things going very wrong. Before converting or making changes to the database always make backups, and test locally first.

    You could make a request with the authors of the respective plugins, and possibly you may find a solution



    Would a live link (url) to your forums be possible?



    I have had this wp theme for 3 years

    I cant seem to see the name of the theme in your last reply, could you please include it again and ill have a look.

    Also just wondering, If you open the bbpress dot org support forums does a similar alignment problem exist?



    Does the issue exist on various mobile devices or is it specific to a single model/device? could you please include the mobile device information including screen size and screen resolution.



    If you could provide more information regarding which WordPress theme you are using and any more specific areas in detail that are causing issues I could try my best to help out.

    Many themes include there own styling which can interfere with bbPress styling, so it is best to take that into consideration before modifying the CSS.

    As far as my experience goes, bbPress provides bare minimal styling, Personally I find this to be advantageous, in the case of adding your own styles to match your theme, one does not have to override too many complex styling rules. yet, I agree there is still room for improvement with default bbPress responsive styling.



    Great, yes looks like a really nice plugin!

    The reason I asked about the multi site is, if you are using WordPress Multisite, from what I have read (I have no experience using a multi site) the ‘anyone can register’ is located elsewhere:

    Dashboard > Settings > Network Settings -> Registration settings
    Check the field “Registration is disabled.”

    Cheers 🙂



    bbPress does not currently have such a feature, A similar topic is posted bellow:

    Guest Notification

    However you might be in luck since a plugin exists for this very purpose:

    bbPress – Anonymous Subscriptions
    By Stefano Ottolenghi

    I can not post the link due to spam blocking.

    As for the ‘anyone can register’ check box, Do you have administrative credentials? Also just wondering are you using a multi site?



    Great! Happy to hear its all sorted out, I will remember to check permalinks in future if I encounter a similar problem myself, ..learn a new thing everyday :), cheers!



    Sounds like permalink issues. Have you tried to refresh permalinks? Are you using apache or a microsoft IIS web server on your hosting? I have noticed other people with similar problem are on IIS servers.I would look into htaccess if apache or web.config if on IIS or ‘URL Rewrite’ module settings in IIS.

    In wordpress Dashboard>settings>permalinks try setting to default. And click save changes.

    In Dashboard>tools>forums have you tried to repair forums?

    I am not familiar with IIS but the htaccess file should be writable with correct permissions.



    Dont mean to waste your time any further, but a quick google search using the keywords “bbpress edit redirect url”, will list a few results with a similar issue. Searching on the bbpress support also returns similar topics. Hope you can get it sorted out soon.



    I understand, just my two cents, it is most likely an issue with one of the plugins.

    In the wordpress dashboard under settings > bbP private groups –> under the topic permissions tab try to disable topic permissions or change configuration in the plugin.

    I can not replicate your issue as i have tested the smart magazine theme and bbpress is working just fine for me. I am not familiar with the bbP private groups plugin, but i have just tested it, and it is throwing some php errors for me. It might be a compatibility issue with the latest version of wordpress or bbpress.

    I would recommend to start by disabling the bbP private groups plugin first and disable plugins one by one to trace the cause of the issue.

    I’m sorry if i could not be much help, hope you can share your results , and perhaps someone else could offer a solution



    The problem is most likely not specific to bbPress and is with your server settings or htacess. WordPress may not be able to generate or modify the .htaccess file for your website due to file permissions issues. It might help to delete the htaccess file, grant correct permissions and refresh permalinks which will generate a new htaccess file. Try to enable php error log in htaccess as well.

    # enable PHP error logging
    php_flag  log_errors on
    php_value error_log  /path/to/htdocs/PHP_errors.log

    Create a blank PHP_errors.log file in the directory specified in your .htaccess file and set its permissions to 777. Now refresh the page that’s giving the 500 error and check if that log file now contains an error(s).



    In the WordPress dashboard under settings>forums –> under the Forum User Settings, you will see the option:

    Disallow editing after x number of minutes

    You could try increasing the limit, however it does not explain why the keymaster or administrator can not edit a reply or topic.

    It might help in finding the problem by changing the theme to the default wordpress themes and disabling all plugins except bbPress.

    If you could provide more information, regarding the bbPress/wordpress version, themes and plugins, I could try my best to help.



    To find the location of the template files navigate to:

    You will find all the template parts in this folder. It is recommended to not modify the files directly, instead create a folder named bbPress in the ‘generatepress’ theme root folder. ie. ‘wp-content/themes/generatepress/bbpress/’ copy any files you wish to modify into this folder. This way updates to bbPress wont overwrite any files you have modified and your changes wont be lost.

    Test this by copying the content-archive-forum.php to the newly created bbpress folder and begin to modify the file.

    a simple php echo command will confirm it is working by printing a message at the top of the content-forum-archive template.

    <?php echo "Hello world!"; ?>

    The Example provided in the previous reply can be pasted on top, or wherever you would like to display the topics. Some formatting is required, by adding appropriate div classes and styling with css as necessary. Would be happy to help with any of the html, php or wordpress functions if there is any difficulty.

    *my apologies if this a duplicate reply, previous reply did not get submitted properly,spam protection may have blocked it, since it included links to screenshots on imgur.



    The following functions would be useful:

    //to get the topic author name

    //to get the forum title


    <?php echo 'Started by: ' . bbp_get_topic_author_display_name(); ?>
    <?php echo 'in: ' . bbp_get_topic_forum_title(); ?>

    You would need to modify the respective template file, depending on where you would like to display the “topic info”

    If you could provide more information on what you are trying to achieve, would be happy to help out.

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