kevinjohngallagher (@kevinjohngallagher)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @kevinjohngallagher


    This sadly isn’t a huge shock.

    Given that 4 versions of WordPress will have been released since the last version of bbPress, it was bound to happen at some stage.

    I’ll attempt to report it into the WPdev channel and see what the change is, and maybe we can come up with a bbPress plugin to help make any changes meccessary.

    If whatever change in WordPress that is affecting us is here to stay (basically: if it’s not a bug), then it will effectively signal the end of complete WordPress integration. Thats not me being all doom and gloom, its the harsh reality that the two systems will then be out of sync.

    That said… I’ve long been a believer in forcing people to both login and register via WordPress over bbPress on an integrated system. At least then you’re only working with 1 system setting cookies/registering etc. And right now there are far more WordPress plugins for control and customization.



    I’m sorry I wasn’t clear. Time differences and posting at night.

    If your website in any way uses WordPress MU or BuddyPress – we cannot help.



    Try installing php 5.2 and not 5.3

    bbpress causes errors in 5.3, though they’re warnings rather than errors.

    Check if you still get errors with php5.2.9



    Totally agree Z.

    I always feel really bad when turning people away.

    Folks like roaming who make the effort to try out BbPress and are polite when asking or help, it would be good if there was a way to give them the info before hand.



    Ah right, there’s the issue.

    If you use BudsyPress in any way we can’t help.

    Their versionof bbpress, even though they kept the name, is very different from

    this one. This one, doesn’t work with BuddyPress at all.

    That’s why we ask, sorry, you’ll have to take this issue to the BuddyPress forum.

    Good luck



    Finally, Yes this is integrated with WordPressMU

    bbPress doesn’t officially work with WordPressMU.

    I’m surprised and impressed you’ve got it working nicely :)

    Quick question, are you sure you’re using bbPress and not in any way shape or form using BuddyPress? I knwo that sounds like a daft Question, but you’d be amazed!!!



    Awesome Ryan!



    Hi Roaming,

    First off, bbpress is not a WordPress plugin.

    It’s a standalone forum.

    (you’re not the first to think this, as God forbid we’d actually be able to say that anywhere on the actual website)

    bbPress has 3 advantages going for it

    1) you can share users with WordPress

    2) you can share logins with WordPress

    3) you can use your theming knowledge from WordPress to make them look alike.

    It should be noted that although (now) sharing a very similar looking/acting Admin section, bbPress has it’s own admin section totally outwith WordPress.

    As for an installation guide, the good folks at bbPress have cunningly hidden it in their Documentation > INSTALLATION page. I know, who’d have guessed ;-)

    The next bit may sound cheeky, but I just want to be very clear. As bbPress is NOT a wordPress plugin or a wordPress Page or anything like that, it will not in any way shape or form, look like your WordPress blog unless you manually edit the bbPress theme to do so.

    I state this really bluntly because:

    1) It’s our 3 most complained about assumption – not sure why people complain that their assumptions are wrong but y’know, they do.

    2) You’re using Thesis, which 90% of the time means you like menus/WYSIWYG over actual coding. You may ofcourse be in the 10% and be more than happy, which is awesome.

    Given how your blog looks, it wouldn’t be hard at all to theme your bbPress forums to look like your WordPress blog :)

    Take care, and good luck!




    Oh yeah totally agree, and your forums are nice and work well for you.

    I suppose then I’m asking if you have any tutorial/guides/tips from whoever converted from SMF to bbPress via phpBB3.

    In reply to: s2member integration



    Sorry about that bro, if I’m not marked as a spammer, try the above link for the code

    In reply to: s2member integration



    Oh for the love of @****

    Apparently bbPress, in it’s infinate wisdom, is now turning every tag opening and closing, even those in and backticks and [blockquote] into screen written &gt.

    I wouldn’t mind if the damn thing would write the HTML as &gt so it at least looked right on the screen, but no…

    I’ll try and cope and paste it into a paste bin thing for you wood2695


    [code] and backticks and [blockquote] into screen written &gt.

    I wouldn’t mind if the damn thing would write the HTML as &gt so it at least looked right on the screen, but no…

    I’ll try and cope and paste it into a paste bin thing for you wood2695


    In reply to: s2member integration



    Righty ho, so while I can’t test my code (on iPhone sorry), I can help shed some more light on this.

    First Off: there is not (that I can see) a table called wp_capabilities. There is just a meta_key called “wp_capabilities” in the wp_usermata table. That actually makes some sense

    The good news here is, that it’s a 1 to 1 relationship so easy to copy over.

    // Show Database Errors

    // Comment this line out when going live :)


    // 99 times out of 100 this is overkill

    // I’m just being on the safe side


    // It checks what the current user ID is

    if ( !$user_id ) {

    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();

    $user_id = $current_user->ID;

    } else {

    $user_id = (int) $user_id;


    // Connects to the database

    // Retrieves the value for this user for wp_capabilities

    $user_cap = $wpdb->get_row( “SELECT meta_value FROM wp_usermeta WHERE user_id=$user_id AND meta_key=’wp_capabilities’ LIMIT 1” );

    // Checks to see if the user already has a bb_capabilities

    // If it does we’ll overwrite it

    // If it doesn’t we’ll add a new one.

    $user_cap_in_bb_meta = $wpdb->get_row( “SELECT meta_value FROM bb_usermeta WHERE user_id=$user_id AND meta_key=’bb_capabilities’ LIMIT 1” );

    if ($user_cap_in_bb_meta)


    // update bbPress database

    $wpdb->query(“UPDATE bb_usermeta SET meta_value='”. $user_cap->meta_value .”‘ WHERE user_id=”. $user_id .” AND meta_key= ‘bb_capabilities’ “);

    } else {

    // Add a new row to the bbPress database

    $wpdb->query(“INSERT INTO bb_usermeta (user_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES (“. $user_id .”, bb_capabilities, ‘”. $user_cap->meta_value .”‘) “);


    // Print all Database errors

    // Comment this line out when going live :)


    // Hide Database Errors

    // Comment this line out when going live :)


    Now, the disclaimer. This rather unsurprisingly hasn’t been tested by me, and my contain (will contain) a crazy amount of typos.

    What it does is relaly simple. It copies the wp_capabilities and pastes them as bb_capabilities in the bbpress table. In terms of your initial goal, firing this code once the s2M stuff is finished will achieve that goal (basically, copy and paste it on the landing/finished/thanks/congrats page).

    A quick word of warning. If you’ve been using Zaerl’s plugin or anything else that utilises the “bb_capabilities” meta_key then this will overwrite it. Now as it’s overwriting it with whats in the WordPress database, it’s very unlikely to cause issues.

    But if you’ve set up something funny with a bbPress Plugin then you might end up overwriting it. In theory, this shouldn’t happen because the user is registered via s2M, so that’ll be it’s first time in the bbPress database – but I’m just giving you a heads up.

    I may write this, with all the failsafe functionality, into a WP/bbPress plugin if I get time in a few weeks. But I’m also a tad wary of encroaching onto ground Zaerl’s been excelling in. Good code doesn’t need my size 13s stomping all over it.

    Ok mate, try this and throw me back any errors.

    In reply to: s2member integration



    I’m sadly on an iPhone so not in a position to knock out code.

    I’ll throw something together later today that should help.



    Yeah, If you edit with CODE in place it causes issues.

    Before hand we just used to put code in BLOCKQUOTES, but now it’s got that daft graphic it’s not helpful at all (imo).



    Maybe Code just doesn’t like me ;-)

    Thanks for trying to fix this Chris

    In reply to: s2member integration


    <br />
    <pre><code>// Line 358 if ($ccaps) /* Add custom capabilities. */
    foreach (preg_split ("/[rnts;,]+/", $ccaps) as $ccap)
    if (strlen ($ccap)) /* Don't add empty capabilities. */
    $user->add_cap ("access_s2member_ccap_" . trim (strtolower ($ccap)));

    It’s the ” $user->add_cap ” That adds the capabilities to wordpress.

    That said, I think the best thing to do would be to follow this:

    1) Select * from wp_capabilities where User_id = User_id

    2) for each ($row) insert into bb_capabilites blah blah blah

    that way you don’t need to know what the s2M is doing, you just need to copy the data from wp_cap to bb_cap when you’re done :)

    In reply to: s2member integration



    ah, gotcha, you’re looking for something like:


    and the word capabilities, there wont be a “wp_capabilites”.

    It’s to allow poeple who change their databse prefix

    In reply to: s2member integration



    Nah that sounds good mate. It’s basically what I was suggesting here:

    2) Write some custom code for the s2Member callback API (which it supports) to add a field to the bbPress database.

    Basically, what you want to do is look for the bit of code in the s2M files that writes to the wp_capabilities table, and copy it on a new line with bb_capabilities.

    Or if you don’t want to go hacking around (totally understandable), make your “landing page” when people finishing paying/signing up via s2M have a bit of code that copies the last row from the wp_capabilities into bb_capabilities. This method means you wouldn’t have to touch the core of WP/bbP/s2M – but would still work.

    Doesn’t matter that this isn’t a core question mate, you’re helping us break a bit of new ground here, and we’re always interested in that. bbPress isn’t feature rich, so we like to know when it’s bene extended in a way we all hadn’t thought of :) And you’re polite – we like that :)



    Hi Guys, thanks for the info. It’s always good to rule things out :)

    Basically, I’d attempt the following:

    1) Log out of wordPress and clear your cookies and cache.

    2) Upload and overwrite your existing files with a newly dowloaded version of bbPress

    3) If that doesn’t work, set all permissions to 777 and see if it makes a difference.

    4) If that doesn’t work. start again with the new files.

    I know it sounds annoying, and sorry, but at this stage we’re just covering the bases.

    Oh, could you also tell us what server host you’re using?

    Thanks !



    Ok found the reason why.

    This site works best in Google Chrome.

    &lt;div id="container"&gt;

    &lt;title&gt;theCollegehunt-Best colleges,Best coaching classes,Career guidance,Examinations,Examination papers,College romance,College dating&lt;/title&gt;

    &lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""&gt;

    &lt;html xmlns="" xml:lang="en-US"&gt;



    Basically you need to remove

    &lt;div id="container"&gt;

    &lt;title&gt;theCollegehunt-Best colleges,Best coaching classes,Career guidance,Examinations,Examination papers,College romance,College dating&lt;/title&gt;

    and the bottom DIV



    &lt;/div&gt; &lt;


    In reply to:



    Lovely of you to give them some credit Luke, my hats off to both of them!

    I’m hoping that more people look at your site and see that not every bbPress forum needs to look/work the same



    Hello lads,

    First off could you tell us a few things please?

    1) It’s WP2.9.2 and not WPMU

    2) It’s bbPress and you’ve not got BuddyPress instealled

    3) Are you defiantly using PHP5

    4) “did all the integration stuff” – which guide did you follow?

    5) What does your server error log say?

    In reply to: theme



    You can’t i’m afraid.

    It’s not released.

    In reply to:



    I doubt anyone needs to release it as a theme, it’s just a custom front page (although a good one for sure).

    It just loops through Categories / Forums and then outputs the last topic and last post for each forum with it’s gravatar next to it. The code to do it yourself is already in front-page.php

    ( I say that without taking away from the excellent work done by lukepuuk and others on the theme )

    Exit mate, If you want your bbPress to be/act different than all the others, you’ll have to change more than the CSS/Background. But realistically you don’t need much/any plugins to enable your forum to be unique while staying cool and usable :)

    In reply to:



    I’ll tell you what I like about this, more than any other theme I’ve seen here in about a year. You’ve not just changed the header image and the text colour and called it a new theme.

    I think it looks great, well done!!

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