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In reply to: Still looking for 4 (working) plugins
Z – You mean this stuff? Yes, I read through both long techie pages on its development a while back, although I’m not sure why you mention it now. It’s a shame they couldn’t develop it into a plugin since it works perfectly.
BTW, did you see my response in the ‘sticky topics’ thread? Pretty bizarre. (Could it be because I’m running WP 2.6.5?)
In reply to: Still looking for 4 (working) pluginsZ – I presume you mean that “Subscribe to Favorites” RSS goofiness? Thanks, but it’d be better just to pay someone to get ‘Subscribe To Topics’ working and have the usual process available, an email with link. And somebody out there might have already fixed it, or have a working alternative.
In reply to: Sticky posts to top of list?Z – This is actually getting interesting. Check this out:
1. I download a fresh bbPress, upload it to the site (after renaming my original folder), and the sticky topics are still at the bottom. I’ve deactivated every plugin and am using the default theme.
2. I dig up a list of bbPress forums, check out about six of them, and — sure enough — their sticky posts are at the top.
3. I make a third sticky post on my site and it’s at the top, as a new post should be. I make a regular post and it’s above the new sticky post. Ditto another regular post. So, while it won’t roll them off the back end, it’s still preferring ‘date’ to everything else.
Every day a new thrill, eh?
In reply to: Still looking for 4 (working) pluginsKJG – Thanks for the excellent feedback. As for the spell-checker, that was the version I tried.
From a “reader response” point of view, the one people are most going to bitch about is the lack of a ‘preview’ feature, and that’s especially true with an editor that allows italics, blockquotes, links and pics. As a user, I’ll be screaming for one, too.
From an Admin point of view, I’d deem a ‘subscribe to topic’ feature the most important, simply because every half-decent forum in the galaxy has one and people expect it — not to mention how convenient it is for the readers.
“Awesome, i look forward to you coding them and releasing them. Thanks for offering Joe
Rats. I knew I should have added that disclaimer, “By the way, I’m not a programmer and COULD be speaking out of my butt.” Still, you’d think if ‘Subscribe To Topics’ once worked, and can still put the dang box on the page, it wouldn’t take much to figure out how to direct a quick message back to the poster. By the way, I’m not a programmer and COULD be speaking out of my butt.
In reply to: Plugin alternatives?Well, rat farts. I got the ‘View Preview’ button to display, but it’s dead in both IE and FF. Getting an “error on page” message down in IE’s status bar. Tried it with both my theme and the Kakume theme, same dif. I also tried it in a couple of different spots on the page.
So, is it toast and I should continue the hunt?
In reply to: Plugin alternatives?Z – I got to thinking and decided I’d better double-check and found “topic.php” in the root directory, so I presume that’s the one he meant. I tried slapping all five lines of code into it in three different places and got a ‘Parse Error’ when clicking on a comment each time, so obviously I’m still missing something. Thoughts?
In reply to: Plugin alternatives?Z –
Thanks for the replies.
“So I don’t see a reason why it should not function with my plugin.”
And, if I’d actually activated the dang thing, nor would I. Sorry about that. The activation process somehow slipped by me. Works terrifically in both browsers.
“zaerl URL preview”
No thanks to that, but I know people are going to start bitching about not having a ‘Preview’ button.
The only hitch (so far) with “Live Comment Preview” is that I can’t understand his instructions. Maybe you could set me straight:
<?php add_live_comment_preview(“View Preview”); ?>
to your topic.php file, where you want to show the preview’s area.
ie. before the post form something like that
<?php if ( topic_is_open( $bb_post->topic_id ) ) : ?>
<?php add_live_comment_preview(“View Preview”); ?>
<?php post_form(); ?>
<?php else : ?>
1. First off, assuming he’s referring to the bbPress file, it’s “topics.php”. And it’s a fairly long file. Would you have a suggestion on where the first line of code should be stuck?
2. And are the last 4 lines supposed to be part of it? His breaking up a block of code with commentary was somewhat unorthodox.
Much thanks,
In reply to: Latest on better editor?Z – I got on a bbPress plugins page and found your ‘Open in new window’ plugin but the rascal doesn’t seem to work. Tried it in both ‘bb-plugins’ and ‘my-plugins’. It activates just fine. Is there a trick I’m missing?
In reply to: Latest on better editor?Z – Thanks, the ‘s’ did it. Very appreciated.
The one last thing that would really make this editor the cat’s ass would be opening links in a new window. Is there a PHP version of “Target=_blank” we can slip into the code?
In reply to: Latest on better editor?Z –
I copied the code to a PHP file and it activated from the bbPress ‘Plugins’ panel, but I can’t figure out how to make it work in the editor. I tried both angled brackets and backticks. Thoughts?
And the next big challenge would be to have it open links in a new window. Is that possible?
In reply to: Latest on better editor?Z –
“It doesn’t understand strikethrough cause that tag (the obsolete ‘s’) isn’t enabled by default on bbPress.”
So, is there a way to turn it on?
And I understood that the ‘Code’ button was for generating backticks, but what are backticks used for since the buttons cover pretty much everything?
And, for that matter, why isn’t this site using it?
In reply to: Latest on better editor?The one change I made to Zaerl Editor was snipping out the part of the code that put that needless “Code” button on the top.
The only disappointment is that it doesn’t seem to understand strikethrough fonts. I tried both “strike” and “del” (using both HTML and backticks) but no joy. Any thoughts?
In reply to: Latest on better editor?Mr P –
As we say in the WordPress world, woot! Zaerl Editor is absolutely perfect. I don’t want people to import pics and such — the main thing is embedded links.
Kev – Also thanks for the suggestions.