matrixino (@matrixino)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: postmeta db size




    In reply to: SimplePress Import



    Sometimes during the topic conversion it hangs and i have to stop/start to continue. This is the error i’m getting in php logs:

    [error] 11916#0: *145917 upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream, client: x.x.x.x, server: ~^mydomain.*$, request: “POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php HTTP/1.1”, upstream: “fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:”, host: “mydomain”, referrer: “http://mydomain/wp-admin/tools.php?page=bbp-converter”

    Is somthing I have to worry about or can I just keeping stop/restarting? Do I lose something?

    PS: I just replaced my real domain with “mydomain” to hide it and I’m using nginx/php5-fpm

    In reply to: SimplePress Import



    Ok found the problem. The WP plugin Boingball BBcode was using the same class name.
    I’m importing now and went to the next step. Finger crossed 🙂 Thanks for your time

    In reply to: SimplePress Import



    WP 3.8.1 – SP 5.4.1 (but also isn’t working with 5.4, i just upgraded when trying to fix this) – BBP 2.5.3
    I’m working on a duplicate copy of my wp db (I always do a test run before working on live site).

    However I just noticed this error in my php logs:
    “PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class bbcode in /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/admin/parser.php on line 979” while reading response header from upstream

    So I think some other plugin (or maybe wp itself?) is declaring that class already. I’m going to debug this now.

    In reply to: SimplePress Import



    I tried leaving only 1 forum group (seems like I need to have at least one) and disabling all plugins, still no luck. I’m trying to upgrade to latest 5.x version now and see what happens :\

    Edit: Nothing, still stuck there after upgrading. Is there a way to have a verbose output to see exactly where it get stuck?



    Seems like this feature is being delayed… delayed… delayed every version in your TRAC.
    Personally I think this “view” should be the default one to adhere with what people expect when coming from any kind of other forum softwares (which also makes more sense to me regarding the visual organization of a forum).

    Also the “per forum permission group” thing is a must in the core of any forum IMHO. There is no way to manage big forums like mine without it, where we have mod groups coordinating different sections/aspects of the site.

    But again this is just my personal opinion.

    In reply to: Custom BBCodes?



    Is this possible Stephen?



    Thanks @inspirationnally I did the same thing for now. But as you said I actually wanted to not show them at all. I tried playing with the tehnik_bpp_filter_forums_by_permissions func without luck. Do you think this could be easily fixed plugin-side?

    Also be warned they can still enter the post url and see them (it’s fixed only in their GIT repo) and also they come out in searches (not fixed yet, but a quickfix is available in their bugtrack as a comment).

    Anyway i didn’t notice the Kalice reply above, I’ll try something later and post a fix if working.



    I think you have the same problem as me. Are you also using this mod ?
    Look I posted there too.



    I was using this and everything worked fine… until I had the need of a “per forum permission” system. Then I tried this plugin (the only one I found actually). Now I just get the default listing repeated for each “section” instead of the subforums.
    Seems like I have no other way to restrict single forums to different roles/groups other than this+Members plugin. I wonder why bbPress don’t have a better permission system…
    Can you please look this plugin code and help me fix it?

    In reply to: Custom BBCodes?



    The problem is I have some BBcodes with multiple vars like this:
    transforming in something like this:
    I can’t seem to achieve the same thing even if using grouping in regexp with (.*?) and then using $1, $2, $3 to get the texts in between the “!”.

    In reply to: Custom BBCodes?




    In reply to: phpBB Import speed



    OK. I logged out manually and relogged in. Seems that it’s working now, we’ll see…
    I’ll report later.

    In reply to: phpBB Import speed



    I did what suggested. Going 5000 locally with 0.2 seemed to work fine. However I got again the “dashes” problem. And I was still logged in when it happened (auto-refreshing my admin page). Also stopping and restarting the import, it just continue giving dashes like this:

    -----Starting Conversion-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Converting replies (425000 - 429999)
    Converting replies (420000 - 424999)

    Where it says starting conversion is where i stopped/restarted it. In the try of my first post it also started giving dashes around the 450000th post.

    What can I do?

    In reply to: phpBB Import speed



    Anyone? I’m really having trouble importing… I even tried locally (i7-4770k/16GB/SSD) and it’s taking ages 🙁

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