josh16 (@josh16)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @josh16


    Nice to see that big changes are finally happening here. Now all we need is a look-a-like theme to go with it. bbShowcase is back on? Sweet!



    I like the Kate Humble design, but how did they get the 2-column layout?



    I’ve run it many times in the past, but as of now, bbPress can only improve by each individual’s contribution. That said, I’ve decided to ditch it for a while and look for the next thing on the list that is on the rise. I found that Vanilla has undertaken a major redesign of their site and is now offering free hosting.

    It’s the only other alternative I see right now that is just as easy and simple as bbPress.



    Fantastic new theme, hope to see it soon. Though, I’m sure that it would be released anyway in some way shape or form, that is, if there are any planned updates with the bbPress software. Would you be able to release the CSS file at least, if any of us do want to make a clone version?



    In that case this post was also caught by akismet a few weeks back.

    I think it’s happening more frequently now. Perhaps give akismet a little less slack?

    In reply to: Misty Morning Theme



    I got it to work. Changed the broken link in the CSS file.

    But I’m going to wait for Refueled to post his version of the theme soon.

    In reply to: Misty Morning Theme



    It’s okay, but the header isn’t showing up.

    Is there any chance you can post your modified version?

    In reply to: Misty Morning Theme



    @Refuled thanks.

    I’m working on a few myself, one of them being an updated version of the K2 bbPress theme that appears to be broken. If you know anything about combining WP and bbPress template files, let me know.

    In reply to: New Theme For BBPress



    Dude awesome! Will it work with BuddyPress?

    In reply to: bbShowcase shut down?



    I don’t mean to sound picky but SimplePress looks like a cluttered mess. It’s like trying to integrate an SMF board with wordpress and they don’t even look the same.

    I guess I got used to the simplicity of bbPress. I’m still going to use it, however, as long as is up and running and the forums uses it. This only means less themes and plugins.

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