Macmenddotcom (@macmenddotcom)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Plugin: bb-Topic-Views



    hmm is this plugin still available anywhere?



    I also used to use SMF but moved away and whilst i am aware of its many add-ons and extra basics that BBpress does not have I have not missed it, and moved away because it became over complex and the move from version 1 to 2 made my site more difficult to run



    Nothing is dead until it stops breathing and its heart stops beating, bbpress is opensource, if you like it as a forum and want it to continue then get coding, the wordpress codex says of opensource:

    “open source – is simply programming code that can be read, viewed, modified, and distributed, by anyone who desires. …”

    The next thing is promote it, if you have a blog do what I have done here:

    If you just have a forum with no blog then use what I have done above as a sticky topic.

    In reply to: WP Stats



    hmm why no stats plugin for bbpress?



    its great to see more people trying a hand at bbpress themes, well done



    I just put my idea of 5 top forums on my blog with bbpress number 1 see it here



    Where has this gone to



    I dont suppose this went anywhere?

    In reply to: Where are the themes



    yes…please see my other post, we have to get everyone of one mind and working toward the same ends. Now is not the time to give up, people always come and go.

    The whole thmese issue needs addressing.

    1. Laid out in plain english on this site how to integrate your Wp theme to BBpress. I just tried a version on someone elses blog and ended up with a blank page, so put it back how it was!!

    2. A The repository on this site, now!. All the themes in one place. If necessary a section for free and anaother for premium



    its no problem now I have created this profile which is fine, but thanks for responding

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