mglasser (@mglasser)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @mglasser


    I am sorry, but I cannot recall the fix for this. Our web site security is sort of messed up and cobbled together, but it is working now. I think “bbpress Advanced Capabilities” plugin is the one that lets me alter the view_private_topics and view_private_replies for an individual use. And I do have to use this for manually created users.

    I am not sure that I did anything to edit a role, but again it has been so long I could be wrong. Part of me feels like it fixed itself with plugin and/or WP version updates.

    FYI, a few months later I had these same symptoms with version 4.4 of WP, which was solved by switching the forums from Private to Public, saving it, and then switching it back. And doing that for every forum.

    Good luck.



    Just curious what specifically changed to cause this problem. I upgraded to 4.4 and then reverted back to 4.3.1 and I think this caused my problem. Was this new logic in a new php file or a change to an existing file? Or did the upgrade make some change in the database? I have learned that my host WPEngine does a non-destructive restore, so when I restored to revert back to 4.3.1 it did not remove the wp_termmeta table nor any new files that were added. But it should have reverted back any changes to existing files which would be calling this new code. My site is working now, but I am still curious how this happened so I can better understand how I should revert back to previous versions.



    It seems the theory is that reverting from 4.4 back to 4.3 still leaves “something” that is breaking things. Does anyone know what the “something” is that is unchanged in the process of reverting to 4.3? What change in the database or a file? I would like to confirm that issue exists in my current setup and test my backup/restore process.



    I don’t know if it would work, but did you try making them private and then switch back to public?



    I had same problem and was able to fix it by changing status of each forum from private to public and then immediately back to private. I presume your forums are private.



    I was able to fix this by changing the forum to public and then immediately changing it back to private. Something is happening during this process to fix the problem. Also note that this occurred to me after upgrading to 4.4 and then reverting back 4.3.



    Our phpbb3 forum was migrated to a brand new WordPress installation with bbPress installed (not BuddyPress). It was done by a consultant, so I am not sure how much of the code was custom vs a phpbb3 migration tool.

    We got the private topics to show to Participants by using the plugin “Capability Manager Enhanced” and allowing the read_private_topics and read_private_replies. This now allows Participants to read the private topics, but also allows them to see Hidden forums. They cannot see the content/topics of the forums, but they can see the hidden forum titles.

    The remapping to default was done with the repair tool. It had no impact, except to require me to go back and reset the handful of users that were not set to Participants.

    The big question that seems unresolved in many threads is whether Participants are supposed to see Private topics/replies, or if that is a misprint in the documentation? Why would we have to use the Capability Manager Enhanced plugin to do what the docs say should happen by default.

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