Shmoo (@macpresss)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: email disclaimer



    I think there are WordPress plugins who hook into the WP outgoing e-mail function and wrap them into a HTML e-mail or give you the option to edit the content.

    Try searching for them. bbPress doesn’t have special e-mail templates, they just use the WP mail function.



    Normally not, just tested at my site and when I deactivate the registration system and still visit the registration page is shows a message “you can’t registrar at this site”

    Are those real members signing up or just Spambots hitting your sign-up-process ?



    Do you have any plugins activated that involve the sign-up process ?

    Think about ReCapcha stuff and spam preventions.

    Or maybe made some custom changes to wp-signup.php



    It seems to me that many bbP users would benefit from the ability to list selected topics by excluding forums (ie, topics for all forums except forum-xyz).


    At bbPress 1.0 this could be done this way, array( ‘exclude’ => ‘-3,-7,-12’ ) but for some reason this doesn’t work anymore in bbPress 2.0

    I need something similar.



    Try this.

    Your HTML and CSS isn’t very pretty but this will do the trick I believe.

    .type-reply.user-id-1 {
         background: #91CDEA;
         border-top: 1px solid #BEC3C7;
         border-bottom: 1px solid #BEC3C7;
         overflow: hidden;

    Btw, if you have copied the default bbpress.css stylsheet from the plugins folder to your own theme ( wp-content/themes/your-theme-name/css/ ) folder you can edit and customize that new bbpress.css file. You don’t have to place all your custom CSS inside the style.css – just customize the bbpress.css inside your theme folder.

    Right now you’re working too much with the !important; attribute just trying to overwrite default stylings while it’s not needed if you simply customize the bbpress.css stylesheet.





    Shows pagination:


    Gone pagination:

    Added a Trac ticket




    It’s the bbPress threaded replies function, if the checkbox is activated and set to two levels deep it breaks the pagination.

    If I disable this function all pagination works.



    bbPress isn’t that populair at all. Who needs forum software today?

    Companies and developers do, often for support about their products but when you look back in time lets say 10 years ago forum software was also used in general to make any kind of discussion platform.
    Simply because there was no social media where you could connect with each other so easily and share or thoughts and opinions about anything.

    Forums are still great today but limited to a smaller target audience.



    Well I can’t help you from my side of the computer, if you have a link to a Live website I can help you with this problem.



    True, because it’s not possible right now! bbPress is no WordPress easy coffee that you can install and run away with.
    Everybody can activate a plugin and add content but when you would like to change some of the core functionalities in bbPress the difficulty curve goes up with like 300%.

    When I’m done with my site I have gained some more experience about filters and actions and I will try to write a plugin that lets you group and order lists of forums based on the WordPress menu structure.
    I’m still learning myself each time I do something in bbPress.



    Not, because Forums is a Post Type like Posts, Pages, Topics, Replies, Products, Books and more of those options you often see in WordPress.

    You order the items them when they get pulled from the database based on X or Z.


    I’ve been trying for years now to find the best ‘new’ way to GROUP + ORDER custom lists of forums without having to make Parent forum categories.

    Think about how Menu’s work inside WordPress, it’s one of the most powerful and easy to use features in WordPress and it can + should be used in more ways then just making menu’s. It can’t be that difficult to alter or hook into that wp_nav_menu functionality.

    To be honest the main functionality is already there,
    If you go to the Menu’s page inside your WordPress back-end you can see on the left side an option to add all, or most used forums, or just a single forum item to your website’s menu-bar.
    ( if this option is visible from the options menu at the top )

    That’s a feature almost nobody uses right now because lets face it, how often do you link to a single-forum-item from your website’s main navigation bar? If so you can also use the Add Custom Link option, visit the single-forum-page front-end > copy the link and add a custom Menu Link to you menu. Done!
    Mostly you just link to the general forums-index page with a list of all forums, that’s a link you show inside your website’s main menu-bar.

    Just try it, add a single forum-item to your menu bar but now think about how cool it would be if that link would also show your topics + posts count behind it.
    Default right now:
    – /single-forum-title/
    What it could be:
    – /single-forum-title/ – ( 7 ) – ( 32 )

    See where I’m going with this, if you have that structure of a link layout you can group and order very easily your index forum pages or at any other page where you can add a menu – even in de sidebar you could make powerful easy to use lists of forums you want to group together.
    This is so flexible you can make 50 different versions of lists – all you need is a few custom_menu_locations who are made for bbPress forums only.

    All this isn’t rocket science for somebody who knows PHP, wp_nav_mennu already has special hooks to add to page_nav_items so you can include data behind those menu-links, even bbPress already has a forums Widget that can do almost the same as I just told you by just adding 2 lines of PHP.

    I think this is the way forward in making unique forums index pages.
    I think we all love to group X forums together without using a category forum and try to pull that list behind the scene based on the category_forum_id. You just want to make forums + group the manually together like Menu-items, combine + order -items > Add them them into unique menu_locations and you can make little kinda Widgets of related forums content.

    Look what I made over the years and it was a frustration to find the right tags to use while it can be so much easier done by just hooking into the WP Menu function.

    View post on

    View post on

    !! Of course keep your respect to the people doing all the hard work on this lovely bbPress source !!



    Well try using your browsers Web inspector that will guide you through your code and gives you a visual image of where and what you can change because every site can be different.

    This is an old video but I think every browser today has an Inspector inside it by default. It gives you an idea of how you can spot some HTML classes and what you should target to change.



    Try adding this to your CSS.

    .type-reply.user-id-1 { background: #ff000; }

    Change the number 1 in the line above with the user_ID number of your admin-/moderator user-id-1


    In reply to: Upgrading WordPress



    Nope, software (Plugins) like those are very well tested with Beta versions before they become available to the public.

    Normally there wouldn’t be major problems if you haven’t changed anything to the core.



    Just go to the Plugins section of your WordPress admin + Click Add New Plugin –> Search for bbPress and activate it!

    After that change some bbPress settings and start adding forums, topics and replies.

    – Always make sure you back-up WordPress once in a while!




    Very nicely!
    Well integrated with the entire theme.

    Just one question:

    How did you change the time-format at each last_activity.
    By default bbPress shows something like this, (two items)
    – 2 days, 3 hours ago
    – 8 hours, 37 seconds ago

    But you only show one item,
    – 2 hours ago
    – 6 days ago
    – 1 years ago

    I like your format better.



    I know they don’t try to keep information from us but it can be frustrated at times if you wanna learn something but for X reasons you can’t find it or you just can’t understand it :S

    And it becomes extra frustrated if you know for sure something similar works 1000 times easier inside WordPress out of the box.

    The link you gave me explained it very well, I’ve read it twice and now I made my very first filter.


    // Adding extra CSS
    function shmoo_extra_css( $classes ) {
    		$classes[] = 'tab-row';
    		return $classes;
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_topic_class', 'shmoo_extra_css' );

    Doing the same thing in WordPress

    <?php body_class( 'tab-row' ); ?>

    Because this simply doesn’t work.

    <?php bbp_topic_class( 'tab-row' ); ?>



    I think this question belongs at BuddyPress – but for one you always need to join groups to be part of them, the Groups functionality is completely different from Forums and Topcis.

    Groups are more based on a social layer. Try searching for: BuddyPress auto. join group I believe there is a plugin that does something like that.

    2, You can change them in your WordPress admin / Users profile there is a select menu where you can change the Role of a user.

    In reply to: Upgrading WordPress



    We can’t tell you if your site will break or not because we don’t know what your developer has customized and how he has doen that.

    The best solution is something you should always do. Back-up your WordPress site so that you can always go back to a safe position if your update doesn’t work or breaks some functionality.

    Always make sure you have back-ups of your site.



    What happens if you do the same inside a WP Blog Post ?

    Do you have the right Twitter link?



    Looks like it doesn’t work here at as well so maybe a core problem 🙁



    Strange, it’s only the user_profile page.

    Have you tried adding another (none Admin) user with all lower-caps and just by signing up through the WP signup process?

    Maybe deactivate all plugins when doing so or change to TwentyTwelve theme for testers.

    In reply to: Help with error



    Because it doesn’t work like that out-of-the-box.

    WordPress checks some values based on a Submit action – a page-load is needed to check and push the error_msg into your page and because of the page-load the browser will go back to the top of the page by default.

    If you want functionality like that you have to search at Javascript Validations ,there are lots of them online.

    Personally I really like Foundation’s Abide

    It can check if a field is valid when writing and if it’s not it blocks the Submit button from being pushed in the first place.
    I used it in a BuddyPress site and it works very nice.
    Foundation Abide BuddyPress bbPress



    Thanks, IF I knew how it worked I would also like to write about it but for some reason they keep this very secretly while 98% of all bbPress changes have to happen through filters.

    I’ve read the WP Codex about this a few times but I just don’t see it, I can’t connect the dots + all tutorials online are often talking about this in a global way, they make up ‘some’ function and add it to another ‘something’ function.
    Pippin often has easy to follow tutorials but I lost him in the second picture.

    A Quick Introduction to Using Filters

    Respect for your link!
    I will make some time for it and read it very slowly today, looks like a very good one because I saw a heading HOW to SPOT a filter!



    Right now you have a PHP syntax error..

    a ‘(‘ or ‘)’ too manny or too less , count them around line 139 of dante-child/functions.php

    a Function should always have equal open ( and closing ) symbols.

    A function can look something like this:
    bbp_topic_author_link( array( ‘type’ => ‘name’ ) )

    The bold symbols belong together and the unbold symbols belong together, if you miss one or have one too manny you get a PHP syntax error like you have right now.

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