All RSS Feeds Broken?
I have been working on a site for a client and he just let me know that all the rss feeds are broken. I have tried downgrading to 1.0.1 and upgrading to 1.0.2 but in neither of them the feeds work. The rss displays the title but the rest is blank. For example:
wordpress is installed and deep integrated at and bbpress is
Any help would be appreciated.
RSS feeds work here and on other sites, so I’m going to guess it’s deep integration or …
XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
Line Number 10, Column 38: <description>Canadian Rugby Forums » Topic: Canadian Players Overseas</description>
^Might that be related to
Nope that didn’t help. I reloaded the rss2.php file to the default kakumei and then disabled deep integration as well. The client states that rss is very important to him. Does anyone have any ideas?
Speaking of Broken RSS Feeds, the ones on this forum are broken as well.
I have a 1.0.1 installation that works fine, but this 1.0.2 installation does not seem to work.
One difference I noticed in the 1.0.1 installation. When you click on a topic feed, the feed <description> looks like this:
$site_title Topic: $topic_title
– the » is missing.With the 1.0.2 feed, it looks like this:
$site_title » Topic: $topic_title
It’s the » that is creating problems in the feed, at least with Firefox and IE8.
Neither the rss.php nor the theme specific rss2.php have either of those lines of code in them. Do you want to elaborate, please?
Sorry, I was substituting pseudo-variable names in there: $site_title is the site title from the admin (“bbPress Support Forums” here) and the $topic_title is the topic title (this topic has “All RSS Feeds Broken?”). So, here, the RSS description is
bbPress Support Forums » Topic: All RSS Feeds Broken?
and in a 1.0.1 installation it is
bbPress Support Forums Topic: All RSS Feeds Broken?
There is no raquo in the 1.0.1 installation, and the feed validator is complaining about that one character.
Ah ok. So what would I change to fix this?
Ditto here. It’s choking on the » character. No RSS feeds work, including here on BBPress’ own forum.
Fix please?
@chrishajer – That’s … weird. I have 1.0.2 on my sites and the rss works fine. And the errors here are very different than Rohan’s.
I do not know what happened in the last two weeks, but also my fresh 1.0.2 install throws an error when clicking on a “RSS feed for this topic”.
Errore interpretazione XML: la dichiarazione XML o testuale non è all'inizio di un'entità
Linea numero 2, colonna 1:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Any idea about it, please?
Does anybody know if the issue has been addressed, so that instead of spoiling my site in the effort to fix it, I’d better wait for the next release?
Yes, it seems that also here RSS do not work anymore…
Any idea about what is wrong?
To fix this you will need to remove the raquo characters from your core rss.php file. Then your RSS feeds will work again.
It looks like this bug was introduced in changeset 2323
There is also a patch here (see the attachements section of the ticket page below) –
But I haven’t tried the patch myself.
Thank you bbhack.
I saw
How am I supposed to use that page, please?
Is it right to open all the files involved in my actual install, delete the lines in red and add those which are in green, manually?
I don’t seem to be able and reproduce the new version of the files, also because the code in 1.0.2 seems to be slightly different from the one I’m supposed to edit, and I get easily lost (not being a coder myself).
I tried all my best, but still the feed throws an error and does not get created.
Are such files dowloadable from any source, please?
The fix in track wraps CDATA around the title and description, then the »’s work fine and it all validates.
In your theme’s rss2.php replace with this:
header( 'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8' );
echo '<' . '?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?' . '>' . "n";
bb_generator( 'comment' );
<rss version="2.0"
<title><?php echo $title; ?></title>
<link><?php echo $link; ?></link>
<description><![CDATA[<?php echo $description; ?>]]></description>
<language><?php esc_html( bb_option('language') ); ?></language>
<pubDate><?php echo gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000'); ?></pubDate>
<?php bb_generator( 'rss2' ); ?>
<title><![CDATA[<?php _e('Search'); ?>]]></title>
<description><![CDATA[<?php _e('Search all topics from these forums.'); ?>]]></description>
<link><?php bb_uri('search.php'); ?></link>
<atom:link href="<?php echo $link_self; ?>" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
<?php foreach ($posts as $bb_post) : ?>
<title><?php post_author(); ?> <?php _e('on')?> "<?php topic_title( $bb_post->topic_id ); ?>"</title>
<link><?php post_link(); ?></link>
<pubDate><?php bb_post_time('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', array( 'localize' => false ) ); ?></pubDate>
<dc:creator><?php post_author(); ?></dc:creator>
<guid isPermaLink="false"><?php post_id(); ?>@<?php bb_uri(); ?></guid>
<description><?php post_text(); ?></description>
<?php endforeach; ?>
</rss>With the final patch from track applied against 1.0.2 trunk you get:
header( 'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8' );
echo '<' . '?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?' . '>' . "n";
bb_generator( 'comment' );
<rss version="2.0"
<title><?php echo $title; ?></title>
<link><?php echo $link; ?></link>
<description><?php echo $description; ?></description>
<language><?php esc_html( bb_option('language') ); ?></language>
<pubDate><?php echo gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000'); ?></pubDate>
<?php bb_generator( 'rss2' ); ?>
<title><![CDATA[<?php _e('Search'); ?>]]></title>
<description><![CDATA[<?php _e('Search all topics from these forums.'); ?>]]></description>
<link><?php bb_uri('search.php'); ?></link>
<atom:link href="<?php echo $link_self; ?>" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
<?php foreach ($posts as $bb_post) : ?>
<title><?php post_author(); ?> <?php _e('on')?> "<?php topic_title( $bb_post->topic_id ); ?>"</title>
<link><?php post_link(); ?></link>
<pubDate><?php bb_post_time('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', array( 'localize' => false ) ); ?></pubDate>
<dc:creator><?php post_author(); ?></dc:creator>
<guid isPermaLink="false"><?php post_id(); ?>@<?php bb_uri(); ?></guid>
<description><?php post_text(); ?></description>
<?php endforeach; ?>
* Sets up the default filters and actions for most
* of the bbPress hooks.
* If you need to remove a default hook, this file will
* give you the priority for which to use to remove the
* hook.
* Not all of the default hooks are found in this files
* @package bbPress
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if ( bb_is_search() ) {
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add_filter( 'topic_link', 'esc_attr', 1, 9999 );
add_filter( 'topic_rss_link', 'esc_attr', 1, 9999 );
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add_filter( 'favorites_link', 'esc_attr', 1, 9999 );
add_filter( 'view_link', 'esc_attr', 1, 9999 );
// Feed Stuff
function bb_filter_feed_content()
if ( bb_is_feed() ) {
add_filter( 'bb_title_rss', 'strip_tags');
add_filter( 'bb_title_rss', 'ent2ncr',;
add_filter( 'bb_title_rss', 'esc_html' );
add_filter( 'bb_description_rss', 'strip_tags');
add_filter( 'bb_description_rss', 'ent2ncr', 8 );
add_filter( 'bb_description_rss', 'esc_html' );
add_filter( 'post_author', 'ent2ncr', 8 );
add_filter( 'post_link', 'esc_html' );
add_filter( 'post_text', 'ent2ncr' );
add_filter( 'post_text', 'htmlspecialchars' ); // encode_bad should not be overruled by esc_html
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unset( $filters, $filter );rss.php
// Determine the type of feed and the id of the object
if ( isset($_GET['view']) || bb_get_path() == 'view' ) {
// View
$feed = 'view';
$feed_id = isset($_GET['view']) ? $_GET['view'] : bb_get_path(2);
} elseif ( isset($_GET['topic']) || bb_get_path() == 'topic' ) {
// Topic
$feed = 'topic';
$topic = get_topic(isset($_GET['topic']) ? $_GET['topic'] : bb_get_path(2));
$feed_id = $topic->topic_id;
} elseif ( isset($_GET['profile']) || bb_get_path() == 'profile' ) {
// Profile
$feed = 'profile';
$feed_id = isset($_GET['profile']) ? $_GET['profile'] : bb_get_path(2);
} elseif ( isset($_GET['tag']) || bb_get_path() == 'tags' ) {
if ( isset($_GET['topics']) || bb_get_path(3) == 'topics' ) {
// Tag recent topics
$feed = 'tag-topics';
} else {
// Tag recent posts
$feed = 'tag-posts';
$feed_id = isset($_GET['tag']) ? $_GET['tag'] : bb_get_path(2);
} elseif ( isset($_GET['forum']) || bb_get_path() == 'forum' ) {
if ( isset($_GET['topics']) || bb_get_path(3) == 'topics' ) {
// Forum recent topics
$feed = 'forum-topics';
} else {
// Forum recent posts
$feed = 'forum-posts';
$forum = bb_get_forum(isset($_GET['forum']) ? $_GET['forum'] : bb_get_path(2));
$feed_id = $forum->forum_id;
} elseif ( isset($_GET['topics']) || bb_get_path() == 'topics' ) {
// Recent topics
$feed = 'all-topics';
} else {
// Recent posts
$feed = 'all-posts';
// Initialise the override variable
$bb_db_override = false;
do_action( 'bb_rss.php_pre_db' );
if ( !$bb_db_override ) {
// Get the posts and the title for the given feed
switch ($feed) {
case 'view':
if ( !isset($bb_views[$feed_id]) )
if ( !$bb_views[$feed_id]['feed'] )
if ( !$topics_object = new BB_Query( 'topic', $bb_views[$feed_id]['query'], "bb_view_$feed_id" ) )
$topics = $topics_object->results;
if ( !$topics || !is_array($topics) )
$posts = array();
foreach ($topics as $topic) {
$posts[] = bb_get_first_post($topic->topic_id);
$title = sprintf( __( '%1$s » View: %2$s' ), bb_get_option( 'name' ), $bb_views[$feed_id]['title'] );
$link = get_view_link($feed_id);
$link_self = bb_get_view_rss_link($feed_id);
case 'topic':
if ( !$topic = get_topic ( $feed_id ) )
if ( !$posts = get_thread( $feed_id, 0, 1 ) )
$title = sprintf( __( '%1$s » Topic: %2$s' ), bb_get_option( 'name' ), get_topic_title() );
$link = get_topic_link($feed_id);
$link_self = get_topic_rss_link($feed_id);
case 'profile':
if ( bb_get_option( 'mod_rewrite' ) === 'slugs' ) {
$user = bb_get_user_by_nicename( $feed_id );
} else {
$user = bb_get_user( $feed_id );
if ( !$user ) {
if ( !$posts = get_user_favorites( $user->ID ) ) {
$title = sprintf( __( '%1$s » User Favorites: %2$s' ), bb_get_option( 'name' ), $user->user_nicename );
$link = bb_get_profile_link($feed_id);
$link_self = get_favorites_rss_link($feed_id);
case 'tag-topics':
if ( !$tag = bb_get_tag( $feed_id ) )
if ( !$topics = get_tagged_topics( array( 'tag_id' => $tag->tag_id, 'page' => 0 ) ) )
$posts = array();
foreach ($topics as $topic) {
$posts[] = bb_get_first_post($topic->topic_id);
$title = sprintf( __( '%1$s » Tag: %2$s - Recent Topics' ), bb_get_option( 'name' ), bb_get_tag_name() );
$link = bb_get_tag_link($feed_id);
$link_self = bb_get_tag_topics_rss_link($feed_id);
case 'tag-posts':
if ( !$tag = bb_get_tag( $feed_id ) )
if ( !$posts = get_tagged_topic_posts( array( 'tag_id' => $tag->tag_id, 'page' => 0 ) ) )
$title = sprintf( __( '%1$s » Tag: %2$s - Recent Posts' ), bb_get_option( 'name' ), bb_get_tag_name() );
$link = bb_get_tag_link($feed_id);
$link_self = bb_get_tag_posts_rss_link($feed_id);
case 'forum-topics':
if ( !$topics = get_latest_topics( $feed_id ) )
$posts = array();
foreach ($topics as $topic) {
$posts[] = bb_get_first_post($topic->topic_id);
$title = sprintf( __( '%1$s » Forum: %2$s - Recent Topics' ), bb_get_option( 'name' ), get_forum_name( $feed_id ) );
$link = get_forum_link($feed_id);
$link_self = bb_get_forum_topics_rss_link($feed_id);
case 'forum-posts':
if ( !$posts = bb_get_latest_forum_posts( $feed_id ) )
$title = sprintf( __( '%1$s » Forum: %2$s - Recent Posts' ), bb_get_option( 'name' ), get_forum_name( $feed_id ) );
$link = get_forum_link($feed_id);
$link_self = bb_get_forum_posts_rss_link($feed_id);
// Get just the first post from the latest topics
case 'all-topics':
if ( !$topics = get_latest_topics() )
$posts = array();
foreach ($topics as $topic) {
$posts[] = bb_get_first_post($topic->topic_id);
$title = sprintf( __( '%1$s » Recent Topics' ), bb_get_option( 'name' ) );
$link = bb_get_uri();
$link_self = bb_get_topics_rss_link();
// Get latest posts by default
case 'all-posts':
if ( !$posts = bb_get_latest_posts( 35 ) )
$title = sprintf( __( '%1$s » Recent Posts' ), bb_get_option( 'name' ) );
$link = bb_get_uri();
$link_self = bb_get_posts_rss_link();
bb_send_304( $posts[0]->post_time );
if (!$description = bb_get_option( 'description' ) ) {
$description = $title;
$title = apply_filters( 'bb_title_rss', $title, $feed );
$description = apply_filters( 'bb_description_rss', $description, $feed );
$posts = apply_filters( 'bb_posts_rss', $posts, $feed );
$link_self = apply_filters( 'bb_link_self_rss', $link_self, $feed );
bb_load_template( 'rss2.php', array('bb_db_override', 'title', 'description', 'link', 'link_self'), $feed );
?>I just replaced my 3 files (I use 1.0.2) with those that Kawauso kindly provided, and double checked that all was right.
Yet I get an error
That’s weird. Seems to be throwing
in still… could you check if there’s arss2.php
in your template’s directory and if so either change that or delete it? That’s the only thing I can think of that might be causing that. Forgot themes usually copy everything.No, there is no rss2.php file in my template. Moreover, I am now just using a plain Kakumei them which I downloaded fresh from the site: the only change I applied was switching the original file inside Kakumei with the one you provided (as well as the other files you provided for other locations inside the install).
Yes, weird.
Rss feed wont work inthat format. Nevermind, ignore what I said earlier. You have a space or a line return before the opening
. Seems to be a consistent problem copying from the forums.I just double-checked all the 3 files you previously indicated. I downloaded them from my server and inspected them: there are no trailing spaces nor anything. They all start fine with a standard
opening.For a while I hoped it was that trivial, but there must be something else
Try that. The RSS validation is complaining that the xml header is on the 2nd line, rather than the first, so there’s a line return being inserted somewhere. If FTPing those over the old ones doesn’t work, it’s the dev’s problem
Not sure whether this is the same issue, but thought I’d post it here just in case. Before and after the above patch, I get exactly the same result. All of the RSS feeds display correctly, except the feed for all posts across the forums, that is, “<forum URL>/rss/”, which displays a blank page.
This is true for Firefox and IE7. On the problem page, IE gives the message “feed code error”, with the following details:
Invalid xml declaration.
Line: 13 Character: 3
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>[update] One difference between before and after the patch is the IE error. *Before* the patch it says:
Invalid xml declaration.
Line: 13 Character: 3
<?xml version="1.0"?><!-- generator="bbPress" -->One interesting thing: if I browse to “<forum URL>/rss.php” (note the php extension I added), then the top level feed displays fine.
Here are the details of the pages I browsed and the results. All well, except for the top level feed.
<forum URL>/rss/ [blank page] – this is the published feed
<forum URL>/rss [blank page]
<forum URL>/rss/topic/<topic name> [correct feed displays]
<forum URL>/rss/forum/<forum name> [correct feed displays]
<forum URL>/rss/forum/<forum name>/topics [correct feed displays]
<forum URL>/rss.php [correct feed displays]
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