Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Bbpress page/post titles on WordPress integration
Hi Paulo,
This is one of the main issues with bbPress and WordPress. Here is a quick and dirty fix which should solve your specific issue:
<?php if( function_exists('bb_title')) { bb_title(); } ?>
Put this in your WordPress header theme next to the closing title tag like this:
// WordPress code
<?php bloginfo('name'); ?>
<?php wp_title(); ?
// but this line after the existing WordPress code
<?php if( function_exists('bb_title')) { bb_title(); } ?>
Realistically though, in the long term, duplicating the themes in bbpress and WordPress is the best way forward.
On your WordPress pages there’s a popup delivered from “MaxBlogPress”, that is running an annoying little script that messes with browsers. It keeps moving further down the page, so that when you hit the bottom of the page it keeps making it longer and longer and longer etc. Apart from being annoying, it made it look like your site had been hacked. I hope thats not the case Bro, but if it is, you can go looking for it in your code.
It doesn’t appear on the bbPress pages, only WordPress pages.
In reply to: Whoa! ( 2.0 is live)Homepage returns a 404 page.
In reply to: Forums as Comment engine?I’ve no issue with us disagreeing on things, heck if we all agreed on everything it’d be a boring life; but you’re making a few leaps here mate.
To state that WordPress is difficult to customise is, frankly, absolutely mental. WordPress’ strength was and is just how amazingly easy it is to customise. Thats not to say it’s the best tool for every job, but “[WordPress] is difficult to customise”?? lunacy.
To also suggest that WordPress has un-managed comments from visitors show a total lack of knowledge of it. WordPress handles comments and visitors amazingly well. Pagination, threading, custom types, moderation, different theming, searching, functions oh my the list goes on and on. Again, it’s not the best tool for every job, but “un-managed comments from visitors” is so wrong a statement its unreal.
All of that aside, as I said above, creating a post to bbPress button or plugin for WordPress would be easy. In the same way you’ve managed to get yours working.
But I commented on between what yourself and Lethality wanted to do, is that you’d only mentioned about the initial stages, and not how the users would react or use the site. If you want to define the topic of conversation and have users comment on it – guess what, thats a 1 to 1 conversation. If you want to define a topic and have users comment on it but allow them to comment on each other’s commnet, thats a 1 to many conversation (threading). bbPress and forums on the whole don’t work that way, not because someone hasn’t thought it up before, but because the user doesn’t think that way.
Paul Hawke made a good example about a site in the MMORPG community. I replied with a similar one, showing how this way of thinking would work, as long as it was followed through for the user. I also quantified this:
slightly off topic (big shock) but this sort of thing depends on the usergroup immensely. people who play mmorpgs as an example are used to forums and doing things in front of others; where as say a Classical Music Magazine website/blog’s users might not be really up for entering a forum flame war
Over the years we’ve had loads of requests for weird and wonderful things in bbPress. Some cool, some not, some interesting, some not. How many cool and interesting forums (bbPress or not) that work differently to the norm do you see out there? There is a reason for that. It’s not because I’ve got a different view, or becasue I’m being difficult, it’s becasue Users go with what they know. If you plan to do anything in a slightly different way, you have to also plan for any and all ways random users will attempt to either do things the way they know or a new way.
A very wise man at Microsoft once said:
Users on websites are like the frogs at the end of Jurassic Park.
No matter how much you think something through, how much technology you put in place, how much you hope they’ll do things they way you want them to or how difficult you make something for them… as soon as you change something that they want to do, they’ll start fucking it up and making very obvious and loud dinosaurs.
I’m seriously all for you folks doing something new and wonderful; and heck if you pull it off my hat will be the first one off. Infact, i offered step by step adive on exactly how to do what Lethality needed, I just suggested that he think about it from a different perspective too. The internet is littered with websites who tried to change how users interacted with it, very very few succeed, and those that do are very very dependant on their userbase’s base HCI mechanics.
In reply to: Plugins for 1.0.2Your theme is throwing an error before the content of the topic is posted, so we can’t see if the plugin is working or not.
Can you change back to the defaul theme and try again, or try on a development enviroment instead?
In reply to: Plugins for 1.0.2Fatal error: Call to undefined function bbad_ad_block() in /home3/homedesi/public_html/forum/bb-templates/Crystal/post.php on line 1
Sorry Pete, when trying to help I get this error message.
In reply to: When bbpress 1.0.3?Ok, so here is another one of my unpopular posts.
Can we decide if we’re working on bbpress 1.0.3 or bbpress 1.1?
Because Matt always reffered to 1.1, and infact 1.0.3 only started being used to describe about the time that Matt left.
Infact, it appears some developers are talking about 1.1-alpha, and yet in trac we’re dealing with 2 different streams (1.0.3 and 1.1).
Given that 1.1 has at least 3 cruicial tasks still open, are we releasing 1.0.3 and then aiming a 1.1 release very soon after?
or are we aiming for a 1.1 release and peopel are cailling it 1.0.3?
In reply to: Feeding topics from external sourceRespecftully, you’re very wrong.
SEO in no way shape or form is affected by having the same Post title on a forum (note it’s not the title of the page).
Search Engines are smart enough to differentiate between pages on a website if they have different URLS.
You’ve made the same very wrong assumption the original poster had, that by having a post with the same title, that the post title is not checked and given a unique URL. Don’t get me wrong, it’s only been that way for 3 years here on bbPress…
But. I am astonished that there is no checking in bbPress to see if a topic already exists in a forum before allowing a topic with exactly the same title to be created.
Um, there is.
Surely this is an important feature and should be handled by bb_new_topic() if only through an optional arg.
I generally find that people who use the word “surely” have decided something, and think everyone should agree
And the function you reffer to is pluggable, so you can overwrite it to do what you want.
Given that you’re the first person on this forum in the 3 years I’ve been here to request this feature, or worse, assume it’s already there (even though WordPress/BackPress/every-other-automattic-product handles it the same way as bbPress does); maybe just maybe you should not make so many assumptions.
Thats not me having a go, its just that you’re opnly going to be disappointed
However, in some forums (especially one of the forums on the site I am building I do not want users repeating the same topic and would want them to add to the topic that has already been started.
And here we hit 2 issues:
1) Waaaaaaah. I’ve decided that bbPress should work in the same way as other forums, even though it clearly doesn’t, say it doesn’t, and is far from bloated or as feature rich as these other un-named forums.
Btw Can i ask what other forums have this feature? (i’m not doubting you, i’ve just never come across it before)
2) I need X custom feature for MY forums, and bbPress doesn’t have it. Why not? grrrrrr
$bbdb->get_var($bbdb->prepare(“SELECT topic_id FROM $bbdb->topics WHERE topic_title = %s”, $topic_title))
If users can create topics, then users will eventually duplicate topics. All you’re doing is assuming that every user will use the exact same title for the exact same subject and all spell the title the exact same way. My friend, thats a very large group of assumptions.
You’re also assuming that no users will decide that their opinion is v important and deliberately start their own post with a slightly different title – just to get round your warning.
Or what happens when a subject gets bogged down in a flame war?
Or when people start taking it off topic?
Or what happens when people don’t want to wade through 15 pages of “+1” or “lol”?
That will get harder and harder as your forum grows, especially if it’s got a rather specific subject matter. I can understand where this idea comes from, from a website owner point of view, but the usability and long term goal of the this feature is seriously flawed.
Users on a forum, by their very nature, want to create new threads. Creating 1 stream of replies for 1 single topic… thats a blog. Forums are “many to many” or “n to n”. To restrict that in any way is to deviate from what the userbase expects, and inherantly, their desire to use the system.
You come across as very intelligent, and you’ve clearly thought this through from your point of view. Have you thought it through from your users?
In reply to: importing SMF users into bbPressBrilliant Ryan, thought it was possible.
Are you still using SMF your self mate?
In reply to: snowski theme releasedIf you’ve any issues with this theme, you should probably take it up with the original creator on his forum/website. Not that we can’t help, but just that you’ll get better/quicker support there
In reply to: New bbPress Theme: TerraFirma TwoI’m not a huge fan of these themes, as for the most part its just the wrapper of the forum that’s themed differently (which will mostly be removed if made to look like a wordpress website); but I’m very grateful to Refuelled for working on them and releasing them.
Thank You, It’s very much appreciated!
And Xevo, don’t worry about. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, even… people who’ve been on the site for 6 hours, who use 3 different themes on their own website and can’t get their email to work
according to plugin users ….plugin throwing errors & Exceptions ?
Could you please give us the Errors / Exceptions?
Did you test it before and after putting it on your website?
I’m also sorry to say that your E-mail issues are outwith our control.
In reply to: Plugins for 1.0.2I think I see the confusion.
Pete, you’ve assumed the plugin does something it doesn’t do. It doesn’t allow you to upload videos or images, and doesn’t give you a separate post field in which to type the URL of the video.
All it does, like every other forum software, is allow you the automatic convertion of some code into HTML.
What your user types:
[video] [/video]
What bbPress outputs:
The video
Sorry, but hope this helps clear things up
In reply to: Forums as Comment engine?Hi Lethality,
Sadly WordPress/bbPress integration isn’t well defined anywhere outside this website – it basically means shared users and login (though for alot of people thats ideal).
If you have the cash to spend on something that already works, I’d definately favour that option.
The idea of extending bbPress into WordPress is a good one, but of course you’d still need to edit WordPress to either post comments to the right forum, or to redirect to the right forum if someone tried to add a comment. I’d be surprised if there was much desire for this on the whole, so going with the existing solution might be your best bet.
Good luck in whatever you decide, and let us know
In reply to: importing SMF users into bbPressWell, one login works really well if you follow the steps. Don’t rely on the old “5 minute install” or whatever its called these days.
And email notifications has been working as a plugin for about 2 years, and recently Matt decided that it was key to roll it into the core, so you can actually get it working out of the box with teh latest trunk version (which is actually good/stable and an upgrade on bbPress1.0.2).
In reply to: Plugins for 1.0.2Can you provide a link to the “Easy Video Embed” plugin here on this website, and we might be able to shed some light?If you downloaded it from another website, i’m afraid we’ll not be able to help unless the author of it frequents this forum regularly (fyi – unlikely)
So you know, if the plugin was a bbpress0.9 plugin, your chances of getting an admin panel are about 1/100. Your chances of it getting an admin panel if you’re using bbpress1.0.2 are very close to non-existant.
Basically, if you could also expand on this a little that’d be ace:
I know you need a code from the video site
What sort of code, and from what video site?
In reply to: importing SMF users into bbPressbbPress and WordPress users can be sync’d without too much hassle.
Sadly I don’t know the answers to the SMF question, but Paul Hawke has been working on an import to bbPress feature, i think it’s in this thread:
That would certainly be my first port of call.
As much as I like bbPress, I’d also strongly advise thinking long and hard before moving to it. It’s feature list is limited at best, and right now Automattic can’t even get the theme fo this website right. AS long as it meets your criteria then Awesome, but definately look into this first
In reply to: Whoa! ( 2.0 is live)Another fun bug:
The Homepage lists the most recent topics, but for some reason has decided to work out it’s own pagination. It thinks this thread has 15 pages as an example. The issue is that the links to pages 4 to 15 actually work, but just don’t show any posts so it looks like its an error…
In reply to: Plugins for 1.0.2There is not, sorry.
In reply to: Login IssueHi Cillian,
sorry, the weekend got away from me a little.
My suggestions are going to seem really really obvious, sorry in advance, but good to check these things out.
1) Did logging in/out work before?
2) What changed since then?
Can you change back to the default themes in bbPress and WordPress and then do the following, noting your server error log along the way (after each step):
3) navigate away form your website, then clear your cookies, the restart your browser.
4) Try and login via your bbPress.
5) navigate away form your website, then clear your cookies, the restart your browser.
6) Try and login via WordPress
7) navigate away form your website, then clear your cookies, the restart your browser.
try and register with bbPress
9) navigate away form your website, then clear your cookies, the restart your browser.
10) Register via WordPress.
I know those steps are painful, and a bit pedantic, but cookies are a VERY big pain if they don’t work first time when integrating these two systems (especially if you’re logged in as admin/keymaster at the time of installation/integration). Right now, it appears you’re in the 1% rather than the 99% mate, but lets try and fix that.
In reply to: include wordpress filesI’m not sure how/why including wordpress files would make integration easier (infact I can’t think of quite a few ways it makes them more annoying).
What is it exactly you are trying to do?
have you read teh documentation:
In reply to: Install problemHi Wallis,
Could you be so kind as to give us some more information?
bbpress version?
PHP versionon server?
I think this is the bug from the latest version of PHP, but i can’t be sure yet.
Any idea what versions of software you’re using please?
And the instructions you’ve linked to are for WordPress, not WordPress MU. (it’s a very different beast).
Basically, if you’re using WordPress MU or BuddyPress, the chances of us being able to help are very slim, sorry.
In reply to: Double TopicI doubt there’s a plugin for that around, it sounds like the job of moderators.
What you describing is a plugin that at post time (or at a set time interval) searches through every other post ever made on your database and matches the text to the one just added.
Thats an insane overhead, and it really wouldn’t be worth it. Sorry.
In reply to: Whoa! ( 2.0 is live)Nice one Chris!
Actually the RSS feed is now working well and looking good, so whatever has changed since Monday worked nicely (great to see the patches coming in – you’re doing great lads and lasses).
The small text I’m experiencing appears to be a font issue, given that I don’t have Lucia Grande (its a mac font), Helvetica (again Mac based origianally) or Bitstream (linux). Not to worry, i need to wear my glasses more anyway
As for the “posts started”, who knows, I might have been restrained and only started 13 posts in my 18 months on the forum. It’s not a biggie anyway
Take care dude!
In reply to: Preferred development tools?oooooooh, Paul that is really good to know (your info too Gautam).
When I’m back at my office in June I’ll install theme and see if it improves my workflow. As much as I like NotePad++, it isn’t ideal once you’ve gotten used to the power of something grander.
Thanks for the tip, and the v useful thread!