John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: New forum layout



    Much better so far! The width was a major issue and it’s good to see gravatars again! :)

    In reply to: Profile not updating.



    It’s maaaagic… :)



    Check out post-form.php.

    If you’re talking about the built in bbPress page that happens, there is no way to trap that as of yet that I’m aware of…



    @Nipon: I had that plug-in installed at one point also, but I’m not sure if it is the culprit or not. I actually installed it hoping that it would pick up on the bbPress roles but it didn’t.

    If you integrate by modifying the config.php files, you won’t be able to access the bbPress admin regardless of where you login from.

    If you don’t integrate the config.php files, you can access the bbPress admin by logging in ONLY through the forum/bb-login.php.

    WordPress just isn’t aware of how to assign your session/role the forum admin rights. I am convinced this isn’t a cookie issue because all of us seem to have them pretty well synced up, and we’re able to login and stay logged in.

    In reply to: Users with no role



    I thought about that too, but it seems silly not to.

    I ended up replicating the theme in my current project, I just wish I didn’t have to do it that way.

    In reply to: Users with no role



    I’m wondering how come the developers haven’t given us a real honest-to-goodness integration yet. It obviously works over at, and one has to assume they are using the newest most stable versions.

    The forums use the same template as the rest of the site, so it is obviously integrated with the theme and everything. Curious how THEY did it, because what we’re doing isn’t working.



    I think what CK is saying, is that the developers of WP and BBP have lots on their desk right now, and before we put more pressure on them to produce more results, we should let them finish the work they’ve got.

    bbPress doesn’t quite have the panache of WordPress yet. It doesn’t have the user-base or the following or the demand. I think all of us share your enthusiasm for wanting a new version, but I also think that once bbPress gains momentum there will be no shortage of upgrades and new versions, especially if WordPress is any indication of their intent to produce new versions.

    In reply to: Limit front-page.php



    Actually yes it does. Works perfectly. Woo hoo!



    Did you ever make this plug-in? It’s a great idea and basically acts as an announcement or featured topics plug-in.



    bbPress and WordPress are not cross aware of role changes.

    So, if you change a WordPress role, the bbPress role is not changed;

    If you change the bbPress role, the WordPress role is not changed.

    I believe that this is is probably the way that most people would want it to be, although it would make sense eventually (once these can be more tightly integrated) to have the option of syncing them up.

    In reply to: Change Post Author?



    It isn’t about it being a regular basis, it’s about it being possible.

    In my testing and installing of bbPress, I usually bounce back and forth between a KeyMaster, an Admin, and a Member test account, and sometimes I am logged in and make a post under the wrong one. :)

    It’s more for convenience and possibility sake than it is for daily use or practicality.

    Forums with many users would just have a million entries in the drop down. Heck I dunno man I just thought of this idea! :)

    In reply to: Change Post Author?



    Nothing with roles, actually something much simpler.

    As an administrator, I would like to have a drop-down list on the post-form.php that has a list of all forum members, so that I can assign or change the author of a post.

    Within the <?php if ( is_bb_tag() || is_front() ) : ?> there would be another drop down list, but rather than forum, would be the list of authors to say started that topic.



    Hmm this is an interesting scenario, one that I never made it around to checking since I always do my work as an Admin or KeyMaster.

    I did just check my install of 2.7rc1 and bbPress Alpha-2 and I do not experience this type of issue.

    I am assuming that you’ve checked the obvious stuff from all of the other integration topics here? Making sure your SECRET_KEY’s match and cookie domains are copied over, etc?



    @elwagar: Conversely, once they are registered you can assign them a role by going to the bbPress admin, WordPress Integration, and remapping. I feel like a plug-in could help this registration laziness along, but I also think this should just work correctly right away.

    I actually had a similar issue years ago integrating phpBB 2.x and osCommerce together, trying to get one to work inside the other with cookies and what-not was a really big problem, one that I never really did get working 100% correctly.

    I have no experience with bbPress Live, but it might be worth looking into. CK posted a really nice SQL example on how to grab information without a plug-in, so if you can’t get that to work, you could always put in a little manual labor. ;)



    Which versions of bbPress and WordPress are you using?

    Are you doing all of this logging in and out on the same computer?

    Have you tried manually deleting cookies and logging in again?

    What folders are WordPress and bbPress located in, relative to each other?



    I am experiencing the same issue, and I think we all really can’t wait for this to work correctly.



    @mvds: The idea is that logging into or out of either/or will do that action on both sides for a unified website function. If you log into or out of either, and it affects the other immediately, and you have admin access to both sides regardless of where you login, that’s a good thing. :)



    Have you tried logging in and out of both your WordPress and bbPress installations and accessing both admin panels? I mean each combination each way.

    1. Log into WordPress; Check admin panel access and cookies; Log out of WordPress
    2. Log into bbPress; Check admin panel access and cookies; Log out of bbPress
    3. Log into WordPress; Check admin panel access and cookies; Log out of bbPress
    4. Log into bbPress; Check admin panel access and cookies; Log out of WordPress

    That is where the problem lies, and I have been running the most updated trunks of both bbPress and WordPress the entire time. :/



    Short term, I was able to make this work by modifying 1 core WordPress file. This only allows for integration of the theme, but still does not allow access to the bbPress admin panel without changing the bb-config.php file back to original.

    It’s essentially a quick fix to get the theme working with all capabilities playing nicely.

    Basically I’m hard-coding the capability check from bbPress into WordPress. There should be a filter for this, but I’m not sure how to hook into it correctly without a mod or plug-in on the WordPress side.

    ~My fix is in no way a permanent solution. Auto-updating your WordPress installation will overwrite this fix.~

    In FILE wp-includes/capabilities.php:

    In the meta_map_cap function:

    Around Line 906:

    AFTER break;

    BEFORE default


    case 'write_post':
    $caps[] = 'write_posts';
    case 'edit_post':
    // edit_posts, edit_others_posts, edit_deleted, edit_closed, ignore_edit_lock
    if ( !$bb_post = bb_get_post( $args[0] ) ) {
    $caps[] = 'magically_provide_data_given_bad_input';
    return $caps;
    if ( $user_id == $bb_post->poster_id )
    $caps[] = 'edit_posts';
    $caps[] = 'edit_others_posts';
    if ( $bb_post->post_status == '1' )
    $caps[] = 'edit_deleted';
    if ( !topic_is_open( $bb_post->topic_id ) )
    $caps[] = 'edit_closed';
    $post_time = bb_gmtstrtotime( $bb_post->post_time );
    $curr_time = time() + 1;
    $edit_lock = bb_get_option( 'edit_lock' );
    if ( $edit_lock >= 0 && $curr_time - $post_time > $edit_lock * 60 )
    $caps[] = 'ignore_edit_lock';
    case 'delete_post' :
    // edit_deleted, delete_posts
    if ( !$bb_post = bb_get_post( $args[0] ) ) {
    $caps[] = 'magically_provide_data_given_bad_input';
    return $caps;
    if ( 0 != $bb_post->post_status )
    $caps[] = 'edit_deleted';
    // NO BREAK
    case 'manage_posts' : // back compat
    $caps[] = 'delete_posts';
    case 'write_topic':
    $caps[] = 'write_topics';
    case 'edit_topic':
    // edit_closed, edit_deleted, edit_topics, edit_others_topics
    if ( !$topic = get_topic( $args[0] ) ) {
    $caps[] = 'magically_provide_data_given_bad_input';
    return $caps;
    if ( !topic_is_open( $args[0]) )
    $caps[] = 'edit_closed';
    if ( '1' == $topic->topic_status )
    $caps[] = 'edit_deleted';
    if ( $user_id == $topic->topic_poster )
    $caps[] = 'edit_topics';
    $caps[] = 'edit_others_topics';
    case 'move_topic' :
    $caps[] = 'move_topics';
    case 'stick_topic' :
    $caps[] = 'stick_topics';
    case 'close_topic' :
    $caps[] = 'close_topics';
    case 'delete_topic' :
    $caps[] = 'delete_topics';
    add_filter( 'get_topic_where', 'no_where', 9999 );
    if ( !$topic = get_topic( $args[0] ) ) {
    $caps[] = 'magically_provide_data_given_bad_input';
    return $caps;
    if ( 0 != $topic->topic_status )
    $caps[] = 'edit_deleted';
    remove_filter( 'get_topic_where', 'no_where', 9999 );
    case 'manage_topics' :
    // back compat
    $caps[] = 'move_topics';
    $caps[] = 'stick_topics';
    $caps[] = 'close_topics';
    $caps[] = 'delete_topics';
    case 'add_tag_to':
    // edit_closed, edit_deleted, edit_tags;
    if ( !$topic = get_topic( $args[0] ) ) {
    $caps[] = 'magically_provide_data_given_bad_input';
    return $caps;
    if ( !topic_is_open( $topic->topic_id ) )
    $caps[] = 'edit_closed';
    if ( '1' == $topic->topic_status )
    $caps[] = 'edit_deleted';
    $caps[] = 'edit_tags';
    case 'edit_tag_by_on':
    // edit_closed, edit_deleted, edit_tags, edit_others_tags
    if ( !$topic = get_topic( $args[1] ) ) {
    $caps[] = 'magically_provide_data_given_bad_input';
    return $caps;
    if ( !topic_is_open( $topic->topic_id ) )
    $caps[] = 'edit_closed';
    if ( '1' == $topic->topic_status )
    $caps[] = 'edit_deleted';
    if ( $user_id == $args[0] )
    $caps[] = 'edit_tags';
    $caps[] = 'edit_others_tags';
    case 'edit_user':
    // edit_profile, edit_users;
    if ( $user_id == $args[0] )
    $caps[] = 'edit_profile';
    $caps[] = 'edit_users';
    case 'edit_favorites_of':
    // edit_favorites, edit_others_favorites;
    if ( $user_id == $args[0] )
    $caps[] = 'edit_favorites';
    $caps[] = 'edit_others_favorites';
    case 'delete_forum':
    $caps[] = 'delete_forums';
    case 'change_user_password':
    // change_password, edit_users
    $caps[] = 'change_password';
    if ( $user_id != $args[0] )
    $caps[] = 'edit_users';



    Firstly, have you checked to make sure that your site paths are correct in both bbPress and WordPress? Since you shifted directories, the paths to those new directories need to be adjusted in the database.

    Secondly, are there normal user tables to go along with those weird empty ones? Part of the integration process is telling bbPress which tables to find your users in. Is it possible that you added an extra “_” on accident, and bbPress created those tables while it was looking for the real ones?



    We’re all experiencing the same issue.

    Integration appears to be a little broken still.

    If you need to use the WP functions in your bbPress, that will break it further by not allowing you to access your bbPress admin panel at all.

    The problem looks like the bb_map_meta_cap filter is ignored when the WordPress functions are loaded in place of the bbPress ones.

    Some users have been able to resolve this by using a .htaccess file to redirect to the bbPress login and register page whenever an attempt to register or login is made through WordPress. That is the best fix at the moment if you do not require access to the WP functions.

    If you do require that access, then you will need to wait until a fix comes out for the issue I mentioned above. That’s where I am. :(



    It seems like there are several issues here, and I’m not sure which is really the issue or which is a bug…

    Firstly, when integrated, bbPress wants to use the WordPress classes and functions where possible. Namely, the problem with capabilities lies currently with the difference in the WP_User->has_cap function.

    On the WordPress side of it, it is missing the global $wp_roles; and the corresponding check of those roles against the current capability to check.

    $caps = call_user_func_array( array(&$wp_roles, 'map_meta_cap'), $args );

    So I’m not sure if this is just a case of bbPress not keeping up with the WordPress user/role classes, or if this is WordPress not properly carrying over bbPress capabilities.




    I noticed this happening here and over at the forums, so there may have been some kind of a delay.



    Looks good enough to me, although I haven’t checked the source to see exactly how you did it.



    As of right now there isn’t a turn key solution. Im doing my best to see where the inclusion is going wrong but haven’t had much time the past few days.

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