John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    bbPress isn’t more or less SEO friendly than any other forum software. Considering it uses almost the exact same permalink rewriting code as WordPress. The bbPress plugin for WordPress will offer custom permalink options and I’ll look into allowing for this.



    bbPress isn’t more or less SEO friendly than any other forum software. Considering it uses almost the exact same permalink rewriting code as WordPress. The bbPress plugin for WordPress will offer custom permalink options and I’ll look into allowing for this.



    Made some changes to sub-forum functionality and display. Using the WP_Query class it’s possible to retrieve and manipulate almost any combination of forums and subforms, so what’s currently in bbPress plugin core is going to be an iterative process that I hope some of you are able to contribute to. :)



    Haven’t explored the idea of include year/month/day in the topic slug, but it should be possible to do.

    Right now you’ll end up with something like:

    …and even…

    …if you want to create a single template to show off one individual reply.



    A tag cloud is just another way to categorize your topics. If the top-down forum/category layout is sufficient for you, then there’s nothing wrong with hiding tags.



    A tag cloud is just another way to categorize your topics. If the top-down forum/category layout is sufficient for you, then there’s nothing wrong with hiding tags.



    Just tested this with W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache, and both seem to respond really, really well to the bbPress plugin. W3 Total Cache chops off a bunch of queries and increases load times in all the same ways it does for normal WordPress blog posts and pages, and does a great job of keeping up with post_meta changes when new topics and replies happen.

    If you want to optimize your bbPress plugin for WordPress installation, I’d recommend starting with either of those.



    Just added page-bbp_no_replies.php to theme, which is a page template that shows topics without replies, similar to what we have here:

    The bbp-twentyten theme is turning into a full fledged theme that includes some good tricks on how to manipulate forum, topic, and reply queries on the fly. I’ll be sure to include more documentation in the theme so that it’s easier to take snippets out and use them in cool ways.



    First pass at user profiles and front-end user profile editing is now in the plugin branch. Props GautamGupta for the original patch as part of one of his Google Code-in tasks.

    Please test this extensively as it was a huge changeset. You may need to deactivate/activate bbPress, and/or view your permalinks and save them to force a flush. This will not be required in the future.

    r2688 brings about a few new $bbp variables; current_user and displayed_user. Those of you familiar with BuddyPress will understand how these work. Also the 3 template loop globals ($bbp_forum_template, $bbp_topic_template, and $bbp_reply_template) are now objects attached to the main $bbp global, renamed to forum_query, topic_query, and reply_query.



    Searching the forums will bring up lots of discussion on this topic.



    Searching the forums will bring up lots of discussion on this topic.



    Do you have a separate theme to access your forums directly, or are non group members able to access those forums/topics from within BuddyPress?



    Rich – I trashed all my topics and replies and started over, yes. If your posts are important for some reason and you have to save them, adding a postmeta key/value for each topic and reply of ‘_bbp_topic_last_active’ and ‘_bbp_reply_last_active’. The time should be in ‘mysql’ format in the DB.



    Just pushed an update through that is a solid first pass at forum and topic freshness. Some testing would be awesome.

    Things @todo on this front: sub-forum tree topic/reply walking, better hierarchical reply support (topic walker), and go get a burrito (dinner)


    In reply to: How Do I Delete Tags?



    You can use the recount tool found in your bb-admin directory under “Tools”

    In reply to: How Do I Delete Tags?



    You can use the recount tool found in your bb-admin directory under “Tools”



    Please continue this discussion in the BuddyPress topic if you’re interested.



    Please continue this discussion in the BuddyPress topic if you’re interested.



    It is not currently in the plugin but is a must-have before beta.

    Depending on your level of experience with writing importers and exporters, it might be a good idea to get started now and prepare for some minor changes in data storage that might happen along the way.

    The plugin isn’t really meant to completely replace the stand-alone version in my eyes, since they are two totally different approaches to a similar need. So without being vague to the point if unhelpful, it really comes down to how urgently you need to make the switch and how much work you’re willing to put into getting there.

    If it were me, I’d concentrate efforts towards the plugin since it could use the most eyes on the code right now, and is more likely to see advancements and enhancements in the future.



    Just pushed an update through that will fix the topic freshness order when creating new topics and replying to existing ones. This fix changes the way topics are pulled from the DB, and as a result is not backwards compatible with previous versions of the plugin. (Oh the dangers of beta testing.)

    This is however the way it will work going forward, so you won’t need to worry about going through this again.

    Forum counts and freshness links are coming next.



    All of the theme ideas are things that can be possible, but as a first pass to get something usable it has a child theme of twentyten. It will have it’s own theme that can be used as a parent, and I love the shortcode idea but it will be rather difficult to customize in the long run, since try would be hard coded inside the plugin and not part of a customizable theme.



    @gswaim – In short, yes it is possible, although it may require an additional plugin file to help bridge the two together, or at least some customized theme files to handle the display of forums and topics within your custom setup.



    Technically anything will be possible, but image support won’t be enabled or an option from the start; so a plugin would want to open that functionality up and handle it.



    Technically anything will be possible, but image support won’t be enabled or an option from the start; so a plugin would want to open that functionality up and handle it.



    @DeysonOrtiz – Hard to tell what’s wrong on your end, but it does definitely work.

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