kirpiit (@kirpiit)

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  • @kirpiit


    I’m really afraid I cannot follow you.


    Could you please elaborate a bit, please?



    For images you might want to try

    As for the html I’m not sure I understand your question.

    Plain html should work

    <img src="http://image-location.jpeg" />

    In reply to: All RSS Feeds Broken?



    Ok, I got it! Or close to that…

    I happen to have this patch on my system

    As I disable that, the magic is done and rss comes back to life!

    While I cannot say “what” is wrong with such a patch, I’m happy to confirm that just eliminating it does the trick. In case anybody else has the same issue…

    Thanks for the kind help to everybody, with a special thank to kawauso :-)

    In reply to: All RSS Feeds Broken?



    I just double-checked all the 3 files you previously indicated. I downloaded them from my server and inspected them: there are no trailing spaces nor anything. They all start fine with a standard <?php opening.

    For a while I hoped it was that trivial, but there must be something else :-



    Thanks Kawauso and Marius.



    > I also made “Add new” button much more visible.

    > Since this very button is the key to a growing forum.

    I agree.

    It is the right moment to point out that I found myself not trivial to edit that “button”. Where is that css hidden, please? I did not seem to find it in the standard css file.

    In reply to: All RSS Feeds Broken?



    No, there is no rss2.php file in my template. Moreover, I am now just using a plain Kakumei them which I downloaded fresh from the site: the only change I applied was switching the original file inside Kakumei with the one you provided (as well as the other files you provided for other locations inside the install).

    Yes, weird.




    1. – I just dowloaded 1.0.2 once again from and completely reloaded the Kakumei folder into my install. [1]

    2. – Tags do *not* work as they should once you load the forum, log in and try. Please see (User: Evita Password: IE0Rc4vpTl7P) for a free test.

    3. – When I disable Javascript as suggested, tags adding start to work fine (although not ajaxically, obviously): the tag is recorded, the page is reloaded, the tag is inserted into the list and the input field is cleared.

    4. – Re-enabling Javascript, it sometimes work and sometimes not.

    5. – Repeating points 3 and 4 confirms point 4. Test were done many times with the latest Firefox.

    It is all funny, but I cannot get a clue of it.


    [1] I also updated the bb-templates/kakumei/rss2.php as indicated here in attempt to solve the RSS problem (which was not solved, but this is another story).

    In reply to: All RSS Feeds Broken?



    I just replaced my 3 files (I use 1.0.2) with those that Kawauso kindly provided, and double checked that all was right.

    Yet I get an error



    No, the theme you see here now is the standard Kakumei, just the way it comes out of the install. Not even the slightest edit to it.

    Instead, I have some plugin enabled.

    In reply to: All RSS Feeds Broken?




    I don’t seem to be able and reproduce the new version of the files, also because the code in 1.0.2 seems to be slightly different from the one I’m supposed to edit, and I get easily lost (not being a coder myself).

    I tried all my best, but still the feed throws an error and does not get created.

    Are such files dowloadable from any source, please?

    In reply to: All RSS Feeds Broken?



    Thank you bbhack.

    I saw

    How am I supposed to use that page, please?

    Is it right to open all the files involved in my actual install, delete the lines in red and add those which are in green, manually?

    In reply to: RSS feed for user



    I’m afraid there is no way.

    But really Favorites could help.

    One might want to add any topic s/he is interested in to his/her “favorites” list.

    Favorites have a custom Rss feed available.

    There is also a plugin that automatically sets the post you contribute to as favorites automatically.

    In reply to: All RSS Feeds Broken?



    Yes, it seems that also here RSS do not work anymore…

    Any idea about what is wrong?

    In reply to: All RSS Feeds Broken?



    I do not know what happened in the last two weeks, but also my fresh 1.0.2 install throws an error when clicking on a “RSS feed for this topic”.

    Errore interpretazione XML: la dichiarazione XML o testuale non è all'inizio di un'entità


    Linea numero 2, colonna 1:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


    Any idea about it, please?

    Does anybody know if the issue has been addressed, so that instead of spoiling my site in the effort to fix it, I’d better wait for the next release?

    In reply to: How long?



    > I wouldn’t wait.

    Sorry if I did not understand it clear.

    Do you mean that, starting from scratch, it is far better to set up and test with the 1beta version that the 0.9 one?






    I humbly suggest that a search field and its css couterpart is included in the default theme for future releases.

    It is far easier for many to comment out a few lines as opposed to figure out how and where to place new pieces of code.


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