lantaarntje (@lantaarntje)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @lantaarntje


    Yes i don’t understand why bbpress don’t do anything about these problems many people want to convert but if it isn’t possible it stops :(.



    Sorry i gave up moved to wpForo 🙁



    Hi Wurkagency,

    Any idea?



    Can not skip this Step 16 – i don’t care for anonymous reply authors



    Also with your script it is looping

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)


    Any suggestions?



    Yup your right after hours and hours it loops with the anonymous reply etc.
    I restarted the conversion with your script so we have to wait and see :).
    I’ll keep you posted.

    ps: hopefully the peepz of BBpress will include a script that works 😉



    Ok thanks ! at this moment i’m converting again ( attempt 213237218378237 ) if it fails i try your latest one.



    Has any one succeeded in a good conversion? from PHPbb3 3.2.x to Bbpress – i’m following these threads for ages and made a dozen attempts to convert to BBpress from PHPbb3 3.2.x but each conversion stops with different bugs, loops, etc. I tried all the changed scripts file but they have also the same issues.

    Hoping that the guys at BBpress will take a serious look at this script and help us pls!

    Help us Obi Bbpress Kenobi you are our only hope




    I tried de fixed script but i still have a loop:

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    16.Converting anonymous reply authors (100 through 100 of 100)100%

    It remains for hours! – Any advice?



    This fix indeed has the intention to convert my phpbb3.2 forum to bbpress 2.6 beta 2 😉 The conversion is still running so i don’t know for sure 😛 #goodjob



    The converter won’t start? I try to make a test conversion from phpbb3 3.2 but nothing happens when i click start 😮






    Thx for the info but how do i get it displayed on the frontpage not as a menu link but the same as Is it displayed in a widget area? or …



    Little update:

    The logout issue is resolved by removing the cookies.

    About the toolbar not showing it seems that qt_bbp_reply_content_toolbar is not showing.



    Little addition – After the conversion all phpbusers are imported as imported_username so i need to edit these users -> delete imported_user with the option to move all topics/replies to the original users.



    Dear Stephen.

    That did the trick – i disabled WP United and topics has the right authors but other problems occur:

    * I can’t log out anymore – you can push the button logout but nothing happens. When you refresh – Login Screen appear. strange! – I use Buddpress & BBpress. Tempate Default Buddypress template. Before forum conversion did was still operating well.
    * When you make a reply to a topic – all the BBcodes buttons are gone.

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