Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Integrate wp2.7 and bbp1.0a2
BBsync and BBpressLive is as close as I know how to get, lorenzo
In reply to: New installationYes, you have to create the database first.
In Cpanel, you either have an option to admin your dbs or something like phpMyAdmin. Check with your ISP to see their directions on creating a database, as the details on which method can vary.
In reply to: WP 2.6.3 & bbPress 1.0A2 slight fixI have this:
$bb->wp_home = '';
Since I did this: ages and ages ago.
But the rest, essentially, yes
In reply to: WP 2.6.3 & bbPress 1.0A2 slight fix>> This meant once I’d logged in via bbPress, when I was browsing WordPress (although it set the ‘auth’ cookie fine and I could view wp-admin/) it ‘appeared’ that I was logged out (log in and register link, instead of log out and site admin). <<
I’m still having that problem, even after following those directions.
I have my WP site URL as root, but the wp-home is set to /blog (since that’s where the blog folder is).
Cookiepath is set to /forums/
sitecookiepath is set to /blog/
In reply to: in which folder upload bbpress?Psst! You mean to put bbpress here:
If you put it under wordpress, your URL will be
In reply to: Redirection to new bbPress board?At a guess…
RewriteRule ^forum/faq(.*)$ [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^forum/mcp(.*)$ [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^forum/member(.*)$ [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^forum/search(.*)$ [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^forum/ucp(.*)$ [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^forum/view(.*)$ [L,R=301]That’s the majority of the links, I think. At least the ones off the main page of a forum.
In reply to: Blockquotes are brokenHey, my site works fine. I’m saying’s quotes are broke.
Someone should fix the CSS here.
In reply to: Parent / Childrelationship in forum loopI cheat and look at this a lot:
In reply to: Redirection to new bbPress board?You mean to just redirect one folder to another?
Pretend your old forum was at and the new one is at
Delete the phpbb2 folder and in your .htaccess add this:
RewriteRule ^phpbb2(.*)$ [L,R=301]
That will make what’s called a Permanent redirect, and in theory teach site crawlers what’s up. Mind, a 401 is for unauthorized access, which is an odd error to get.
In reply to: BBpress. Mindset, features and where now? discuss…… as long as we have tags (which are great) we feel we’ve a fluid cross pollination forum going on. But if you take tags away for a sec (lets say the users didn’t put them in); then what your left with is 1 list of topics and 1 list of forums. That’s the definition of rigid.
I see where we differ
I see bbPress as ‘One big ass list of topics in one big ass forum.’ That’s not rigid so much as it’s just a list. Probably organized by last post date, but a list none the less. I don’t see it as rigid, I see it as unstructured. But I can see where you’d call it the other.
In reply to: Integrate wp2.7 and bbp1.0a2FYI, the roles don’t always match up right until the user logs in to both sides of the game.
If I create an ID in bbPress, I have a WP role of ‘None’. When I subsequently login to WP, my role is flipped to whatever the default is. Done. Vice versa for bbPress.
In reply to: BBpress. Mindset, features and where now? discuss…There has to be some level of organization to a forum, I think we can agree, since without form you have chaos and a splat list of data. Of course, organizing in a way that ‘makes sense’ is in the eye of the beholder.
I can’t visualize something ‘less rigid’ than the current iteration of bbpress type forms, since tags gives you a rather light level of ‘org’. Yeah, you still need some categories, but I don’t see how this negates a hierarchy, except in the case that bbPress cats are fake and, thus, annoying to me. Thinking back on the other forum software I’ve used, though, it’s all been a bit similar. You have a forum and sub-forums under that. So… okay, if that annoys you then, yes, everyone sucks equally
But what’s ‘better’?
The only option that would meet the no-standard output is something like an XML file that you format how you want. Dunno how you’d sort out hierarchy though. You’d probably have to treat everything as equal (i.e. it’s all ‘posted’) with flags for cat, forum and post in the SQL table to sort out output. But … Yeah, I can’t see how to unstructure it more.
But yes, yes, GOD yes, the documentation whomps. Then again, so did WordPresses back in the day
In reply to: BBpress. Mindset, features and where now? discuss…I keep thinking back on this, and I think you’re looking at it the wrong way. I’m not speaking to the HTML/Code side of it, but the concept side. The code side, yeah, some function I would consider default is missing (Unread, maybe Allow Images)
But what’s the difference between a Forum and a Blog?
A blog is a journal. Few people make new topics, many people reply. A forum is … a forum. Many people make new topics, many people reply.
If you feel the code of a Blog is better suited to how you want to run your forum, cool. You want to use the highly structured IPB or phpBB? Have at
I picked bbPress not because of the WP integration (I could care less, really) but because it gave me more options than just
Category -> Forum -> Topic -> Posts
, and because it’s small and lacks a lot of those fancy options.Example? I don’t use categories at all. Don’t need ’em. I have three ‘fora’ for high level organization. I went off the same general idea I use on my Blog. Three categories, a ton of tags.
1) About the site topic ( is about screwdrivers, talk about them)
2) About the Website (the code behind the site, suggestions, ideas, etc)
3) Everything else (screwdrivers are nice, but I have this hammer…)
Three big, broad categories/fora whatever. The tags I sort of let explode. And even then, I’m torn between structure and free form. I want a little structure (so you don’t get tags like ‘hammer’ and ‘hammers’ which really are the same thing), but I also want freedom.
So function. If you can get all that in a blog, have at
Many people do and we call ’em LiveJournal Communities
In reply to: Customizing gravatarsOkay, having tested it a bunch of different ways, I can’t get it to work.
I want to make my own image the ‘default’ for the non-gravatard people (which works fine on WordPress).
In WordPress it’s this:
<?php echo get_avatar(get_comment_author_email(),50,'');?>
For bbpress we have this
on post.php. Passing the URL into that, either on it’s own or as $default doesn’t work.Using
echo bb_get_avatar( bb_get_user_email(post_author()), 48, '' );
didn’t work.I’m gonna keep tossing stuff up against the wall for now.
In reply to: Customize Topic Labelsremove_filter('bb_topic_labels', 'bb_sticky_label', 20);
worked.Now it has images
In reply to: Customize Topic LabelsOkay, now it’s weird. It works perfect for bb_closed_label, but
remove_filter('bb_topic_labels', 'bb_sticky_label');
does nothing.What I tried was
remove_filter('bb_topic_labels', 'bb_sticky_label');
function my_sticky_label( $label ) {
global $topic;
if (is_front()) {
if ( '2' === $topic->topic_sticky ) {
return sprintf(__('<img src="/images/sticky.png" /> %s'), $label);
} else {
if ( '1' === $topic->topic_sticky || '2' === $topic->topic_sticky ) {
return sprintf(__('<img src="/images/sticky.png" /> %s'), $label);
return $label;
add_filter('bb_topic_labels', 'my_sticky_label');When I do that I get [sticky] and then my image. Which is close…
In reply to: vars set in forum.php not holding valueThe first thought I had is to make a functions.php file, and put the variables in there. Or a plugin would probably do it, where the variables are defined and then can be called from.
In reply to: Customize Topic LabelsDoy!
I put that in functions.php in my theme and it works. Thanks!
I need to thaw my brain out.
In reply to: visit bbpress in root dir; store it elsewhereMy first thought on just copying index.php over and changing
didn’t work (which is how it works for wordpress), though it may work if you do that and then changed the location in settings.See for ideas?
In reply to: Role mapping – is it supposed to be two way?They should be added with the lowest privilege, yes. I’ve noticed that they seem to get added as ‘None’ until they log in to WordPress for the first time with a 2.6.3/1.0alpha2 setup.
In reply to: Newsletter pluginYou could use feedburner for your RSS, that comes with an email update option.
In reply to: Problem with sticky topicsThat’s because your topic is already stuck
Click on Unstick topic. Then you get the options again.
In reply to: Problem with sticky topicsIt’s meant to mark the page as it being a sticky post. You can move it around on your template. I have mine show up after the number of replies so it would be Forum Rules (1 post) [sticky]
Look for
<?php bb_topic_labels(); ?>
in your topic.php file.globetrotterdk, you have to look into your wp-config.php file.
On bb-config.php I added in:
define('AUTH_SALT', 'AUTHSALT');
define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', 'LOGGEDINSALT');Which is exactly the same as in my wp-config.php file. And, obviously, it’s not actually set to AUTHSALT but something like UYwE]&We3#
In reply to: How to move a forum?Those plugins come default for 1.0alpha2 under the plugins tab, you have to turn them on. I suspect it’s POSSIBLE if you downloaded the alpha version, they might work in a non-alpha install, but it’s untested.
But really, if you’re just moving your domain, you can pretty much do what you’d do for WordPress or any other PHP/SQL driven site. You have two basic options.
- Download a copy of the main bbpress files from your OLD server to your hard drive and edit wp-config.php to suit the new server.
- Go back to your OLD forum and go to options and change the url (both of them) to that of your new site.
- Download your database (but keep the old one just in case), upload this new database and the copy of the wordpress core files with the edited bb-config.php to your NEW server.
- Install a new forum on the new server.
- Export the forum content from the OLD server into a BBXF file
- Import the data into the new forum.