kevinjohngallagher (@kevinjohngallagher)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @kevinjohngallagher


    I’m confused, does that mean you have what you want if you can link to it?

    Or are you looking for someone to edit/duplicate a script you’ve found on the internet into a plugin for you?



    I browse the net with javascript disabled, and JS is disabeld as standard on every PC at my current client (4th biggest uni in UK). All it does is slow people down who want to help :)



    Hi Joe,

    There is (or was) a TinyMCE editor back in the day, but TinyMCE is so far from Tiny it’s unreal.

    I tink you’re also giving you users too little credit. A large percentage of people who use forums are used to seeing bbCode (though they may not know it themselves), but I always like to give my users buttons to press.

    Latest update on my old plugin can be seen here:

    Please excuse the awful defualt theme and Play around with the text area.It’s 2k of code, or just uner 1% of TinyMCE.

    I’d also advise to stay clear of WYSIWYG editors. People like to go absolutely nuts on those things. Everything bold and red and big fonts because “the world NEEDS to hear them” ;-)

    and then ofcourse someone responds…

    In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born



    I think what I might be confused about, is if bbPress as it is today is close to exactly what it should be, what would you want it to do 2 years from now that wouldn’t add more bloat or slow it down?

    bbPress0.9 is as good as any forum software out there, save for 2 things. Moderation and the Admin section. It’s crazily fast, secure, and extentable. It’s let down by lack of actions/filters, default theme and documentation.

    bbpress1.0 is 50% slower and breaks alot of plugins but has some more hooks and an Admin section. Moderation is still the big thing, as is the default theme.

    A clear out (archiving) and rethink of the plugin section and the creation of a new theme would make it very very useable.

    Additionally both have also been let down by the layout/use of this forum, which makes finding information difficult; and a plugin section that doesn’t work.

    Basically, all the feature requests we recieve, all go over the same ground – and can be covered by plugins. Most are covered by plugins (in a 90%) sort of way. With everything in Limbo there is no need to take things to the n-th degree.

    From an honest to goodness Project management point of view, bbPress can be where we need it to be within 9 month – a year. But that time grows as we add more features (that we already have as plugins grrr) and less bug fixes.

    So yeah we could fork it as is. But given Matt’s current desire to berate us (both the people here and the software) in public at Wordcamps, and his latest more… evangelistic approach to publicly taking umbridge at anyone he doesn’t like or disagrees with him; he makes the envornment out there relatively difficult to consider moving into, while intentionally hampering our efforts here.

    If today, it’s good; then let’s fix up what we have to put out a solid 1.1 stand-alone, and when shift gears to focus on 1.2 as the plugin milestone.

    Dude, we’re trying.

    I mean, i know you know that :)

    But in order for that to happen, we need the head honcho or “he who wont talk to us, only about us in keynote speeches”. All Keymasters, all of those who package things up and can edit the website… AutoMattic. The same folks who’re scrapping us for you.

    I hate this looking like an US vs. THEM scenario, it just polarises people, and looks childish. But in honesty, “we” didn’t put ourselves in this holding pattern.

    Additionally, putting out a solid 1.1 standalone will be tough and time consuming. We’ve 13 months of bugs, we’ve 13 months of backPress changes and potential changes in 3 releases of WordPress to contend with; there is going to be alot of bugs found in testing – and with Jane telling people that bbPress in its current implementation isn’t going to even work the forums and Matt telling people not to use the software we’re are hemmoraging people.



    You have to hand edit them.

    Which is actually a very good thing. The new WP_nav_menu in wordpress for example requiers more SQL calls and processing power to display on every page than bbpress0.9 takes to load the entire forum/topics/posts/users etc.



    it also works for me

    Then why the bumping?

    Can I just add one page in root and include all template pages in this file?


    I’ll stick to create multiple pages in root for making multiple template pages?


    In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born



    Does a plugin (sponsored or otherwise) help new and updated versions of bbPress core get released to everyone that’s using it? No.

    But then JJJ mate, nothing does.

    We’ve not had a core release in over a year. It’s not like theres not been code added. Our only option was to add plugins to fix the functionality.

    I’m not wanting to get too historical, but you’ve not been here in the trenches for a while bro. Your last non BuddyPress topic you opened was well over a year ago. Other than teh welcome back Matt stuff, you aint been here my friend. You’ve not been here during the “all your plugins won’t work – lets take stock after 1.0’s released” era where we entered limbo.

    That limbo stayed when Sam left, so our bug fixes added to the core weren’t released.

    That limbo was compounded when Matt came and announced no bug fix release.

    Since then we’ve been adding to the core, and now Matts against us releasing (not that we can because we’re tied into BackPress which has only had 2 core updates in 5 months – instigated by us).

    With respect, what you fail to realise here is that bbPress is very close to being ideal for alot of us. Not adding to the Core is not down to a lack of desire to add to it, but rather not able to jump through the gates of the gatekeeper – especailly as he refuses to talk to anyone about bbPress (unless insulting us publicly).

    The major gripes that people have with bbPress have all been fixed. Yes 90% of them are currently in plugins, but they would be alot tighter and brought into line if 1) we weren’t in a holding pattern for over a year and 2) Automattic stopped fucking with the website so people could actually get at the plugins!!!

    I’m not against you making an awesome forum plugin for WordPress (little p); I contributed a little to Justin Tadlock on his 2nd attempt (although at a high level) and I’ll be glad to help you on this project too. But make no mistake my friend – you’re views on bbPress have been tainted by the perception that Automattic has been (mud?) slinging for a while.

    Now you may think i’m wrong on that, no worries.

    Can i ask then, what advantages will this plugin have over the current bbPress, and what disadvantages?

    I’m presuming that someone thought that out before making this decision



    The answer is both simple and not so simple.

    You’re basically taking advantage of how modern browsers will give you wiggle room on your code. For example you’ve set your header to height 200px, and thus the background will only ever be 200px, even though your header is about 350px long (the content doesn’t start for 205px).

    What I suggest is this:

    – Remove the hight property from your header.

    – Add a padding to your header of 205px to put all header content starting below your image.

    – add a clearing div after every section of Floats. (above the closing tag of the header div for example).

    One of the things IE6-8 does really well, is that it wraps everything in the code you put it in, which was in the original specification for HTML and CSS (IE was the first browser to support CSS, some 2 years before any other after all).

    “modern” browsers won’t consider anything with a float to belong to the parent, so as your form and link are floated although in the header, they won’t ever be wrapped by it.

    This is a good example, and I cant wait for some folks to read this, where testing in IE6 is brilliant. It would have caught these v early – as its unforgiving.

    EDIT: Actually Pastor Bob, why not copy over the header of your WordPress site. It’s very nicely made.




    Hi Pastor Bob,

    I’ve had a quick look at your forum and it appears to be working.

    What I’d suggest is making it even simpler.

    <div id="returntomain-site">
    <a href="wordpress-link"> My WordPress Form </a>

    From there you can build up :)

    As a tip, add this line of code after your 4 divs inside your footer div.

    <div style="float:none; clear:both;"></div>



    You can edit your Template/Theme and add a link manually :)

    In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born



    bbPress 1.0.3, and bbPress 1.1, are still being actively developed. Once those versions are available, what /more/ would you want bbPress to do on its own?

    Honestly mate? Bug fixes.

    Some big bugs that we’ve had for over a year have been bumped because Matt told us we weren’t to have a bug fix release, and instead were to roll out a release with 2 new features instead.

    8 weeks ago Matt started deleting milestones from Trac. Didn’t tell anyone. Took him 3 weeks to reply to emails wondering why.

    bbpress1.0.3 was ready over 3 months ago (save for a Backpress bug we could live with/patch ourselves). Matt decreed we’ve not to package it and give it to folks as an alpha or even an actual release. We have to wait for 1.1 and the next version of BackPress to be ready. In order to speed that up, we’ve had to bump loads to 1.5, which now isn’t going to happen.

    This is the end of the line for the current implementation of bbPress.

    Yes. Just like 2.9.2 was the end of the road for the 2.9 branch of WordPress when 3.0 came along. I understand the obvious differences, but at the end of the day, it’s just another day.

    Two differences here though bro.

    1) No-one has actually said that yet.

    2) The new bbPress plugin is a totally separate project, being run under the same banner. Other than being able to import the data from the existing project, its totally different. It doesn’t even have the same requirements. Or any of the same code.

    This isn’t resistance to change, nothing is being changed, it’s being replaced. And someone needs to be very clear and categorical about that. This is very very different from going from WP2.9.2 to WP3.

    This is effectively a hostile takeover. The people with the keys to this website are handing the reins over to new management; while everyone is speaking in positive PR/Management speak. I’m not saying that the hostile takeover won’t be benefitial in the long run or benefitial to more people than currently use this product – i’m just syaing that hostile takeovers breed questions and uncertainty. Some of that uncertainty needs to be managed.

    I know that you’re a real positive guy JJJ, and I’ve said before it’s infectious because you deliver, and deliver with a smile. I can think of no-one better to deal with this.

    But the horse has bolted, the cat’s out the bag, the jig is up; and it’s a shame your left here answering questions, but in honesty – to some of us this is our livelyhood and we really need definative answers that are crystal clear so we can quote them as needed and make business decisions that affect our lives.

    I am sorry tht you couldn’t have done this in your own time and in your own way. Your handling and galvanising of the BuddyPress community has been great, as I’m sure it will be here as well, we just need to get over this hump so that we can work with you :D

    In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born



    Ah, see this is the issue mate, and I hate that I look pedantic.

    My point is that 99% of people won’t know the difference.

    They will if they came here for a stand alone software (or if they don’t use the latest version of WordPress).

    The ability to be standalone software is being removed, without anyone actually saying so. I know it’s not underhanded or Machevelian in any way; but it’s difficult when people skirt around an issue (unintentionally).

    This is the end of the line for the current implementation of bbPress.

    Thats not me being all doom and gloom, your plug-in will rock, but lets manage expectations a little and tell people who use bbPress as a standalone that their days are up (btw, that covers roughly 60-70% of our support queries).

    In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born



    Morning all,

    I know I’m a vocal one (even more so with just 3 hours sleep), but I think there’s 2 things we need to accept here:

    1) JJJ isn’t making these naming decisions himself :)


    2) bbpress (standalone) isn’t going to be suported or developed any further. This isn’t a side by side project. It’s the end of bbPress without being a WordPress plugin.

    In large part, thats why the name is being kept as bbPress. It’d be hard to convince people to undertake yet another compltely new piece of software after the debacle of bbpress0.9 and 1.0. So instead write something completely new, call it the old thing, and release it as an “upgrade”.

    Given that we’re reliant on Matt to release bbPress1.0.3/1.1, and he’s been so active in the last 5 months, it’s hard to see how the next month(s?) are going to resolve themselves. And thats not a reflection on JJJ or PeteMall.

    In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born



    With that said, bbPress is going to be a plugin for WordPress going forward

    So bbPress1.0.3 isn’t going to be released?

    What of bbPress1.1 (only 1 trac ticket away from being ready)?

    Who is now in charge of making that decision?

    The name is staying the same, as much as I know that pains some of you to hear

    Always like how upfront you are JJJ, and your enthusiasm is infectious.

    To clarify a few points though mate:

    1) None of us are worried about the name from a personal view point, it could all could be renamed Bob’s Super Duper Forum for all we care ;-] , only form the perspective of not confusing users.

    2) How are we going to differentiate this to the current “bbPress Plugin” (we already get quite a few support requests for it)?

    3) How are we going to differentiate this from a “bbPress Plugin” that actually plugs in to bbPress?

    4) Are we confident this is crystal clear to those who aren’t native Engligh speakers?

    I’m not looking to back you into a corner with this bro, but an update on the terminology we should “try” and use so we don’t confuse our already dwingling audience would be real helpful at some stage in the future.

    There are lots of reasons to keep it the way it is because we all love it and appreciate it, but there is more to gain by it being a plugin with where WordPress is today

    I think alot of us can see and understand this. What would be great though, again at some stage, is if we were allowed some visability on what those advantages and disadvantages were (at a high level).

    None of us were involved in nor had any visability of the decision, or conversation even, about bbPress becoming a plugin; so it’s a tad of a shell shock as to how this has come about. You’re a few steps ahead of us because of that, so any resistance you’re feeling isn’t actually against the project or yourself/Pete :)

    It would be really great to see the requirement gathering, and weighing up of pros/cons etc. Especially after Jane’s famous post about how more standard/practical/tangable/visable methodology would be used for these decisions.

    That would really help us in terms of seeing where things are going; and help us get behind you and Pete on this project :)

    I typically try to under promise and over deliver

    You’ve a lot of goodwill from those of us who’ve seen your work and great attitude in these last 2 years mate. Sadly, there’s not alot left in the tank of most folks in regards to bbPress itself after Matt’s “We’ve done this before.” and then bolting for the door.

    From a Project Management viewpoint

    This is only compunded by Jane announcing that bbpress would no longer be used for the WordPress forums before telling anyone involved. Not quite as bad as Matt telling people in his KeyNote speech that the community was “rough” and to use “differnt software instead of bbpress”, but not helpful either.

    The trust is gone. But you’re definately the man to regain it :)



    Profiles are no longer showing posts in the Recent Replies in the corect order. Or actually in any order. Do people actually test this before /after they push it live?




    I’m looking at this on my phone and on a desktop.

    The theme is loaded.

    Can you give us a better discription of what you think isn’t loaded and we’ll try and help from there?

    In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born



    Good evening all!

    First, Pete and JJJ, really apprecaite and thankful to you both for stopping by. I don’t doubt for an iota that the two of you, indeed everyone involved with this WordPress forum plugin, wants a good product that pleases as many people as possible and provides an excellent platform for those both technical and non-technical.

    JJJ, bro I just thought you were busy – i took no offence by the lack of reply. I sent you a comment through your website some 4 weeks ago, and with the BP release (thats BuddyPress, sorry don’t want to add to the confusion) you seemed like you were busy.

    At the risk of getting on my soapbox, the biggest issue we have here is that we know nothing. No-one here expects anyone to keep us in the loop 24/7 or even at a stakeholder level – but Jane announced that WordPress ( forums would be moving to the bbPress plugin instead of bbpress some 20 days ago, and you’re the first people to stop by and say “hi”.

    I’ll let you guess what sort of reaction that announcement had, and what sort of calming affect the wall of silence had on all the “end is nigh” theories.

    My single over-riding concern is that with such little communication, naming a completely separate product that uses different technology and works in a totally different way, the same thing as 6 current technologies is just batshi… a challenge to those of us who answer the questions on this subject :)

    EDIT: Sorry Tom dude, Manchester, see you there!

    In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born



    If this has ANY code from bbPress in it, i’ll eat my hat ;-)

    It’s daft to use the name for one product thats totally different, and it’s already caused more than a few unneccessary support questions and fear-mongering.

    Instead, it’s just going to be the 6th product in 18months from AutoMattic which will be abbreviated to “bPress”. I decided to write this after emails to Matt, Jane and JJJ all went unanswered in the past month; and Westi didn’t comment on it in my email to him, though he did say that he didn’t know that bbPress was dependant on BackPress – and he’s the BackPress lead!! really lovely guy, but it hardly bodes well.

    Pete and JJJ are graet coders and people who only want the best for the community, i’ve no doubt that this plugin will be great for those that want it. It just pains me that the lack of management/commonsense/planning that have plagued bbPress are going to be forced on them too :(

    At least if they choose a different Development blog name, people won’t get too confused.



    Hi Scott,

    Just been through this with my WorldCup Fansite Forum after the final on Sunday night, so I’ve a few things to throw your way. I’m sorry about the slow and pedantic manner of this post too; but if it’s this or close yoru forum, we’ll just get through it!

    My gut feeling is that this is a plugin and/or host issue. So lets see what we can do here:

    First, lots of boring questions I’m afraid:

    Is your website using WordPress at all?

    If so, have you set up “deep integration”?

    Did you do the installing/setup yourself?

    Second, ask your host if they’re intentionally throttling you or if it’s automatic?

    If it’s happening, ask them what the issue is (I doubt they’ll give you a huge run down but might find a specific issue you didn’t know was the ‘biggie’)

    Third, Make backups

    Copy a back up of every plugin and your theme on your hardrive somewhere, then log into bbpress and deactivate them all (apart from akismet) and change to the normal default theme.

    Fourth, delete all of the plugins and themes.

    Fifth, Tell your users

    Write a post (then sticky to font) about how your website is going through an “upgrade” and in order to get the latest most secure most awesome software installed you’re having to accept the default theme for half a day.

    Sixth, Lets have a look at those SQL queries.

    Open up your bb-config.php file and add the following line before the database connection stuff (at around line 33):

    define('SAVEQUERIES', true);

    Seventh, edit your footer

    open up your footer.php in (my-templates/kakumei/) and add this to the very bottom:

    if (bb_current_user_can('administrate'))
    global $bbdb;

    Apologies for this, but that last line is going to have something that looks like “-&gt;” in it. Please, make this into “-” and then a right arrow (usually shift+period). It’s a bug here on this forum – should be fixed soon.

    Eight, load your forum.

    At the bottom of your homepage you should see a big list of stuff, which will have lots of SQL commands.

    This is a list of all the SQL commands that load, in order, along with the time taken to execute.

    Do any of them look to be taking longer than the others?

    Copy and paste this list into a text file and save on your desktop (there will be about 15 SQL commands with a few lines around them).

    Nine, recount.

    Log into your admin area and go to Tools.

    Select ONE checkbox at a time and hit “RECOUNT ITEMS”.

    Do this for all checkboxes going down the list.

    Ten, load your forum (again).

    Repeat Step 8.

    Compare the results betwen the two text files.

    Have any of the “times” come down?

    Are any of them above 0.1 seconds?

    Are any of them betwen 0.5 and 1 second?



    You set that in the CSS.



    border: 1px solid grey;





    Wonderful Tom,

    And welcome back!



    I doubt people neither chose nor leave a forum because they’ve not implemented TinyMCE; which is not to say that some people don’t like WYSIWYG, but it’s importance is often overstated.

    phpBB, as your example, seems to be doing ok without it. I’m sure I saw them hit their 10th birthday and gazillionth download not that long ago. Basiaclly, phpBB has been around since before Google.

    you converted your forum from a wysiwyg based forum; vbulletin (native), phpbb (as plugin).. to bbpress, you loose lot of formatting

    Why did you lose your formatting?

    Thats not a bbPress thing, was it in the conversion (i haven’t done one yet)?

    Is the formatting still in the post?

    If it is, there are numerous bbCode plugins for bbPress for years now. Let us know what’s gone and I’ll try and help you sort that. I think that could be a nice fix for you! :)

    it is not an option, it is a must-have feature in every successful board



    In terms of going forward as a standalone piece of software, yeah, it effectively is.

    But the software you have and you can always use, and if it works for you, go for it. I, and all others here, are in the sme boat, and the basics of bbPress are quite brilliant.

    I’d be suprised if you should have to change “localhost”, but if there’s no emails comign through from your goDaddy account at all, and you’re using the default mail(), then it’s at their end :)

    Good Luck




    Je ne parle pas couramment le français depuis son départ en 1980s. S’il vous plaît excuser ma tentative assez pauvre pour ne pas utiliser l’anglais ;-)

    Ce plugin peut correspondre à vos besoins:




    That makes sense.

    You shouldn’t really need to change anything, thats the joy of the default mail() function. I’m not sure what drove you to make the changes in the first place (this 3+ year old thread isn’t the best place to get data, alot has changed since 2006).

    I’d get rid of whatever changes you made, and then test on WordPress.

    If that fails, then it’s off to the WordPress support forum for some help.

    host said that it’s a script error and they can’t help

    Did they happen to give you the error? that will help the WordPress folks sort it quicker

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