kevinjohngallagher (@kevinjohngallagher)

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  • In reply to: Custom Theme



    Glad it helped mate.

    If building your own theme, I’d advice making a wordpress theme first.

    The technique is the same and once you’re in the right mindset, you’d be amazed hoe easy theming bbPress is. But you will/might hit a few roadblocks if you try and pull data in a differnet way. Don’t be peturbed, just come back and ask :)



    At the current rate of maximum of 1 release a year… no idea, sorry.

    That said, there are some really good people working on it, so just add your bug report to and someone with the technical know how will look at it eventually :)



    Kool and the gang. We’re one step closer.

    EDIT: Yes, you’re partly right. I get the same. Ok, thats a bug. Well done!

    When logged out, visiting a user’s profile page the default avatar is replaced with the profile owner’s avatar.

    That said my code above definately works to not display the gravatar if you’re logged out, insteadyou can display any image you want.

    if (empty($bb_current_user) || $bb_current_user == 0)


    echo "create an image output here to any image on yoru server";

    } else {

    echo bb_get_avatar($bb_current_user->ID, 100);




    Cameron, you “build awesome websites”… look at the source code. It’s a lovely well formatted multidimentional array. It’s not a mess, it’s the most concise and beautiful debugging tool you’ll ever have. Trust me, you’ll love it bro :)

    When you go to a profile page, what does the array say? (don’t post it)

    Does it say the information of the logged in user, or the person who’s profile page you’re on?

    No matter where I go, on the site, I get the informaiton of the logged in user. If you don’t, then you’ve found a bug.

    This code here should solve the logged in/out issue – though there is probably a better way to handle it :)

    if (empty($bb_current_user) || $bb_current_user == 0)


    echo "<img src='grey_man'>";

    } else {

    echo bb_get_avatar($bb_current_user->ID, 100);




    Coolio, right mate, first thing, edit that to delete your email :)

    I’ll write more , just wanted to get you that asap



    Hi Charles,

    Here’s a good place to start. You are going to need to know some HTML and PHP to get this up and running.

    Good Luck bro



    I am mate, the function bb_get_avatar() returns either your Gravatar or the default gravar that you specified in your admin section under Settings / Discussion.

    In order for that to happen you have to type in the code I’ve given you above. I’ve got it working right now, i’m looking at it.

    It’s not working for you for some reason I can’t replicate, so you need to debug the array and look to se what’s happening with print_r($bb_current_user) – and we’ll try from there.



    offs – my bad, i’m so sorry.

    I mean print_r been swapping languages too much this weekend.

    On my version, the avatar I get shown on every page is my own, even other profiles.

    I actually haven’t written the code to get teh grey man, just to test/output my own avatar.



    I can’t replicate that I’m afraid.

    I’m looking at the profile page of a different user and I’m getting my own Avatar.

    add this before your code and read the output:


    It should give you a bit of insight.



    So the patches in the 0.9 Branch, were they released or deleted?

    In reply to: Theming the ajax



    Oh, thats a good workaround too Gautam; i didn’t know if they got parsed by the MO or not, as they’re in the front-end.

    EDIT: MO, not PO. D’oh :)



    If you’re looking for a bit more control over things, you could do this:

    $global $bb_current_user;

    $profile_link = get_user_profile_link( $bb_current_user->ID );

    $profile_avatar = bb_get_avatar($bb_current_user->ID, 100);

    Ok, it’s not letting me put links in, but that’ll allow you to output the code as you wish :)



    Ok, “$user” is blank/empty for some reason, it’s not even a global that needs to be redefined. I’m sure I’ve fixed this elsewhere, let me hunt around some of my forums and get back to you :)

    EDIT: it’s $bb_current_user

    Apparently, we wanted to be as different from wordpress as possible ;-)

    global $bb_current_user;

    echo bb_get_avatar($bb_current_user->ID, 100);






    , you are finally starting to come around

    Funny, I’ve had the same stance and opinion, and been vocal about both for about 2 years now. When did I start to come round? ;-]

    I won’t scare you off with praise.

    Don’t worry, you scared me off with your fake profile/username and using “yo” to end a sentance.

    Its perfectly reasonable to demand more

    No, it’s not. Sorry.

    It’s not reasonable to make demands on people.

    You can ask, you can state your case, but making demands? You’ll find you’re on your own there.

    Look, passion is cool. Sometimes people on the interweb are too passionate when stating their case. I’ve stuck with you here because I’m normally the one who crosses that line, 9/10 I don’t mean to, but I sadly do. So i’ve tried to bring you back round to making your point (which might be valid) in terms that people can get behind.

    Be constructive, give actual examples, gives solutions.

    Feel free to point out mistakes, I’ve done it, but you should praise the good work done too. Sometimes it’s like fish in a barrell. But don’t make presumptions about people and lay off the personal insults. It just shows a total lack of maturity, and isn’t doing your point any favour.

    May I suggest:

    I think I’ll leave this thread now. I’ve tried.

    Take care yo ;-]



    … I’ll fire a mail to matt/mdawaffe to get it released.


    It’s ace that you know this mate, it really is.

    But you’re the only one who knows this. Even ChrisHajer said the other did he didn’t know how this was going to work.

    Also check

    This means that 0.9 branch would no longer be supported.

    I think this is a great example of where bbPress is currently failing.

    bbpress0.9 support being removed 6 months earlier than planned/reported/promised/stated on this website is actually news that should be posted somewhere. Like a blog post, or even it’s own topic. Instead Matt deleted the branch 6 weeks ago, and the first non-developer members of the community read about it is 20 posts into a topic.

    I try and keep an eye on Trac and test nightlies (ok for me it’s weeklies, sorry), but even for me this change by Matt slipped by me. How vigilant do we truly expect average bbPress user to be?

    How hard is it to write a blog post, or a topic?

    I’m no a fan of this Matt bashing, or anyone bashing, but surely someone/anyone could have posted about this so the community on the whole knew about it? To me, thats a lack of respect.

    In reply to: Custom Theme



    Don’t worry, that bug’s in backPress not in bbPress – and ChrisHajer and Gautam have submitted a patch.

    In the mean time, load in a browser to see what i mean

    In reply to: Custom Theme




    If you try and load your stylesheet directly into a browser you get this error:



    <title>403 Forbidden</title>



    <p>You don’t have permission to access /sq36/forums/my-templates/s36/style.css

    on this server.</p>



    Looks like you have some permission issues



    For me, it comes down to this:

    In my opinion there’s no point in getting developers for a project, and then adding someone to Manage it above them because there’s a fairly good chance that the project plan will not be what the developer had in mind.

    The best plan, and again I’m biased, would be to get a group of like minded folks with a vision and have someone lead it, and lay out a plan, and then find a developer(s) who would want to join that project.

    That way you’re getting a developer(s), who knows in advance what they’re getting themselves in for :)

    Being able to share the same message from top (PM) to bottom (community) enables growth and ease of people joining. It encourages all thats good about Open Source Software.

    I learnt that from Automattic :)

    They’ve dropped the ball here, thats all. If they don’t pick it up, someone will. But posts ripping into Matt as a person don’t help anyone :)


    Look, i’m not wanting to jump the gun here.

    I think this is a really bad time to have this discussion. 1.0.3 is nearing release, and with it will bring bugs and questions and uproar that is both good “bbPress is saved” and bad “bbPress is doomed” and any good/useful conversation is going to be undermined.

    Lets get 1.0.3 out the door, lets avoid posts like one from the orignal author, and lets see where the chips lie after the bulls in the china shop have left and the dust has settled (bulls being WP3 and bbPress1.0.3)

    Thats just my opinion though, I’m sure there are many here who have both other opinions and much better opinions. Especially those not replying to froum posts at now 4.30am ;-]

    Good night all, sleep well!

    In reply to: Theming the ajax




    We hardcoded alot of stuff into the core.

    That said, it’s in a Javascript file, so you could change it without messing up any of the PHP running bbPress, or you could try and overwrite it with another jQuery plugin or code to overwrite the option for confirmPostDelete inbbTopicJS.

    I’ve not played around with jQuery since 1.1 so can’t talk with any authority on doing so, but I’m sure it’s possible.



    This talk of forking is premature. Where is the developer hiding that will drive this?

    Agreed, but I think having a developer to drive this will just lead us back round to where we are. Developers rarely (and I know i’m generalising) excel at communication, criticism, managing expectations and keeping project plans and feature lists in tact.

    In honesty, looking at the commits on trac, we’ve had some great developers throw their hat in the ring, what we’ve not had, is someone to lead the project and manage it.

    But really, given this thread’s original topic, its not a great basis for this conversation.

    Who currently has commit privileges for bbPress? Matt said there were a couple of people that he had granted these to.

    Yes he did, he also said that he’d given out the privilege to edit to numerous people. Can’t say I’ve seen any edits or blog posts.

    It would be great to get an offical list of folks who can make commits (i’ll include my guesstimates below), if only to see how active that list is with non-Automattic folks other than Gautam.

    ChrisHajer then Matt/Michael/Sam (from Automattic).

    Probably Trent (from Automattic) too.

    I’d be surprised if _ck_, Gautam, and NightGunner wasn’t able to either.



    J*3 = John James?

    I see him every now and then over at BuddyPress, not that I head over often.

    Gautam, great catch. & Good hunting Chris!



    Spill your thoughts, PLEASE.

    I think it’s shameful Matt’s not taking us all out to dinner yo!



    Matt isn’t taking us all out to dinner?!??

    That’s some shameful shit right there yo!



    I dont own, and never have owned a mac; nor joined peace corp; nor saved Africa. But thanks, you have made me laugh alot tonight :D

    It’s usually me who write these stupid things on this forum, it’s nice to not be the daft one for a change, and man, it’s a huge change haha!

    we are on the same team yo!

    I’m hereby submitting a formal transfer request. I’ll join any team apart from Rangers ;-)

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