John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    Unsure if there is a way in the UI to see it. You should be able to log in as a subscriber and then start debugging that users role and capabilities. You could install/use the Debug Bar and Debug Bar Console plugins to allow you to safely play with WordPress functions and variables; otherwise you’re left to cowboy coding and var_dump’ing things out so you can see them.

    You can also try out the “Members” plugn by Justin Tadlock. I believe it comes with a UI that allows you to map capabilities to each role. Unsure how well it plays with other permissions plugins like Wishlist though.



    More likely it’s to do with the Wishlist plugin not obeying bbPress’s mapped capabilities. I’ve seen this come up a few times. You’ll want to trouble-shoot by looking at the capabilities that a subscriber has, and making sure they have the proper bbPress ones.

    In reply to: bbPress Codex



    It’s live!

    In reply to: POT file request



    You can’t, but I can. :)

    In reply to: Why bbPress sucks!



    No need to post tickets here. I’ll see them right away.

    In reply to: Why bbPress sucks!



    It’s a neat idea, bundling them together like that. Hm.



    BuddyPress totally takes the registration process over. You’ll want to pick either/or, or make a custom one to suit your needs.



    It will be changed in bbPress 2.1.

    In reply to: Forum Avatar Sizes



    Not a wise idea to hack the core files. Would have better luck passing the correct argument into your theme.

    In reply to: Why bbPress sucks!



    Can’t change your login, sorry. It’s linked everywhere throughout the .org sites, so it will break other things if we change it.

    It’s hard if you can’t code, since the things you’re mostly emphasizing are things that need to be coded, or documentation that requires understanding the code base. It’s one of those times where there’s no shortage of opinions and ideas, but there’s a huge shortage of labor.



    You’ll need to filter the kses filter on the_content to allow that set of tags. Do a google search for filtering the kses filter, and there should be lots of examples.



    Create a page with the same slug as your forum root. It will appear as an empty page. Then use the Shortcode [bbp-topic-index] to show the topics index. :)



    I don’t know what you mean? Other than in Settings > Forums ?



    No, but I don’t think the demand for paid modules was worth monitoring the plugin daily.



    You uploaded the wrong version of bbPress to your plugins folder. bbPress 1.1 is a stand alone installation, and bbPress 2.0 and above are plugins for WordPress.



    Hello! bbPress comes with a bunch of built in support for a majority of standard WordPress themes. If bbPress isn’t working with your theme, it’s up to your theme author to decide if bbPress is something they want to support.

    You shouldn’t need to do much more to get bbPress to look and work like the forums you linked to, once you get your theme sorted.

    In reply to: Why bbPress sucks!



    Great thoughts and great feedback. All the issues you raise are totally valid.

    I deleted your cross-post over at There may be two different audiences, but your opinions are directed mostly towards the development of the project, so this is the best place to talk about that.

    It’s amazingly simple to point out the places where bbPress can be improved. It’s also amazingly difficult to dedicate oneself to volunteering on a daily basis. Break this very long topic down into smaller, more manageable topics, and create trac tickets as enhancements for the new features you’d like to see. Then others can pick which line-item they are interested in helping with, and focus on it.

    There’s a lot of love and attention that goes into bbPress, even though it may not seem like it on the site itself. If you want to be part of the solution, come hang out in #bbpress on freenode on IRC. It’d be great to have you start working on fixing some of these issues with me.



    Yes they are custom post types.



    Something custom will need to be coded up. Nothing exists for bbPress that I’m aware of.



    If you can point me to a more specific problem, a plugin, a specific issue, I’m happy to help. :)



    You probably don’t want to edit the files directly. You should be able to limp by with a few CSS edits.



    None of it really makes any sense. When we have a moment to all dig in deeper, I’d like to access someone’s installation directly to look into it.

    In reply to: Is this a CSS glitch?



    That’s pretty intense. Seems like some other CSS is getting in the way.



    If there are places where bbPress is not busting the cache properly, I’ll need your help to figure out where and why. bbPress currently relies heavily on WordPress’s API’s to do this for us. bbPress runs very few manual queries of its own, and new or edited posts should be busting the cache automatically.

    In reply to: Zomg: theming in 2.1



    Glad you approve. I think it’s an improvement over 2.0, and about as good as it can get for now.

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