jimgroom (@jimgroom)

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  • @jimgroom


    So what happe ned to this project? Is it still going on? Seems the links are dead, and there has been no real response for over a month. Wouldn;t mind seeing the TwentyTen theme for bbPress before I do my own today.



    Disregard my last, very long plea, I actually figured my issue out. Given I have several mapped domains (and even mapped sites) I had to use the following Cookie settings:


    define( ‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ” );

    define( ‘SITECOOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );

    define( ‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );

    define( ‘COOKIEHASH’, ‘#######################’ );


    define( ‘WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION’, 1 );

    define( ‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ” );

    define( ‘SITECOOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );

    define( ‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );

    And that is now working like a champ across all domains. Anyone see an issue with this I may be overlooking?



    Hey everyone,

    Testing out RC3, and it works in terms of bbPress/BuddyPress/WPMu 2.7.1 integration far better than RC2, which had me stumped. I do have one lingering issue with the integrated signon between WPMu and bbPress for anyone who might have a lead. When I login to either WPMu or bbPress it logs me into both applications, however, if I try and logout of bbPress when I originally logged in to WPMu, for example, it won’t log me out. I have to actually go and logout of WPMu to be logged out of bbPress. This was a similar/common issue in a version that was in the 0.7.x or 0.8.x series. And I have the sneaky suspicion there is something in my config files that is baling it. Anyone having a similar issue? Anyone know of a fix? Below are my config files for both wp and bbPress.

    Right now I have this in my wp-config:

    define( ‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘.umwblogs.org’ );

    define( ‘SITECOOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );

    define( ‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );

    define( ‘COOKIEHASH’, ‘#################’ );

    And this in my bb-config:

    // WordPress cookie integration speedup

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘http://umwblogs.org’;

    $bb->wp_home = ‘http://umwblogs.org’;

    $bb->cookiepath = ‘/’;

    $bb->authcookie = ‘wordpress_###################’;

    $bb->secure_auth_cookie = ‘wordpress_sec_###################’;

    $bb->logged_in_cookie = ‘wordpress_logged_in_###################’;

    $bb->admin_cookie_path = ‘/forums/bb-admin’;

    $bb->core_plugins_cookie_path = ‘/forums/bb-plugins’;

    $bb->user_plugins_cookie_path = ‘/forums/my-plugins’;

    $bb->sitecookiepath = ‘/’;

    $bb->wp_admin_cookie_path = ‘/wp-admin’;

    $bb->wp_plugins_cookie_path = ‘/wp-content/plugins’;

    // End integration speedups

    define( ‘WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION’, 1 );




    I was having the same problem, then sambauers told me this:

    You can either define the COOKIEHASH in WPMU or define each cookie name individually in WPMU

    The COOKIEHASH is the letter jumble part of each cookie name after the last underscore.

    So, put define(‘COOKIEHASH’, ” ); in your wp-config file, and place the cookie hash between the single-quote (I found this by viewing my cookies after logging in through the brower and taking the alpha-numeric string following the wordpress_

    I saw something like this:


    Make any sense?




    That worked beautifully, many, many thanks.



    Hello all,

    I’m integrating WPMu 2.7 trunk, bbPress 1.0 alpha 4 and the latest BuddyPress Combo. I got everything up and running fine, and bbPress is reading the wp_users table and updating the users once they login to the WPMu account as members (I used the roles plugin recommended here, thank you).

    The only issue I have remaining is that WPMu and bbPress are not sharing cookies, so when you log into the WPMu homepage, you are not automatically logged into bbPress, but you can login and out of each independently without an issue.

    I installed Sam Bauer’s plugin for integration, and included the necessary details in the wp-config file, I’m also mirroring the unique values I have in my wp-config file in my bbPress config file. My bbPress config file looks like so:

    define( ‘BB_AUTH_KEY’, ‘my_unique_key_is here’ );

    define( ‘BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘my_unique_key_is here’ );

    define( ‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_SALT’, ‘my_unique_key_is here’ );

    define( ‘BB_NONCE_KEY’, ‘my_unique_key_is here’ );

    define( ‘BB_AUTH_SALT’, ‘my_unique_key_is here’ );

    define( ‘BB_LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ‘my_unique_key_is here’ );

    define( ‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘my_unique_key_is here’ );


    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ”);

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    All these values exactly match what I have in my wp-config file, but still no shared cookie love. Anyone have any idea what might be wrong here?—or am I just pushing too soon with the WPMu trunk and bbPress 1.0 alpha?

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